IS the main stream media responsible for these riots?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Ever since Edward Murrow, the media has taken up this mantel as the ombudsman, the VOICE of the people. The media has rather ambiguous intentions. We can go back to the muckrakers, Ida Tarbel or Nast VS Tammany hall. Or the Hearst newspaper syndicate that sired up the war against Spain in 1898. Modern mainstream media for that matter they have a lot of power to manipulate opinion.
Ever since Edward Murrow, the media has taken up this mantel as the ombudsman, the VOICE of the people. The media has rather ambiguous intentions. We can go back to the muckrakers, Ida Tarbel or Nast VS Tammany hall. Or the Hearst newspaper syndicate that sired up the war against Spain in 1898. Modern mainstream media for that matter they have a lot of power to manipulate opinion.
If you stray away from the murder thats your own damn fault.
Ever since Edward Murrow, the media has taken up this mantel as the ombudsman, the VOICE of the people. The media has rather ambiguous intentions. We can go back to the muckrakers, Ida Tarbel or Nast VS Tammany hall. Or the Hearst newspaper syndicate that sired up the war against Spain in 1898. Modern mainstream media for that matter they have a lot of power to manipulate opinion.

CNN and the other news networks are making a huge killing from the George Floyd riots. Compelling TV, and with the hockey, basketball and baseball seasons on hold, fires on TV can get good ratings.

Sure, CNN is bleeding money.

And yes, they did manipulate this police incident to prominence to promoting Civil Discord.
Ever since Edward Murrow, the media has taken up this mantel as the ombudsman, the VOICE of the people. The media has rather ambiguous intentions. We can go back to the muckrakers, Ida Tarbel or Nast VS Tammany hall. Or the Hearst newspaper syndicate that sired up the war against Spain in 1898. Modern mainstream media for that matter they have a lot of power to manipulate opinion.

Yes, they have a responsibility.
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The media tends to s
Ever since Edward Murrow, the media has taken up this mantel as the ombudsman, the VOICE of the people. The media has rather ambiguous intentions. We can go back to the muckrakers, Ida Tarbel or Nast VS Tammany hall. Or the Hearst newspaper syndicate that sired up the war against Spain in 1898. Modern mainstream media for that matter they have a lot of power to manipulate opinion.
If you stray away from the murder thats your own damn fault.
No, blacks murder each other in far larger numbers than a tiny minority of bad white cops. In fact, thanks to your beautiful response, I am going to ask everyone out there to send in links or videos to prove it.
Rioters are responsible for the riots.
They see a fire and throw gasoline on it.......then act shocked when the gas ignites...........

They would sell their own mothers for ratings........they really do SUCK these days.......they are media anymore...........they are PRAVDA from the times of the USSR
Modern mainstream media for that matter they have a lot of power to manipulate opinion.
If our media told folks to hop around on one foot, and bark like a dog most Americans would not only oblige , they'd be barking at those whom refused to do so.....~S~
Why aren't you wearing a mask?!? :laugh2:

I'M OUTRAGED...........i'm gonna burn the city to the ground....and go STEAL TV'S AND COMPUTERS......

Damn.........that shit didn't happen........maybe because we don't ACT LIKE ANIMALS.

I keep having flashbacks to middle school in 1969 or say Jessup Smolett in 2017 and the boy that cried wolf. RACISM. The media used to have a sense of balance and where looking for a good story and they could ferret out the scammers and tease out a genuine story.. Now? they go for cheap shot anti white yellow journalism. Like, for instance, the MAGA hat smiley white boy that was vilified by the media, CNN, or MSNBC , they had the facts. They just jumps on the get the whitey bandwagon. Because white people or the police are a convenient target, the modern equivalent of the "whipping boy". Lets end that. Please?
I go back to Walter Cronkite, I lived trough the Vietnam era, the CBS evening news. I also lived though the assassination of JFK, King and RFK that was a really bad time for us. Or the police riots in 1968 at the DNC in Chicago. The arrest of Dan Rather. I have a love-hate relationship with the media. I want someone to watch the government or police, but it sure as hell shouldn't be the profit driven media.
The media is responsible for distorting the news. And as always - hyping it.

This is exactly correct.

Its a huge country, and any number of people are being beat on or even killed by the police and security personnel every day of every week. The media made the decision to bring this death in Minneapolis to the forefront and hype it. They could have chosen another story, but they chose this one and make it seem important even for those of us who have never been to Minneapolis, don't live in a Shit Hole City at all, and don't know this Floyd guy from Adam. Had Mr. Floyd been hit by a bus, been beat on by a Somali cop instead of the man he was beat on, been born a Honky instead of black, died of a heart attack, or decided to pass his phony 20's on a bigger news day, we still would have no clue who he was.
Ever since Edward Murrow, the media has taken up this mantel as the ombudsman, the VOICE of the people. The media has rather ambiguous intentions. We can go back to the muckrakers, Ida Tarbel or Nast VS Tammany hall. Or the Hearst newspaper syndicate that sired up the war against Spain in 1898. Modern mainstream media for that matter they have a lot of power to manipulate opinion.


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