Is Stephen Paddock a manchurian candidate?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016

This shadowy figure that apparently was on no one's radar with no footprint anywhere in the cyber world just popped up out of nowhere? It's far more likely that the former mailman and accountant that was apparently swimming in money got that money from handlers that prepared him to carry out atrocities to turn public opinion against private gun ownership.

Stephen Paddock, like Sirhan Sirhan, probabky had no conscious idea about what he was about to do or why he was doing it. He was a government Manchurian candidate. This is the only explanation that makes any sense. The US government long ago sold out its people to a global cabal of elitist leaders raising a world military. In the not-to-distant future Russian and Chinese troops will patrol the streets of the US keeping the people in line. But first the people have to be made stupid enough to voluntarily give up their personal defensive weapons. So atrocities committed by government-sponsored sleepers are deployed to sway public opinion. The theory sounds scary but the fact that it makes sense is even scarier

This shadowy figure that apparently was on no one's radar with no footprint anywhere in the cyber world just popped up out of nowhere? It's far more likely that the former mailman and accountant that was apparently swimming in money got that money from handlers that prepared him to carry out atrocities to turn public opinion against private gun ownership.

Stephen Paddock, like Sirhan Sirhan, probabky had no conscious idea about what he was about to do or why he was doing it. He was a government Manchurian candidate. This is the only explanation that makes any sense. The US government long ago sold out its people to a global cabal of elitist leaders raising a world military. In the not-to-distant future Russian and Chinese troops will patrol the streets of the US keeping the people in line. But first the people have to be made stupid enough to voluntarily give up their personal defensive weapons. So atrocities committed by government-sponsored sleepers are deployed to sway public opinion. The theory sounds scary but the fact that it makes sense is even scarier

So you think "In the not-to-distant future Russian and Chinese troops will patrol the streets of the US keeping the people in line." WE GOT A CRAZY HERE ON ISLE 2.... REPEAT......WE GOT A CRAZY ON ISLE 2.... BRING THE STRAIT JACKET BEFORE HE STARTS DOING GOOFY SHIT.

This shadowy figure that apparently was on no one's radar with no footprint anywhere in the cyber world just popped up out of nowhere? It's far more likely that the former mailman and accountant that was apparently swimming in money got that money from handlers that prepared him to carry out atrocities to turn public opinion against private gun ownership.

Stephen Paddock, like Sirhan Sirhan, probabky had no conscious idea about what he was about to do or why he was doing it. He was a government Manchurian candidate. This is the only explanation that makes any sense. The US government long ago sold out its people to a global cabal of elitist leaders raising a world military. In the not-to-distant future Russian and Chinese troops will patrol the streets of the US keeping the people in line. But first the people have to be made stupid enough to voluntarily give up their personal defensive weapons. So atrocities committed by government-sponsored sleepers are deployed to sway public opinion. The theory sounds scary but the fact that it makes sense is even scarier
No he was a patsy like the rest were.

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A world with no wars overseen by a world army? It's right there. It's no conspiracy. The fact that the planning for this event was extensive flies in the face of a theory that a random psychopath just flipped. It makes sense that in the beginning stages attempts will be made to convince the public to turn in their guns. It's the next step after this fails that you won't like. If you don't speak Russian or Chinese you better to be able to outrun bullets.
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The fish rots from the head. It’s disputed where this came from but it’s generally agreed its meaning is that leadership and its elitist legions will always succumb to corruption and betray the people for some “greater good” that without exception benefits leadership at the expense of the people. The US government has succumbed and although it hasn’t set fire to the Constitution (yet) it is well on its way.

There are US codes signed by every US president since 1961 beginning with John Kennedy. They are codes that subvert the US Constitution to the United Nations and a shadowy globalist agenda that does not recognize borders, national sovereignty or militaries. PL87-297 will bring you to the codes. Why US presidents would sign off on these codes is something that should strike fear into the hearts of every US citizen.

It’s generally agreed that Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA because he threatened to “scatter it to the winds”. Kennedy saw no need for secrecy in a free country. But what should scare Americans more than anything else is that the US Constitution is implacable with a world government-it has to be scattered to the winds.

The people will never agree to this unless they are made so stupid that they won’t know what’s really happening until it’s too late. By the time many Americans get hip to the plan they will be disarmed and policed by a non-English-speaking world army.

