Is Obama A Racist?


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
I have thought so for many months now. I thought no one else did until I read this interesting article, below. I DO very much think Obama is a racist, and I think the author of this article thinks so too and admire him for speaking "outside the political box.".

Iowa Rep. Steve King said he is performing a public service by accusing President Obama of favoring blacks over whites.

"I'm standing up against something that is or could become racism," King told on Wednesday.

The Iowa Republican said he didn't misspeak when he told a nationally syndicated radio show on Monday that President Obama favors blacks over whites. King told the G. Gordon Liddy show that Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder repeatedly demonstrate an unjust preference toward minorities.

King told that his comments alluded to a July 2009 incident in which a white police officer in Cambridge, Mass., arrested a black professor for disorderly conduct.

Before knowing all the facts, Obama said Sgt. James Crowley acted "stupidly" when he apprehended Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr. outside his home. Obama later said he did not intend to malign the police offer -- and invited the two men to a "beer summit" at the White House -- but King claims his initial remarks showed a "built-in defense mechanism" that favors minorities.

King said Obama's first public statement on the incident "brought up race in the beginning" and "concluded with race."

The three-term congressman repeated his claim that Obama has "a default mechanism that breaks down on the side of the minority."

Much more: - Iowa Congressman Makes No Apologies for His Comments About Obama Favoring Minorities
I have thought so for many months now. I thought no one else did until I read this interesting article, below. I DO very much think Obama is a racist, and I think the author of this article thinks so too and admire him for speaking "outside the political box.".

Iowa Rep. Steve King said he is performing a public service by accusing President Obama of favoring blacks over whites.

"I'm standing up against something that is or could become racism," King told on Wednesday.

The Iowa Republican said he didn't misspeak when he told a nationally syndicated radio show on Monday that President Obama favors blacks over whites. King told the G. Gordon Liddy show that Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder repeatedly demonstrate an unjust preference toward minorities.

King told that his comments alluded to a July 2009 incident in which a white police officer in Cambridge, Mass., arrested a black professor for disorderly conduct.

Before knowing all the facts, Obama said Sgt. James Crowley acted "stupidly" when he apprehended Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr. outside his home. Obama later said he did not intend to malign the police offer -- and invited the two men to a "beer summit" at the White House -- but King claims his initial remarks showed a "built-in defense mechanism" that favors minorities.

King said Obama's first public statement on the incident "brought up race in the beginning" and "concluded with race."

The three-term congressman repeated his claim that Obama has "a default mechanism that breaks down on the side of the minority."

Much more: - Iowa Congressman Makes No Apologies for His Comments About Obama Favoring Minorities

I would not go so far as to call him racist and calling him racist will only do greater harm to solve the real issue. I think his "defense mechanism" referred to was fostered by his youth and young adult experiences. What he did regarding the Gates incident was a knee-jerk reaction and he jumped to conclusions, which was wrong. I think it has more to do about mistrust on both sides than racism. Maybe I'm wrong.

I think the real issue we should be focused on is people like Jeremiah Wright and others who help create this "defense mechanism". Wright and others like him, to me, only seem to be more about power and control. When you consider their words, however, they tend to do more for keeping black people segregated, which makes sense if you want to be in a position of power over black people. Their words can be categorized as racist, yet I believe they say them to maintain/grow power.
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I don't know Obama personally (of course) so I really can't tell if he's a racist. In fact, I really think that word has lost all it's "punch" thanks to non-stop usage by NAACP and LaRaza types.

What I prefer is to say that someone is a "racialist". He or she uses his or her race to intimidate others.
Racist? I dunno, I don't know what is in the man's heart. However, he has made numerous statements that leads me to believe that he sees things through the prism of race. But, then again, a great many folks do.
I think he buys into a lot of stereotypes about "typical white people", which unfortunately has shaped his views towards a more negative perspective.
I have thought so for many months now. I thought no one else did until I read this interesting article, below. I DO very much think Obama is a racist, and I think the author of this article thinks so too and admire him for speaking "outside the political box.".

Iowa Rep. Steve King said he is performing a public service by accusing President Obama of favoring blacks over whites.

"I'm standing up against something that is or could become racism," King told on Wednesday.

