Is Obama Really Brilliant?

Except you of course.

Good one, you really got me that time. How can I possibly recover from such a devastating blow.

Of course I did.

Obama apologists have never been accused of being overly bright.

I'm sure you think so......that's how smart you are.
When someone has you by the balls stop moving, and ask politely for them to let go.

So called conservatives on this forum do a lot more talking about how crushingly effective their arguments are than ever do in actually making any arguments.
Your nuts turning any strange colors yet? Stop talking and just ask for mercy.
Except you of course.

Good one, you really got me that time. How can I possibly recover from such a devastating blow.

Of course I did.

Obama apologists have never been accused of being overly bright.

I'm sure you think so......that's how smart you are.

Not at all but YOU have supported him through EVERY scandal screaming the REPUBS made them ALL up.

That is patently stupid.

I don't know if Obama is a good President or not, it's hard to tell with all the constant background noise. History will judge. One thing I do know for sure though, 90% of the criticism directed at this President is 100% bullshit.
If you can't tell he's a complete failure at this point it sure explains why you're Discombobulated.
Good one, you really got me that time. How can I possibly recover from such a devastating blow.

Of course I did.

Obama apologists have never been accused of being overly bright.

I'm sure you think so......that's how smart you are.
When someone has you by the balls stop moving, and ask politely for them to let go.

So called conservatives on this forum do a lot more talking about how crushingly effective their arguments are than ever do in actually making any arguments.
Your nuts turning any strange colors yet? Stop talking and just ask for mercy.
Here's something more on your level.

Good one, you really got me that time. How can I possibly recover from such a devastating blow.

Of course I did.

Obama apologists have never been accused of being overly bright.

I'm sure you think so......that's how smart you are.

Not at all but YOU have supported him through EVERY scandal screaming the REPUBS made them ALL up.

That is patently stupid.

I don't know if Obama is a good President or not, it's hard to tell with all the constant background noise. History will judge. One thing I do know for sure though, 90% of the criticism directed at this President is 100% bullshit.
If you can't tell he's a complete failure at this point it sure explains why you're Discombobulated.

You're a lot more perceptive than your posts let on, maybe you're just saving the good stuff for later.
No. He knew he was going to be president back when he was living at the family home of Bill Ayers. His parents payed for Obama's education - Bill Ayers father was a communist just as he is. The mailman for the Ayers family remembers meeting him and Obama telling him that he was going to be the president. In a very matter of fact way. There is much more to the story because you see, Obama's history has been completely erased. School records, family history details - numerous social security numbers, grandmother worked in a gov. job / dept in Hawaii that gave her access to social security numbers of the deceased. There is much evidence that leads to this having been carefully planned. I don't believe Obama will leave in 2016. I believe he has no intention of leaving. Whatever crisis that would warrant such a stay I'm sure he can manage to arrange it. He's been arranging quite a lot that isn't acceptable. Czars, ruling by EO, etc. It wouldn't surprise me, nevertheless, I still believe God is in full control. He has permitted all of this to take place for His own purposes and plans.
Are you nuts? The only known connection between Obama and Ayers was that they sat on a board together and that Ayers was one of about a dozen or so people in his community to host a "meet and greet" luncheon for the neighborhood to get to meet Obama when he decided to run for public office.

Ayers father was a friend of Frank Marshall you homework asshole.
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.
No. He knew he was going to be president back when he was living at the family home of Bill Ayers. His parents payed for Obama's education - Bill Ayers father was a communist just as he is. The mailman for the Ayers family remembers meeting him and Obama telling him that he was going to be the president. In a very matter of fact way. There is much more to the story because you see, Obama's history has been completely erased. School records, family history details - numerous social security numbers, grandmother worked in a gov. job / dept in Hawaii that gave her access to social security numbers of the deceased. There is much evidence that leads to this having been carefully planned. I don't believe Obama will leave in 2016. I believe he has no intention of leaving. Whatever crisis that would warrant such a stay I'm sure he can manage to arrange it. He's been arranging quite a lot that isn't acceptable. Czars, ruling by EO, etc. It wouldn't surprise me, nevertheless, I still believe God is in full control. He has permitted all of this to take place for His own purposes and plans.
Jeremiah, our beloved president Obama is your fellow Christian brother and you shouldn't be speaking ill against him.

