Is Obama Really Brilliant?

Are you nuts? The only known connection between Obama and Ayers was that they sat on a board together and that Ayers was one of about a dozen or so people in his community to host a "meet and greet" luncheon for the neighborhood to get to meet Obama when he decided to run for public office.

Ayers father was a friend of Frank Marshall you homework asshole.
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.

Projection,you Lefty's find yourselves excusing very damaging associations to protect "The Boi".

It's very sad actually.
Never mind both Jarret's and Axelrod's father's were communists.
Despite your rightie delusions, the only connection between Ayers and Obama remains the board they sat on together and the "meet and greet" Ayers hosted.

That's it ... anything beyond that is ODS rightwingnuttiness.

There are other connections between Obama and Ayers:
The same year the two men met through the Annenberg Challenge, Ayers hosted a meet-and-greet coffee for Obama, who was running for state Senate and who lived three blocks away from him.
Obama and Ayers also were on the board of an antipoverty charity, the Woods Fund of Chicago, where their service overlapped from 2000 to 2002. And Ayers contributed $200 to Obama’s campaign for the Illinois state Senate on March 2, 2001.
8216 He Lied 8217 About Bill Ayers

I point out the only connections between Obama and Ayers were that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for Obama ... and you counter that with, "there are other connections between Obama and Ayers," but then you repeat the two I mentioned. :cuckoo:
So now you're playing the 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon game to make up a connection between Ayers and Obama???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hmmm ... let's see now ... Bill Ayers is the son of Tom Ayers ... Tom Ayers was a friend of Frank Marshall Davis ... Frank Marshall Davis was the father and sexual molester of Barack Obama ... Obama was a terrorist with Bill Ayers. You rightwingers are actually getting kookier.

Again, the only verifiable connection between the two is that they sat on a board together and Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for an upcoming politician.

Projection,you Lefty's find yourselves excusing very damaging associations to protect "The Boi".

It's very sad actually.
Never mind both Jarret's and Axelrod's father's were communists.
Despite your rightie delusions, the only connection between Ayers and Obama remains the board they sat on together and the "meet and greet" Ayers hosted.

That's it ... anything beyond that is rightwingnuttiness.

Translation: "nuh-uh because you are just a poopy head that I don't like."
You be sure to let me know when you have actual evidence that the connection between Ayers and Obama extends beyond the aforementioned. Until then, you have nothing. :dunno:

If I posted pictures of them sitting at a BBQ you'd claim they were photo shopped.

You don't hang with people like Ayers, Rezko, Wright, Jarrett, Axelrod, Rashid Kahlidi ,
Van Jones and on and on and on and not be LIKE them.
You have nothing.
The Chicago Tribune, after examining the records, said they showed
Ayers and Obama
"attended board meetings,
retreats and at least one news conference together as the education program got under way."

It also said Obama and Ayers "continued to attend meetings together during the 1995-2001 operation of the program."
The story played on page 2. According to the New York Times, the documents show
the two attended just six board meetings together,
Obama as chairman and Ayers to inform the board on grantees and other issues. (In a press release, the McCain campaign puts the number of meetings at seven, five of them in 1995, one in 1996 and one in 1997.) Ayers was an "ex officio" member of the board for the first year of the project.
8216 He Lied 8217 About Bill Ayers
And consider this.. is funded by, and is a project of, the Annenberg Public Policy Center, which was established by the Annenberg Foundation with a $20 million endowment in 1993. The Annenberg Foundation also made additional grants to support our work..

Pretty damn cozy if you ask me! Annenberg Foundation funding Ayers/Obama/ incestuous is a more proper description!
We knew everything there was to know about George Bush's Yale education including his grades and the creepy frat clubs he belonged to. What do we know about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's education besides the documents that the media ignores such as video evidence that he received special education grants for being born in a foreign country. The record of Hussein's entire education is locked in a freaking vault and the mainstream media isn't curious enough to make an issue about it.
The Chicago Tribune, after examining the records, said they showed
Ayers and Obama
"attended board meetings,
and at least one news conference together as the education program got under way."

It also said Obama and Ayers "continued to attend meetings together during the 1995-2001 operation of the program."
The story played on page 2. According to the New York Times, the documents show
the two attended just six board meetings together,
Obama as chairman and Ayers to inform the board on grantees and other issues. (In a press release, the McCain campaign puts the number of meetings at seven, five of them in 1995, one in 1996 and one in 1997.) Ayers was an "ex officio" member of the board for the first year of the project.
8216 He Lied 8217 About Bill Ayers
And consider this.. is funded by, and is a project of, the Annenberg Public Policy Center, which was established by the Annenberg Foundation with a $20 million endowment in 1993. The Annenberg Foundation also made additional grants to support our work..

Pretty damn cozy if you ask me! Annenberg Foundation funding Ayers/Obama/ incestuous is a more proper description!
How many times are you going to repeat what I said?

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