Is Reading Too Much Bad For Kids?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Clinging to print can isolate kids and alienate them from the digital world of multitasking

April 18, 2014, by Scott Timberg

Is this guy for real? I read his bio and, while he's based in LA, there's nothing to indicate a basis for such stupidity as this.

His son avidly reads books. Page-turning ones, not Kindle or Nook. And he says this:

Our concern is whether he will find some other kid who shares his enthusiasm. So far, he hasn’t.

I read the remainder of this trash article struggling to keep from heaving up and shaking my head. What is his point? That spending one's time Tweeting or whatever is more important than filling your mind with wonder and awe at the words penned by men and women of talent and information? :eusa_whistle:

Read this trash for yourself, brought to you by aljazeera American of course, @ Is reading too much bad for kids? | Al Jazeera America
Um............did you not read the entire article? It also says this:

On reflection, I realize it’s not my son, or Boog’s daughter, who needs to change: The culture they’re growing up into has lost its sense of what matters. But parenting is not just about preparing kids for careers; it’s about asserting values, and serious reading may be what my family has instead of a religious or ethnic identity. If my son’s peers, or the culture at large, find another god to worship, it will be their loss.

Clinging to print can isolate kids and alienate them from the digital world of multitasking

April 18, 2014, by Scott Timberg

Is this guy for real? I read his bio and, while he's based in LA, there's nothing to indicate a basis for such stupidity as this.

His son avidly reads books. Page-turning ones, not Kindle or Nook. And he says this:

Our concern is whether he will find some other kid who shares his enthusiasm. So far, he hasn’t.

I read the remainder of this trash article struggling to keep from heaving up and shaking my head. What is his point? That spending one's time Tweeting or whatever is more important than filling your mind with wonder and awe at the words penned by men and women of talent and information? :eusa_whistle:

Read this trash for yourself, brought to you by aljazeera American of course, @ Is reading too much bad for kids? | Al Jazeera America

You were working so hard to prove what you had already decided, you didn't bother to read what he really wrote.
It's the lefts war on books. Can Farenheit 451 be far behind?

You're an idiot.

Its the right that refers to people with educations as "elitists".
Its the right that is against education.

You're not just an idiot though. You didn't READ the link either.
I guess it depends entirely on what they read. Knowledge in itself is a good thing. I would rather have kids that are into reading than kids glued to a computer or TV screen.
In the end I guess it all comes down to the kids IQ’s. If they have a high IQ’s they will do alright and get by in life (generalizing here). If they have a below average IQ’s they will have a harder time.
The book ‘The Bell Curve’ by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein describes the effect of IQ in American society. The book shows that high IQ individuals end up on top even if they start at the bottom (low socioeconomic backgrounds).
I guess it depends entirely on what they read. Knowledge in itself is a good thing. I would rather have kids that are into reading than kids glued to a computer or TV screen.
In the end I guess it all comes down to the kids IQ’s. If they have a high IQ’s they will do alright and get by in life (generalizing here). If they have a below average IQ’s they will have a harder time.
The book ‘The Bell Curve’ by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein describes the effect of IQ in American society. The book shows that high IQ individuals end up on top even if they start at the bottom (low socioeconomic backgrounds).

I would be a little careful about the methodology and conclusions presented in "The Bell Curve". It doesn't stand up very well in peer review. That's a polite way of saying it is a political hatchet job with no intellectual integrity and no acceptance by anyone with any standing in educational administration or educational statistics. And guess who paid for the "research"?

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