Is NOT repealing the ACA good or bad for the GOP in 2018?

At every future Trump ego rally his supporters should chant "What's The Plan? What's The Plan? What's The Plan?" over and over until Trump coughs up his health care plan. They should not let the liar get away with making them pay higher and higher health care costs.

When 6 months into his administration Trump "claims" that the stock market rise, lowered unemployment rates, etc. ARE ALL HIS DOING because of his "great leadership skills".....

However, when 6 months into his administration someone mentions the failures of "repeal and replace", Trump-child will STILL blame Obama and a congress that just does not understand or abide by his "great leadership skills"
At every future Trump ego rally his supporters should chant "What's The Plan? What's The Plan? What's The Plan?" over and over until Trump coughs up his health care plan. They should not let the liar get away with making them pay higher and higher health care costs.

When 6 months into his administration Trump "claims" that the stock market rise, lowered unemployment rates, etc. ARE ALL HIS DOING because of his "great leadership skills".....

However, when 6 months into his administration someone mentions the failures of "repeal and replace", Trump-child will STILL blame Obama and a congress that just does not understand or abide by his "great leadership skills"
Trump has no leadership skills. He is seven months into his Administration and has not signed a single piece of important legislation. He is causing health care costs to keep going up. The man in the street is not benefiting from the stock market but he is being hurt by Trump's rising health care costs. Trump will pay for that.
Bad,bad,bad. Look what's been going on since 2010. 2018 will be interesting in that either unconventional candidates will wil or come really close, or in very low, low,loow voter turnout.
There are some pundits who opine that NOT repealing the ACA by a GOP majority in Congress spells their possible loss of the House in 2018, while others conclude that not repealing of Obamacare is actually a "blessing" for republicans.

Bear in mind that throughout Obama's last term in office, the ONLY reason that Ryan and McConnell stated for not handing over a repeal bill to Obama, was his veto pen.....NOW, however, with Trump in the WH, the same "repeal bill" could have passed.....So, what happened and what are the consequences for the GOP???
Health care costs will continue to skyrocket. I do not see how this could possibly be good for Trump or the Republicans who promised costs would be drastically cut.
I don't see how it can be good for any democrat either or those who should be democrats but call themselves Republicans.
Trump won because he promised to repeal and replace Obamacare. He has failed because he was lying. He will be punished for that. Every time health care goes up he will be at fault. No one else.
Trump is not congress. Trump is not a democrat. The democrats didn't vote for repeal it is them who are responsible for the POS in the first place and it is them who are responsible for not repealing it. I realize that after 8 years of screwing by Obama you think the president is a dictator but that is not the case and the people know it. The democrats did nothing and they will be held accountable just as they have been.

You people have been so wrong about Trump for so long you would think you would learn, maybe learning isn't a strong point with democrats.
rump has no leadership skills. He is seven months into his Administration and has not signed a single piece of important legislation. He is causing health care costs to keep going up. The man in the street is not benefiting from the stock market but he is being hurt by Trump's rising health care costs. Trump will pay for that.

but ONLY if, his base can place aside their ego and finally admit that the orange clown is just another demagogue who has NO clue about governing.
i just noticed the so-called president was wearing a MAGA hat with camouflage pattern. wow, how manly. he must be a real warrior.

As someone else posted........

At least he went to a military school, how about draft dodging Clinton or Obama?
There are some pundits who opine that NOT repealing the ACA by a GOP majority in Congress spells their possible loss of the House in 2018, while others conclude that not repealing of Obamacare is actually a "blessing" for republicans.

Bear in mind that throughout Obama's last term in office, the ONLY reason that Ryan and McConnell stated for not handing over a repeal bill to Obama, was his veto pen.....NOW, however, with Trump in the WH, the same "repeal bill" could have passed.....So, what happened and what are the consequences for the GOP???

IMO- the consequences will be and should be harsh, but it is still very early in the process with respect to the midterm election process. I actually read a scenario where the GOP didn't loose seats, but instead incumbents lost in primaries (part of the "drain the swamp" movement) and held the majority in the House. I can see a scenario where GOP does keep the majority in the House since it was the Senate who ultimately failed in getting the votes for R&R of BOcare. GOP will almost certainly hold the senate given the low number of GOP seats up in 2018.
Republicans, the leaders and the followers, are always moving the goal-posts, so their word is complete mud.

I highly doubt they'll hold anybody on their side accountable for anything, that's their M.O.

I guess anything is possible, so....we'll see.

Your post is accurate but incomplete. Not holding elected officials accountable is the MO of BOTH parties' voters.
Republicans, the leaders and the followers, are always moving the goal-posts, so their word is complete mud.

I highly doubt they'll hold anybody on their side accountable for anything, that's their M.O.

I guess anything is possible, so....we'll see.

