Is Russia plus China equal to US military


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Do you think Russia and China combined are as powerful as US military?!

Am I wrong to see the Democrat party as the biggest threat to Western civilization
Do you think Russia and China combined are as powerful as US military?!

Am I wrong to see the Democrat party as the biggest threat to Western civilization

Oh, fuck no.

Budget wise, I think you have to combine the next 8 biggest militaries to match the US. And in the ability to project power, its not even close. Russia is struggling with Ukraine, right next door and connected to its own train lines. China can't take and hold Taiwan, an island off its coast.

Neither could put boots on the ground in any significant number beyond mercenaries. Our navy is unmatched. We've got twice the carrier deckspace than all other nation's combined. We've got bases around the world. Allies, resources, and one of the most spectacularly defensible geographic locations on the planet.

We've got what? 20 cold water ports? Russia has Vladivostok. Maybe Crimea on a good day, if you're willing to polish Turkey's ass?

We can literally strike anywhere on the planet within a day. Perform sustained aerial bombardment in 2 weeks. Deploy expeditionary forces there within a few weeks, and arrive ready for a major land invasion within 6 months. No one else can do that. Its just the US.

So no. Russia and China combined are not as powerful as the US military.
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Oh, fuck no.

Budget wise, I think you have to combine the next 8 biggest militaries to match the US. And in the ability to project power, its not even close. Russia is struggling with Ukraine, right next door and connected to its own train lines. China can't take and hold Taiwan, an island off its coast.

Neither could put boots on the ground in any significant number beyond mercenaries. Our navy is unmatched. We've got twice the carrier deckspace than all other nation's combined. We've got bases around the world. Allies, resources, access to bases around the world and one of the most spectacularly defensible geographic locations on the planet.

I wish the entire US Military could be obliterated and Americans would be free of the Maoist Democratic Dictatorship
I wish the entire US Military could be obliterated and Americans would be free of the Maoist Democratic Dictatorship

Your murder fantasies are insufficient to surmount the US military's capabilities.
Oh, fuck no.

Budget wise, I think you have to combine the next 8 biggest militaries to match the US. And in the ability to project power, its not even close. Russia is struggling with Ukraine, right next door and connected to its own train lines. China can't take and hold Taiwan, an island off its coast.

Neither could put boots on the ground in any significant number beyond mercenaries. Our navy is unmatched. We've got twice the carrier deckspace than all other nation's combined. We've got bases around the world. Allies, resources, and one of the most spectacularly defensible geographic locations on the planet.

We've got what? 20 cold water ports? Russia has Vladivostok. Maybe Crimea on a good day, if you're willing to polish Turkey's ass?

We can literally strike anywhere on the planet within a day. Perform sustained aerial bombardment in 2 weeks. Deploy expeditionary forces there within a few weeks, and arrive ready for a major land invasion within 6 months. No one else can do that. Its just the US.

So no. Russia and China combined are not as powerful as the US military.
Traditional carriers may be going the way of the Dodo.
Traditional carriers may be going the way of the Dodo.

Maybe. But the carrier's demise as a fighting force has been predicted for about 2 generations now.

And yet here we are. With 11 super carriers in our arsenal, each capable of storing about 80 planes each. Plus bases all over the world.

The US military is so deep in its capacity, its ludicrous. We've got troops, an incredible navy, tanks, we've got transports, we've got logistical support, medical ships, allies, bases, resources, manufacturing capacity to spare.

Its not just carriers.
Maybe. But the carrier's demise as a fighting force has been predicted for about 2 generations now.

And yet here we are. With 11 super carriers in our arsenal, each capable of storing about 80 planes each. Plus bases all over the world.
Notice most of your airwar in Ukraine is drones.
Notice most of your airwar in Ukraine is drones.

Indeed. But notice that almost all of the drones are carrying fairly light explosives and moving at low speeds. They also have very limited air to air capabilities, shockingly low altitude limitations.

An F/A-18 can do so, so much more than a drone at a greater range with a vastly greater payload and vastly greater speed. And then do it again 3 hours later. And again 3 hours after that. An hour if you're going to hot swap.

Drones are super useful. But are basically RPGs that you can steer. And have fuckall in air to air combat capabilities with anything more maneuverable than an attack helicopter.

That's not going to replace a carrier group. At least not anytime soon.
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Oh, fuck no.

Budget wise, I think you have to combine the next 8 biggest militaries to match the US. And in the ability to project power, its not even close. Russia is struggling with Ukraine, right next door and connected to its own train lines. China can't take and hold Taiwan, an island off its coast.

Neither could put boots on the ground in any significant number beyond mercenaries. Our navy is unmatched. We've got twice the carrier deckspace than all other nation's combined. We've got bases around the world. Allies, resources, and one of the most spectacularly defensible geographic locations on the planet.

We've got what? 20 cold water ports? Russia has Vladivostok. Maybe Crimea on a good day, if you're willing to polish Turkey's ass?

We can literally strike anywhere on the planet within a day. Perform sustained aerial bombardment in 2 weeks. Deploy expeditionary forces there within a few weeks, and arrive ready for a major land invasion within 6 months. No one else can do that. Its just the US.

So no. Russia and China combined are not as powerful as the US military.
Funny those drones are taking out armor. How many drones can ya buy for an F18

Yup. But that's more a failure of Russian tactics than anything else. A drone shouldn't be able to. Armor is meant to be deployed with air support and with troops on the ground to screen for incoming missiles/RPGs.

Russia was running their armor in unsupported columns like fucking dipshits in a manner so inept it terrified US military planners. Drones travel at as little as 120MPH. They should be fairly easy to consistently screen for, especially considering that that a javelin missile can travel as fast as mach 1.7. Or about about 1300mph. Literally an order of magnitude faster.

And those can be screened for with the proper support.

Russia was so incompetent with their tactics and their uses of forces that it was immediately obvious that NATO forces could overwhelm their conventional military with shocking ease.

Which means that Russia would be left with its unconventional military capabilities. Nukes.

And how many drones could you buy for one F/A-18. Quite a few. But how long does an F/A-18 last? About 6000 to 10,000 hours. That is literally thousands of sorties. All with vastly greater payloads, greater speed by about an order of magnitude, vastly greater versatility and adaptability, greater range...and here's the kicker: much higher success rates than a drone.

All with better air to air capability. And if outfitted with the proper missiles MUCH better air-to-air capabilities. We've had tomahawk missiles that do much of what modern drones do, but better.....for a very long time. And yet, our carrier groups have only renewed and expanded in their capabilities.

Another major factor is electronic warfare. Russia and other nations (most definitely the US) have developing jamming capacity that will render a drone dumb as a paper airplane if its satellite or RC capacities as disputed. You can definitely fuck with an F/A-18 with electronic warfare, but you can't stop it with that alone.

Again, carrier groups are in no short term danger of being replaced by drones.
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you better learn to speak mandarin if that happens ..

The Democratic party is the BIGGEST THREAT to the Western World

Did you know that consumer price index has gone up 17 percent under Biden
The Democratic party is the BIGGEST THREAT to the Western World

Did you know that consumer price index has gone up 17 percent under Biden

Dude, inflation was a global phenomenon. It went up pretty much around the world in around the same proportions at the exact same time. It had far more to do with the global economy taking off with a roar after COVID than anything Biden or Trump ever did.

Trying to blame Biden specifically for global inflation is silly.

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