Jesus doesn't like it. ...... :cool:
No. He knew he was going to be president back when he was living at the family home of Bill Ayers. His parents payed for Obama's education - Bill Ayers father was a communist just as he is. The mailman for the Ayers family remembers meeting him and Obama telling him that he was going to be the president. In a very matter of fact way. There is much more to the story because you see, Obama's history has been completely erased. School records, family history details - numerous social security numbers, grandmother worked in a gov. job / dept in Hawaii that gave her access to social security numbers of the deceased. There is much evidence that leads to this having been carefully planned. I don't believe Obama will leave in 2016. I believe he has no intention of leaving. Whatever crisis that would warrant such a stay I'm sure he can manage to arrange it. He's been arranging quite a lot that isn't acceptable. Czars, ruling by EO, etc. It wouldn't surprise me, nevertheless, I still believe God is in full control. He has permitted all of this to take place for His own purposes and plans.
Are you nuts? The only known connection between Obama and Ayers was that they sat on a board together and that Ayers was one of about a dozen or so people in his community to host a "meet and greet" luncheon for the neighborhood to get to meet Obama when he decided to run for public office.

Ayers father was a friend of Frank Marshall you homework asshole.
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.

Projection,you Lefty's find yourselves excusing very damaging associations to protect "The Boi".

It's very sad actually.
Never mind both Jarret's and Axelrod's father's were communists.
No people are just overly stupid.
No the people that voted for him the 2nd time are overly stupid!
His election was because he was black and most Iowans knew noththing about him other then if they literally (in Iowa primary you literally stood for your candidate!) didn't stand for Obama with the hordes of microphones/reporters around them asking "are you not voting for Obama because he is black"? they would be perceived as "racist". Almost everyone that voted the first time for Obama didn't vote for his experience. They didn't vote for his knowledge.
They voted for "HOPE and CHANGE" that the black man offered. By the way Obama was the first person to raise the issue of his being black contrary to most
people's assumptions that any one stupid enough to raise that issue would be elected!!!
"They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.
And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet
No people are just overly stupid.
No the people that voted for him the 2nd time are overly stupid!
His election was because he was black and most Iowans knew noththing about him other then if they literally (in Iowa primary you literally stood for your candidate!) didn't stand for Obama with the hordes of microphones/reporters around them asking "are you not voting for Obama because he is black"? they would be perceived as "racist". Almost everyone that voted the first time for Obama didn't vote for his experience. They didn't vote for his knowledge.
They voted for "HOPE and CHANGE" that the black man offered. By the way Obama was the first person to raise the issue of his being black contrary to most
people's assumptions that any one stupid enough to raise that issue would be elected!!!
"They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.
And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet
That's what I was talking about the second time.
Intelligence isn't one-size-fits-all. Obama is clearly very intelligent, he just has zero executive experience or temperament and it shows.

As much as many people either don't know or won't admit, being an effective executive with managerial functions is a very difficult job that requires a specific and significantly advanced skill set.

Of course, many think that anyone who advanced beyond them into managerial positions don't deserve that and didn't earn that and cheated someone to get that 'n stuff, but they're not interested in what happens in the real world.

What's "very intelligent" though?

He's not in the ranks of professors. He's not in the ranks of physicians. He's not in the ranks of engineers.

At 130 IQ a person is in the top 2.3% of the population and Obama's not at that level, he admitted that he received affirmative action in university. I'd put in about 120+ or so. A number of his University of Chicago colleagues have observed that he mimics the affectations of an intellectual but doesn't actually say much of anything that is original, so he appears more intelligent than he actually is.
Again... as someone earlier mentioned... He is Chance-- (played by Peter Sellers)...simple, sheltered gardener becomes an unlikely trusted adviser to a powerful businessman and an insider in Washington politics.... in the movie "Being There"! Everytime I see Obama speak I'm reminded of some of Chance's memorable lines...

[With other poor black seniors, watching Chance on TV]
Louise: It's for sure a white man's world in America. Look here: I raised that boy since he was the size of a piss-ant. And I'll say right now, he never learned to read and write. No, sir. Had no brains at all. Was stuffed with rice pudding between th' ears. Shortchanged by the Lord, and dumb as a jackass. Look at him now! Yes, sir, all you've gotta be is white in America, to get whatever you want. Gobbledy-gook!

[Riding in a car for the first time]
Chance the Gardener: This is just like television, only you can see much further.

Obama recently said:
( - Speaking in a video message to residents of West African countries currently experiencing outbreaks of Ebola, President Barack Obama dispensed advice on how residents can avoid the disease, including:
"You cannot get it through casual contact like sitting next to someone on a bus."

