Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece?

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OK I did some more fact checking, and I stand corrected. Snopes represents both political ideologies: liberal and leftist.
When you lean so hard to the right even people that are straight-up look like they're leaning left. You're just mad that they don't march in lock-step with your biases.

That sounds like a really bad Tiny Tim lyric.
Well the lefties are manning their bunkers on this one. The more they scream anything down, the more veracity you know the subject at hand possesses. To me the OP title is simply a muse. It shoud be obvious to anyone who thinks, that Snopes is a DNC sock.

The more people disagree with you, the more correct you must be, huh? That's a lovely piece of batshit.

Can you give us an example of Snopes being inaccurate in a political way? Or is this just more vague insinuation backed by exactly dick?

It's called Right-Wing logic.

Yes, Snopes spends a great deal of bandwidth smearing Bush.

How about you entertain us with some cases where snopes has gotten it wrong,

and, while you're at it,

prove that they've gotten it wrong.

And, of course, we get stunned silence from USMB's biggest pussy (no offense Stephanie, I was speaking figuratively. Your other title remains secure)
How about you entertain us with some cases where snopes has gotten it wrong,

and, while you're at it,

prove that they've gotten it wrong.

Much of what Snopes posts is opinion.

Slacktivism Why Snopes got it Wrong About Internet Petitions - Online Fundraising Advocacy and Social Media -
The Ten O Clock Scholar Snopes Gets It Wrong

And where is the political angle in any of that?

Comrade NYc asked for examples of Snopes posting inaccurate information.

Asked and answered.
How about you entertain us with some cases where snopes has gotten it wrong,

and, while you're at it,

prove that they've gotten it wrong.

Much of what Snopes posts is opinion.

Slacktivism Why Snopes got it Wrong About Internet Petitions - Online Fundraising Advocacy and Social Media -
The Ten O Clock Scholar Snopes Gets It Wrong
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Introduction Warmongering neo-conservative; NRA life member; and (former) professional laser-weapon designer... Supporter of nuclear power, the militarization of Space, and Microsoft's Freedom to Innovate(tm).... In other words, I'm a Classical Liberal!

another totally objective source from unhinged 2008.. next!

Yes, Snopes spends a great deal of bandwidth smearing Bush.

How about you entertain us with some cases where snopes has gotten it wrong,

and, while you're at it,

prove that they've gotten it wrong.

And, of course, we get stunned silence from USMB's biggest pussy (no offense Stephanie, I was speaking figuratively. Your other title remains secure)

Here is more:

Is infallible
Bias in myth-busting?

Some critics argue that embedded in the explanations of Snopes conclusions is a political or social bias, citing the great American essayist E.B. White, who wrote, “I have yet to see a piece of writing, political or non-political, that does not have a slant. All writing slants the way a writer leans, and no man is born perpendicular.”

Snopes even became the subject of an Internet myth itself, a widely distributed e-mail claiming it was owned by “a flaming liberal in the tank for Obama” and that was a less biased myth-busting website.

In response, the Mikkelsons claim to be as neutral as possible and reject the political activist label.

“We have no sponsors, investors, or partners, nor do we have any affiliation or relationship (financial or otherwise) with any political party, religious group, business organization, or any other group or agency,” states
the Snopes FAQ page. “We pay all the costs of producing and operating this website ourselves and derive our income from the advertising it provides.”

For its part, the
TruthOrFiction website mentioned in some of the critical e-mails even produced a piece on the rumor that Snopes “is a secret tool of the Democratic Party to Promote Barack Obama,” labeling the accusation as “fiction.”

WND asked David Mikkelson what safeguards might be in place to prevent bias from creeping into its articles.

“Our safeguard is the millions of readers (including major news organizations, government agencies, universities, and authors) who value our site’s long-established reputation for fairness, accuracy, and reliability,” Mikkelson responded. “We would not maintain such a reputation if we did not consistently apply objective standards in our reporting.”

If you believe that he may have a bridge to sell you too.

So there's a rumor that Mikkielsons are 'flaming liberal think tank'........but no evidence. Yet you believe.

And there's a rumor that Snopes is a 'secret tool of the democratic party to promote Barack Obama'.....but no evidence. Yet you believe again.

I suppose Snopes really has no value for those who don't use evidence as the basis of their beliefs.
OK I did some more fact checking, and I stand corrected. Snopes represents both political ideologies: liberal and leftist.
When you lean so hard to the right even people that are straight-up look like they're leaning left. You're just mad that they don't march in lock-step with your biases.

That sounds like a really bad Tiny Tim lyric.

you should know all about Tiny Tim, who am I to argue.
My blogs

About me
Gender Male
Industry Science
Occupation Physicist
Location Connecticut, United States
Introduction Warmongering neo-conservative; NRA life member; and (former) professional laser-weapon designer... Supporter of nuclear power, the militarization of Space, and Microsoft's Freedom to Innovate(tm).... In other words, I'm a Classical Liberal!

another totally objective source from unhinged 2008.. next!

You cannot counter the information, so demagogue the source. ;thup;

Wazza Commie to do?
How about you entertain us with some cases where snopes has gotten it wrong,

and, while you're at it,

prove that they've gotten it wrong.

Much of what Snopes posts is opinion.

Slacktivism Why Snopes got it Wrong About Internet Petitions - Online Fundraising Advocacy and Social Media -
The Ten O Clock Scholar Snopes Gets It Wrong

And where is the political angle in any of that?

Comrade NYc asked for examples of Snopes posting inaccurate information.

Asked and answered.

What was claimed as fact that was not fact in the Snopes petition article?
So there's a rumor that Mikkielsons are 'flaming liberal think tank'........but no evidence. Yet you believe.

And there's a rumor that Snopes is a 'secret tool of the democratic party to promote Barack Obama'.....but no evidence. Yet you believe again.

I suppose Snopes really has no value for those who don't use evidence as the basis of their beliefs.

The Mikkelson's themselves acknowledge that they started the site to counter "false emails circulating about President Clinton."

When you jump into the political arena, your bias will be examined - even if you are loyal party members...
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