Is Our System of Checks and Balances Out of Whack?

So then, you are for enforcing the constitution?

...and want to change it?

Then what is your preferred method for changing it?
After almost 230 years? Starting over, like they did (and expected us to)...

So, you want a con-con, and rewrite the whole constitution then I assume?
I'm open to that but most aren't. Far too risky they believe.
So then, you are for enforcing the constitution?

...and want to change it?

Then what is your preferred method for changing it?
After almost 230 years? Starting over, like they did (and expected us to)...

So, you want a con-con, and rewrite the whole constitution then I assume?
I'm open to that but most aren't. Far too risky they believe.

Well, at least you were honest about it. Thanks for the reply.
With the recent event of Justice Scalia's death I've been thinking about something I don't believe most people have even considered. We have a federal government split into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial, with a set up checks and balances meant to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful. If the sudden death of one man on a court consequently throws our entire nation into turmoil maybe these checks aren't so well balanced anymore. Something to ponder.

If Congress would just do their job as described in the Constitution.

The system works, but politicians try to game it to get some perceived advantage.

Wow, getting a lot of mileage from all your sock accounts with this
Think about who is spreading that.
How do you know for sure that he has done so?
Because I have literally watched Trump for years. The man is a fiscal conservative mostly but has ALWAYS held liberal positions on social issues. That is of course until he ran for president

I have too.
He has some liberal positions, not all are them are liberal.
For Dems to vote for him it's needed.
We don't need to pander to democrats to win an election. That would be patently stupid.

It is not a matter of pandering to anyone.
There was a time in this country when R's and D's voted together for our President,
Those days are long gone dear.

I see reports & polls that Dems want to vote for Trump.
Because I have literally watched Trump for years. The man is a fiscal conservative mostly but has ALWAYS held liberal positions on social issues. That is of course until he ran for president

I have too.
He has some liberal positions, not all are them are liberal.
For Dems to vote for him it's needed.
We don't need to pander to democrats to win an election. That would be patently stupid.

It is not a matter of pandering to anyone.
There was a time in this country when R's and D's voted together for our President,
Those days are long gone dear.

I see reports & polls that Dems want to vote for Trump.
Look at their other options lol. A liar or a nut
I know i'm gonna sound like a bitter cynic, but i now tend to believe our 'System of Checks & Balances' was always a fairy tale illusion. The President of the United States for example, has been given almost unlimited powers. We're basically a Dictatorship now.
Yeah, a biter cynic..
With the recent event of Justice Scalia's death I've been thinking about something I don't believe most people have even considered. We have a federal government split into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial, with a set up checks and balances meant to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful. If the sudden death of one man on a court consequently throws our entire nation into turmoil maybe these checks aren't so well balanced anymore. Something to ponder.

The Founding Fathers created a FREE Constitutional Republic where our rights were protected by the Constitution (1787)

Unfortunately , in the early 1900's that concept was abandoned in favor of a fascistic democracy where our rights depend on majorities or SCOTUS 5 to 4 opinions.

If we RESTORE then enforce the Constitution (1787) then

if a Socialist like Comrade Sanders gets elected the rest us do not have to be concerned because NONE of his policies will be implemented without AMENDING the Constitution.

If an anti-gunner gets elected it doesn't matter - the Constitution must be amended in order for our absolute right to bear arms to be adversely affected..

Unfortunately , the system has been corrupted , now a community organizer can be elected as president and he can act like he has the authority to regulate firearms even though the Constitution (1787) has NOT been amended to give the federal government and the president the authority to regulate firearms.

Americans are forced to attend government schools wherein they are indoctrinated to accept government pronouncements as the law of the land.
We don't live in 1789, nor did they expect us to live by the rules they created. And so ends that.


Ahem, no they were not since tariffs were put on import goods, which was a non-liberal position..Individual freedom? I believe the slaves did not..
With the recent event of Justice Scalia's death I've been thinking about something I don't believe most people have even considered. We have a federal government split into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial, with a set up checks and balances meant to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful. If the sudden death of one man on a court consequently throws our entire nation into turmoil maybe these checks aren't so well balanced anymore. Something to ponder.

Leonard, what you’re experiencing is a classic Jungian crisis in which the aging individual mourns the loss of the never-to-be realized ideal family unit.....the Germans have a term for what you’re feeling. Weltschmerz. It means the depression that arises from comparing the world as it is to a hypothetical, idealized world.

I think we sometimes forget that our system of government was not meant to be perfect. It was meant to be precisely imperfect. There was one over-riding goal, which was to prevent power from being concentrated easily. If Scalia's death "consequently throws our entire nation into turnmoil" (which is an unjustified claim, btw, because all it has done is resulting in alot of talk and debate) then it is evidence that in fact our system of checks and balances is in working order.
With the recent event of Justice Scalia's death I've been thinking about something I don't believe most people have even considered. We have a federal government split into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial, with a set up checks and balances meant to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful. If the sudden death of one man on a court consequently throws our entire nation into turmoil maybe these checks aren't so well balanced anymore. Something to ponder.

The Founding Fathers created a FREE Constitutional Republic where our rights were protected by the Constitution (1787)

Unfortunately , in the early 1900's that concept was abandoned in favor of a fascistic democracy where our rights depend on majorities or SCOTUS 5 to 4 opinions.

If we RESTORE then enforce the Constitution (1787) then

if a Socialist like Comrade Sanders gets elected the rest us do not have to be concerned because NONE of his policies will be implemented without AMENDING the Constitution.

If an anti-gunner gets elected it doesn't matter - the Constitution must be amended in order for our absolute right to bear arms to be adversely affected..

Unfortunately , the system has been corrupted , now a community organizer can be elected as president and he can act like he has the authority to regulate firearms even though the Constitution (1787) has NOT been amended to give the federal government and the president the authority to regulate firearms.

Americans are forced to attend government schools wherein they are indoctrinated to accept government pronouncements as the law of the land.
We don't live in 1789, nor did they expect us to live by the rules they created. And so ends that.

And that document allows for the growth into modern times,
It is just that we have abandoned the process and the Feds have done as they please.
The document allowed us to make what we have, and it should have been rewritten long ago. They sure as hell thought it would be.

You don't live in a banana republic, you just think you do because you don't like it.
The federal government is the very definition of a banana republic, the tax, spend and print policies of the last several decades have seen to that. Dumbass
We have a debt that is too large to ever pay, we spend like it's going out style and for no good reasons at all, we print for the most foolish of reasons, we tax for the most obtrusive of reasons(obamacare/socialist entitlement programs)...

The cherry on the top... We have a total whack a doodle socialist running for president of the United States, what a fucking joke...
With the recent event of Justice Scalia's death I've been thinking about something I don't believe most people have even considered. We have a federal government split into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial, with a set up checks and balances meant to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful. If the sudden death of one man on a court consequently throws our entire nation into turmoil maybe these checks aren't so well balanced anymore. Something to ponder.

The SCJ have lifetime appointments. Ginsburg for example doesn't appear to have the mental capacity or energy to remain on the bench. Yet she remains on the bench to push her ACLU agenda.

I do not think SCJ should be elected, since it would be too political, but I think they should be appointed for set period of time.

I do like that the senate must affirm the President's selection.

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