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is advising Americans who travel to the Ebola-stricken nations to "avoid public transportation!!!
Obama You Can t Get Ebola Sitting Next to Someone on a Bus CDC Avoid Public Transportation CNS News
No. He knew he was going to be president back when he was living at the family home of Bill Ayers. His parents payed for Obama's education - Bill Ayers father was a communist just as he is. The mailman for the Ayers family remembers meeting him and Obama telling him that he was going to be the president. In a very matter of fact way. There is much more to the story because you see, Obama's history has been completely erased. School records, family history details - numerous social security numbers, grandmother worked in a gov. job / dept in Hawaii that gave her access to social security numbers of the deceased. There is much evidence that leads to this having been carefully planned. I don't believe Obama will leave in 2016. I believe he has no intention of leaving. Whatever crisis that would warrant such a stay I'm sure he can manage to arrange it. He's been arranging quite a lot that isn't acceptable. Czars, ruling by EO, etc. It wouldn't surprise me, nevertheless, I still believe God is in full control. He has permitted all of this to take place for His own purposes and plans.
Are you nuts? The only known connection between Obama and Ayers was that they sat on a board together and that Ayers was one of about a dozen or so people in his community to host a "meet and greet" luncheon for the neighborhood to get to meet Obama when he decided to run for public office.

Ayers father was a friend of Frank Marshall you homework asshole.
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.

Projection,you Lefty's find yourselves excusing very damaging associations to protect "The Boi".

It's very sad actually.
Never mind both Jarret's and Axelrod's father's were communists.
Despite your rightie delusions, the only connection between Ayers and Obama remains the board they sat on together and the "meet and greet" Ayers hosted.

That's it ... anything beyond that is ODS rightwingnuttiness.
No. He knew he was going to be president back when he was living at the family home of Bill Ayers. His parents payed for Obama's education - Bill Ayers father was a communist just as he is. The mailman for the Ayers family remembers meeting him and Obama telling him that he was going to be the president. In a very matter of fact way. There is much more to the story because you see, Obama's history has been completely erased. School records, family history details - numerous social security numbers, grandmother worked in a gov. job / dept in Hawaii that gave her access to social security numbers of the deceased. There is much evidence that leads to this having been carefully planned. I don't believe Obama will leave in 2016. I believe he has no intention of leaving. Whatever crisis that would warrant such a stay I'm sure he can manage to arrange it. He's been arranging quite a lot that isn't acceptable. Czars, ruling by EO, etc. It wouldn't surprise me, nevertheless, I still believe God is in full control. He has permitted all of this to take place for His own purposes and plans.
Are you nuts? The only known connection between Obama and Ayers was that they sat on a board together and that Ayers was one of about a dozen or so people in his community to host a "meet and greet" luncheon for the neighborhood to get to meet Obama when he decided to run for public office.

Ayers father was a friend of Frank Marshall you homework asshole.
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.

Projection,you Lefty's find yourselves excusing very damaging associations to protect "The Boi".

It's very sad actually.
Never mind both Jarret's and Axelrod's father's were communists.
Despite your rightie delusions, the only connection between Ayers and Obama remains the board they sat on together and the "meet and greet" Ayers hosted.

That's it ... anything beyond that is rightwingnuttiness.

Translation: "nuh-uh because you are just a poopy head that I don't like."
Are you nuts? The only known connection between Obama and Ayers was that they sat on a board together and that Ayers was one of about a dozen or so people in his community to host a "meet and greet" luncheon for the neighborhood to get to meet Obama when he decided to run for public office.

Ayers father was a friend of Frank Marshall you homework asshole.
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.

Projection,you Lefty's find yourselves excusing very damaging associations to protect "The Boi".

It's very sad actually.
Never mind both Jarret's and Axelrod's father's were communists.
Despite your rightie delusions, the only connection between Ayers and Obama remains the board they sat on together and the "meet and greet" Ayers hosted.

That's it ... anything beyond that is rightwingnuttiness.

Translation: "nuh-uh because you are just a poopy head that I don't like."
You be sure to let me know when you have actual evidence that the connection between Ayers and Obama extends beyond the aforementioned. Until then, you have nothing. :dunno:
No. He knew he was going to be president back when he was living at the family home of Bill Ayers. His parents payed for Obama's education - Bill Ayers father was a communist just as he is. The mailman for the Ayers family remembers meeting him and Obama telling him that he was going to be the president. In a very matter of fact way. There is much more to the story because you see, Obama's history has been completely erased. School records, family history details - numerous social security numbers, grandmother worked in a gov. job / dept in Hawaii that gave her access to social security numbers of the deceased. There is much evidence that leads to this having been carefully planned. I don't believe Obama will leave in 2016. I believe he has no intention of leaving. Whatever crisis that would warrant such a stay I'm sure he can manage to arrange it. He's been arranging quite a lot that isn't acceptable. Czars, ruling by EO, etc. It wouldn't surprise me, nevertheless, I still believe God is in full control. He has permitted all of this to take place for His own purposes and plans.
Are you nuts? The only known connection between Obama and Ayers was that they sat on a board together and that Ayers was one of about a dozen or so people in his community to host a "meet and greet" luncheon for the neighborhood to get to meet Obama when he decided to run for public office.

