Is the excess rainfall in Texas caused by "global warming"...or "souped up MSM BIASED REPORTING??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge

While extreme weather events like droughts and floods occur naturally in Texas, precipitation in the state is becoming more variable, making droughts more potent and increasing the risk of heavy rainfall and flooding, Hayhoe said.
“Science does not say that climate change is CAUSING the extreme rain and drought we’re seeing across the U.S. today, and in recent years,” she said. “Just like steroids make a baseball player stronger, climate change EXACERBATES many of our weather extremes, making many of them, on average, worse than they would have been naturally.”

Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge - Scientific American

The point of this thread though is to show HOW the MSM yes including Scientific American has taken EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like the RULE!

HEADLINES MAKE NEWS.... not the small font details!!!
This is a perfect example of "Souped up headlines" cranking up hysteria, hyperbolic statements and over all misleading information.

Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge

While extreme weather events like droughts and floods occur naturally in Texas, precipitation in the state is becoming more variable, making droughts more potent and increasing the risk of heavy rainfall and flooding, Hayhoe said.
“Science does not say that climate change is CAUSING the extreme rain and drought we’re seeing across the U.S. today, and in recent years,” she said. “Just like steroids make a baseball player stronger, climate change EXACERBATES many of our weather extremes, making many of them, on average, worse than they would have been naturally.”

Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge - Scientific American

The point of this thread though is to show HOW the MSM yes including Scientific American has taken EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like the RULE!

HEADLINES MAKE NEWS.... not the small font details!!!
This is a perfect example of "Souped up headlines" cranking up hysteria, hyperbolic statements and over all misleading information.

Not sure the two are connected, but there's a high-pressure system over western Canada causing the Jet Stream to divert south to Mexico then up through Texas. This might be why it rained so much during that weather system.

While climate chnage isn't ruled out, the more overt and obvious cause would be where the Jet Stream is. Pulling all that southern wind and tropical moisture up through Texas is bound to have an effect.
I know and it is very frustrating to have our supposedly "scientific" community having to you "souped up" headlines to make ad sales.
I surely don't have a problem with "Scientific American" being a capitalist and selling ads but at the same time it is hypocritical to
hype if they are trying to present themselves as "objective"!
They're expecting 6 more inches and evacuating more people - so yeah, Texass is "soup".

Is fox saying none of the catastrophic "weather" is happening at all? Are they saying its all part of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy?

IT fuels MORE ERRATIC WEATHER, IT'S NOT A DIRECT CAUSE OF ANY PARTICULAR EVENT, DINGBAT DUPE. tHE gop ARRGGH LOL. The GOP is the ONLY party in the world still denying...TY, billionaire greedy idiots and hater dupes.
Perhaps climate change might have had something to do with recent flooding but I wonder if growth coupled with the usual new construction over several decades that invariably alters the lay of the land had anything to do with the record flooding seen along the river where homes were washed away.
Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge

While extreme weather events like droughts and floods occur naturally in Texas, precipitation in the state is becoming more variable, making droughts more potent and increasing the risk of heavy rainfall and flooding, Hayhoe said.
“Science does not say that climate change is CAUSING the extreme rain and drought we’re seeing across the U.S. today, and in recent years,” she said. “Just like steroids make a baseball player stronger, climate change EXACERBATES many of our weather extremes, making many of them, on average, worse than they would have been naturally.”

Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge - Scientific American

The point of this thread though is to show HOW the MSM yes including Scientific American has taken EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like the RULE!

HEADLINES MAKE NEWS.... not the small font details!!!
This is a perfect example of "Souped up headlines" cranking up hysteria, hyperbolic statements and over all misleading information.

It's just Mother Nature doing her thing, nothing more. Mother Nature has been doing this since the beginning of time. Mother Nature goes through cycles, and the floods are just another cycle. Everything else you hear and read is just "attention getting fodder" and special interests rhetoric, nothing more.
IT fuels MORE ERRATIC WEATHER, IT'S NOT A DIRECT CAUSE OF ANY PARTICULAR EVENT, DINGBAT DUPE. tHE gop ARRGGH LOL. The GOP is the ONLY party in the world still denying...TY, billionaire greedy idiots and hater dupes.

Look my problem with globalwarmingevangelistas is they are so emotional, hyperbolic and hysterical and none of them have yet
to explain how from 1880 when first temperatures first recorded until the advent of digital equipment the primary basis for the
upward trend was observed by humans reading mercury thermometers and then using pencil/paper recording temperatures.

Using hard to read thermometers like the below and writing them on paper like the below... we have shown a 1.53°F increase.
That and the FACT for 60 years 12.5% of the Earth's land mass was NOT included in the temperature recordings.

Averaged over all land and ocean surfaces, temperatures warmed roughly 1.53°F (0.85ºC) from 1880 to 2012, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Finally with NOAA drops 600 weather reporting stations because they are reporting inaccurate temperature readings!
Temperature readings are biased as NOAA assessed when closing 600 weather stations amid criticism they're situated to report warming thanks to temperature readings from sweltering parking lots, airports and other locations that distort the true state of the climate.
Indeed, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has closed some 600 out of nearly 9,000 weather stations over the past two years that it has deemed problematic or unnecessary, after a long campaign by one critic highlighting the problem of using unreliable data.
Distorted data Feds close 600 weather stations amid criticism they re situated to report warming Fox News


The freaking climate changes every day. The question is whether (pardon the pun) the hypocrite progs are able to blame it on American decadence.
ever noticed people next to a river sometimes get flooded
ever noticed people who live in tornado alley sometimes get tornadoes
ever notice people who live on the east coast not the west coast sometimes get hurricanes there pattern happening here, and it's certainly not the libs version
I blame Obama.

I mean, come on. Texas hates Obama. So then Texas gets a drought that kills all the alfalfa the cows eat, and then a biblical flood. That's not a coincidence!


I kept the oceans from rising, except in Texas. MWA-HA-HA-HA!

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