The Iowa Republican said he didn't misspeak when he told a nationally syndicated radio show on Monday that President Obama favors blacks over whites. King told the G. Gordon Liddy show that Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder repeatedly demonstrate an unjust preference toward minorities.

King told that his comments alluded to a July 2009 incident in which a white police officer in Cambridge, Mass., arrested a black professor for disorderly conduct.

Before knowing all the facts, Obama said Sgt. James Crowley acted "stupidly" when he apprehended Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr. outside his home. Obama later said he did not intend to malign the police offer -- and invited the two men to a "beer summit" at the White House -- but King claims his initial remarks showed a "built-in defense mechanism" that favors minorities.

King said Obama's first public statement on the incident "brought up race in the beginning" and "concluded with race."

The three-term congressman repeated his claim that Obama has "a default mechanism that breaks down on the side of the minority."

Much more: - Iowa Congressman Makes No Apologies for His Comments About Obama Favoring Minorities

I would not go so far as to call him racist and calling him racist will only do greater harm to solve the real issue. I think his "defense mechanism" referred to was fostered by his youth and young adult experiences. What he did regarding the Gates incident was a knee-jerk reaction and he jumped to conclusions, which was wrong. I think it has more to do about mistrust on both sides than racism. Maybe I'm wrong.

I think the real issue we should be focused on is people like Jeremiah Wright and others who help create this "defense mechanism". Wright and others like him, to me, only seem to be more about power and control. When you consider their words, however, they tend to do more for keeping black people segregated, which makes sense if you want to be in a position of power over black people. Their words can be categorized as racist, yet I believe they say them to maintain/grow power.

"I think his "defense mechanism" referred to was fostered by his youth and young adult experiences."

I think that is true also but so much for excusing, defending or explaining his actions. Obama's actions are the result of weak leadership. Obama is a follower. And a racist in my honest opinion and for what it is worth.

Thanks for your worthy response. :)
I don't know Obama personally (of course) so I really can't tell if he's a racist. In fact, I really think that word has lost all it's "punch" thanks to non-stop usage by NAACP and LaRaza types.

What I prefer is to say that someone is a "racialist". He or she uses his or her race to intimidate others.

Yes, the people propagating that idea of RACIST has worn out and has come back to bite them because it has rendered their efforts to scorn a political party or movement, as weak and ineffective...:)
The "Beer summit" just guilds the lily.

TWENTY YEARS tenure in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's Cathedral of Hate cinches the OBVIOUS.

The MOST NOTORIOUS Anti-Semite and WHITEY-HATER in American History, the other Whackjob Black Racist of prominence, Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, during the Presidential Campaigns spoke in jam-packed auditoriums of his usually infested Black Racist crowds proclaimed the Black Racist MARXIST Palestinian Guardian and Muslim PC Protector Obami Salaami as their MESSIAH !!! That type of affinity does not pop up offa thin air.

Everyday inculcation by his sexually deviate mommy who had a predilection for men of colour and an off the wall self-acknowledged hatred of his COMMIE mommy for people of her own race probably set the stage for his early racial beliefs.
Only Obama and his close personal cronies know whether he's a racist or not.

I have no proof, but I believe in MY heart that yes he is a racist.

I ask .... why did his campaign go to great lengths to conceal routine information regarding his college years? What is it that Obama is trying to hide? Hmmmm. Perhaps the fact that he surrounded himself with an assortment of radicals, socialist and Communists.
He's a Black Liberation Theologist. aka a Marxist. his tv station is going to host Van Jones today.
I truly believe he is a racist - but I also believe a black person will turn on his own very quickly. Obama is not going to really do anything for the blacks or other minorities except give them lip service.
I truly believe he is a racist - but I also believe a black person will turn on his own very quickly. Obama is not going to really do anything for the blacks or other minorities except give them lip service.

And entitlement programs for the taxpayers to redistribute their hard earned wages or salaries.
I truly believe he is a racist - but I also believe a black person will turn on his own very quickly. Obama is not going to really do anything for the blacks or other minorities except give them lip service.

"except give them lip service"

Something he has been giving all of America since the first day of his primary campaign.

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