Ayers father was a friend of Frank Marshall you homework asshole.
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.

Projection,you Lefty's find yourselves excusing very damaging associations to protect "The Boi".

It's very sad actually.
Never mind both Jarret's and Axelrod's father's were communists.
Despite your rightie delusions, the only connection between Ayers and Obama remains the board they sat on together and the "meet and greet" Ayers hosted.

That's it ... anything beyond that is ODS rightwingnuttiness.

There are other connections between Obama and Ayers:
The same year the two men met through the Annenberg Challenge, Ayers hosted a meet-and-greet coffee for Obama, who was running for state Senate and who lived three blocks away from him.
Obama and Ayers also were on the board of an antipoverty charity, the Woods Fund of Chicago, where their service overlapped from 2000 to 2002. And Ayers contributed $200 to Obama’s campaign for the Illinois state Senate on March 2, 2001.
8216 He Lied 8217 About Bill Ayers
Obama was chosen for one reason. His skin color so they could use Racism against anyone who said anything against him or went against his party's "visions" and shut down any criticism and opposition to him

No other reason because the man had nothing of experience not even a full term in Congress before he decided to BLESS us with his running for President

the sad thing is so many fell for it. That's why they hit the colleges so hard and often. What experience in politics and LIFE really do they have?
Ayers father was a friend of Frank Marshall you homework asshole.
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.

Projection,you Lefty's find yourselves excusing very damaging associations to protect "The Boi".

It's very sad actually.
Never mind both Jarret's and Axelrod's father's were communists.
Despite your rightie delusions, the only connection between Ayers and Obama remains the board they sat on together and the "meet and greet" Ayers hosted.

That's it ... anything beyond that is rightwingnuttiness.

Translation: "nuh-uh because you are just a poopy head that I don't like."
You be sure to let me know when you have actual evidence that the connection between Ayers and Obama extends beyond the aforementioned. Until then, you have nothing. :dunno:

If I posted pictures of them sitting at a BBQ you'd claim they were photo shopped.

You don't hang with people like Ayers, Rezko, Wright, Jarrett, Axelrod, Rashid Kahlidi ,
Van Jones and on and on and on and not be LIKE them.
Obama was chosen for one reason. His skin color so they could use Racism against anyone who said anything against him or went against his party's "visions" and shut down any criticism and opposition to him

No other reason because the man had nothing of experience not even a full term in Congress before he decided to BLESS us with his running for President

the sad thing is so many fell for it. That's why they hit the colleges so hard and often. What experience in politics and LIFE really do they have?
Absolutely 100% right!
If you KNOW nothing about someone as most people that voted for Obama knew NOTHING... then the ONLY reason for them to vote was because they would NOT dare think they were racist by not voting for him as that would be their ONLY characteristic they knew for sure.
These ignorant uninformed Obama voters when asked would say "Oh we need HOPE and CHANGE"...without knowing anything about Obama's desire to
as Michele said "transform" America!
Obama was chosen for one reason. His skin color so they could use Racism against anyone who said anything against him or went against his party's "visions" and shut down any criticism and opposition to him

No other reason because the man had nothing of experience not even a full term in Congress before he decided to BLESS us with his running for President

the sad thing is so many fell for it. That's why they hit the colleges so hard and often. What experience in politics and LIFE really do they have?
Absolutely 100% right!
If you KNOW nothing about someone as most people that voted for Obama knew NOTHING... then the ONLY reason for them to vote was because they would NOT dare think they were racist by not voting for him as that would be their ONLY characteristic they knew for sure.
These ignorant uninformed Obama voters when asked would say "Oh we need HOPE and CHANGE"...without knowing anything about Obama's desire to
as Michele said "transform" America!

yep, but we are in for a world of hurt if so many can FALL for someone who speaks over them (like Obama does all the time with nonsense like, I'm going to stop the seas rising and heal the planet). where you can't make out what they are for but yet they elected him.

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