This is where Stephen Paddock enters the picture. No one can determine a motive because he seemed to materialize as a mass murderer out of nowhere much like Sirhan Sirhan. No violent past, no criminal record, no cyber footprint-nothing. He was swimming in money when he shouldn’t have been-this is classic CIA.

No world army wants to confront an armed populace that would blow the head of the fist stooge to come through the door with a pistol-grip shotgun. Manchurian candidates like Paddock have to be deployed to sway public opinion against private gun ownership.

A world government is coming and Americans are not yet sufficiently stupefied to cave to it but they are getting close. About half the American population gets its political opinions from the entertainment industry which is comical but appalling.

How many politicians do you see calling for the expulsion of the UN from the United States? If you get a number larger than zero try again.
The Chinese now refer to the former Manchuria as "The Northeast", suggesting Paddock was a Northeastern candidate.

However probable, it is still dubious. Unfortunately, there will be facts about this incident that will never be released to the public. This is the reality.
Stephen Paddock killed Abraham Lincoln. If you think otherwise, you are a sheeple.

Paddock bears a striking resemblance to crisis actor Gene Rosen:

Well, if this were one of any mystery novels 5 days out from the day of the crime, the girlfriend would be getting more of the attention...

When did he start dating her? Was it about the same time he began to collect most of his guns and ammunition? Does she know anyone that he seemed to know and talk to? Did he meet with anyone on those cruises they took....? Did he express any malcontent for anyone, or any thing, or any cause?

And where did he make his money? I believe I heard he made it on real estate over the years? but they need to find out WHEN did he become rich and how.... if out of the blue in a certain year, then they need to find out who he had connections to at the time and all that Jazz....

Could be he did make all his money legitimately over the years....or what if it just happened, like 2 years ago? does it relate to her...the woman?

Supposedly she met him at a Casino, maybe even Mandalay Bay? he was a high roller and she was one of the women they send out to please the high rollers with what ever they want kind of thing, like a concierge... yeah, that's it.... ;)

but she was in her 60's, seems like the Hotels would like some bombshell in the "make the high rollers happy happy position?

In one of these mystery books, she could have been put in that position specifically to get to become his girlfriend, for some nefarious you think through most of the book.... Was it the Cia who put her up to the brainwashing? Was it the Russians who put her up to it? Was it the Islamic State that put her up to it? Was it....was it...was it...? :D

but then of course it turns out to be someone else, you never had your sights on, as the culprit! :eek:
There probably isn't enough medical marijuana in the solar system to soothe the attacks of apoplexy that occurred in the US when Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election. It revealed that the people are not yet ready to enter the phase of the sheep mentality necessary to overthrow the US Constitution. The opposition has failed to identify the flaw in their plan. People who are truly free will never relinquish real freedom for the artificial, dictated fairness of a central authority.

The results of this past election demonstrated a tacit rejection of a political establishment that has sold out the interests of the people to a kind of insectoid, global ideal that sees the individual and personal freedom as a threat to the hive. The US Constitution is a formidable obstacle to hive psychology because contained in it is a call to the people to take up arms to defend freedom from government if necessary.

The survival of the hive depends on the disarming of the people. So secretive forces in the government activate susceptible individuals to launch false flag attacks on soft targets like crowds and gatherings to convince the people to turn in their defensive weapons. The current president was elected not because he is a paragon of politics but because he is not. When leadership/political establishment walks so far in front of the people that it loses sight of them then the people will choose another leader to lead them in a different direction.

The government is behind this last attack

This shadowy figure that apparently was on no one's radar with no footprint anywhere in the cyber world just popped up out of nowhere? It's far more likely that the former mailman and accountant that was apparently swimming in money got that money from handlers that prepared him to carry out atrocities to turn public opinion against private gun ownership.

Stephen Paddock, like Sirhan Sirhan, probabky had no conscious idea about what he was about to do or why he was doing it. He was a government Manchurian candidate. This is the only explanation that makes any sense. The US government long ago sold out its people to a global cabal of elitist leaders raising a world military. In the not-to-distant future Russian and Chinese troops will patrol the streets of the US keeping the people in line. But first the people have to be made stupid enough to voluntarily give up their personal defensive weapons. So atrocities committed by government-sponsored sleepers are deployed to sway public opinion. The theory sounds scary but the fact that it makes sense is even scarier
I agree on your overall premise, just some of the details may differ. The Military Industrial Complex is at the heart of our issues, way too much money disappearing through the Pentagon, little over 50% of our national debt now. They do want to get the guns ASAP so they can more easily enact the laws we really won't like.

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