Your post is accurate but incomplete. Not holding elected officials accountable is the MO of BOTH parties' voters.
I think the last election was all about holding Obama accountable for bailing out Wall St rather than Main Street after campaigning on hope and change and against a plutocrat for his second term.
3 1/2 years is a lifetime in politics. Democrats still don't have a candidate that isn't laughable for 2018 and Hillary and or Bill might be in federal prison. The question is whether the obstructionist democrat party will be able to blame republicans when the ACA collapses.
IMO- the consequences will be and should be harsh, but it is still very early in the process with respect to the midterm election process. I actually read a scenario where the GOP didn't loose seats, but instead incumbents lost in primaries (part of the "drain the swamp" movement) and held the majority in the House. I can see a scenario where GOP does keep the majority in the House since it was the Senate who ultimately failed in getting the votes for R&R of BOcare. GOP will almost certainly hold the senate given the low number of GOP seats up in 2018.

I agree........HOWEVER, I would advise the DNC to concentrate on the gubernatorial races. In 2018 there will be 36 such races and the gerrymandering stranglehold that republicans have had in House races can ONLY be relieved if democrats win back several state capitols.
Nobody votes for "Republicans" in the voting booth. You vote for a candidate who reflects your views. There are a couple of Republican senators who will face some blowback for not getting with the program on Obamacare, but the others will be fine, because they have voted in the way they promised to vote.

As Mr. Newt as stated recently, the Republicans have not been good about pointing out EXACTLY what needs to be changed, and why. The solution - if they would only listen to him - is to pass a half dozen bite-sized, popular bills, with Bi-partisan support, and forget about "repealing Obamacare," which is a divisive presentation of the matter.

I couldn't disagree more vehemently with "nobody votes vote a canidate who reflects your views". Educated and informed voters do vote for a party, because they understand that party trumps politics when voting in a two party representative system such as ours.
My personal opinion:

No they are not fuck.


Red America will keep on voting then back in.
Obamacare won't make a difference. All that matters next year is how people feel about their own economic status and whether Americans are getting killed in what people see as another useless foreign war.

Excellent point- Peoples' sentiment about the economy, or their own welfare within the economy will almost always sway voters to either stay the course or change directions.
There are some pundits who opine that NOT repealing the ACA by a GOP majority in Congress spells their possible loss of the House in 2018, while others conclude that not repealing of Obamacare is actually a "blessing" for republicans.

Bear in mind that throughout Obama's last term in office, the ONLY reason that Ryan and McConnell stated for not handing over a repeal bill to Obama, was his veto pen.....NOW, however, with Trump in the WH, the same "repeal bill" could have passed.....So, what happened and what are the consequences for the GOP???
Health care costs will continue to skyrocket. I do not see how this could possibly be good for Trump or the Republicans who promised costs would be drastically cut.
I don't see how it can be good for any democrat either or those who should be democrats but call themselves Republicans.
Trump won because he promised to repeal and replace Obamacare. He has failed because he was lying. He will be punished for that. Every time health care goes up he will be at fault. No one else.
Trump is not congress. Trump is not a democrat. The democrats didn't vote for repeal it is them who are responsible for the POS in the first place and it is them who are responsible for not repealing it. I realize that after 8 years of screwing by Obama you think the president is a dictator but that is not the case and the people know it. The democrats did nothing and they will be held accountable just as they have been.

You people have been so wrong about Trump for so long you would think you would learn, maybe learning isn't a strong point with democrats.
Excuses excuses. Trump said he was going to repeal Obamacare and replace it. He said it would be so easy. He said he was the only one who could fix DC.

You people brag and brag about what a massive majority the Republicans have everywhere. Now you are trying to whine it is the Democrats fault somehow. You cannot have it both ways hypocrite. Your man lied to all of America. He will pay for that.

If Trump was a leader like Reagan he would have repealed and replaced Obamacare. Reagan had a Democratic House and still got everything he wanted. Your man is a lying wimp. He has no leadership skills at all. He is a total failure.
IMO- the consequences will be and should be harsh, but it is still very early in the process with respect to the midterm election process. I actually read a scenario where the GOP didn't loose seats, but instead incumbents lost in primaries (part of the "drain the swamp" movement) and held the majority in the House. I can see a scenario where GOP does keep the majority in the House since it was the Senate who ultimately failed in getting the votes for R&R of BOcare. GOP will almost certainly hold the senate given the low number of GOP seats up in 2018.

I agree........HOWEVER, I would advise the DNC to concentrate on the gubernatorial races. In 2018 there will be 36 such races and the gerrymandering stranglehold that republicans have had in House races can ONLY be relieved if democrats win back several state capitols.

Yep, you're right, sort of. State Governors don't draw districts. That process is usually handled by the state legislatures.

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