Is it time for Sheriff Bart to ride to Nevada

Neat you know nothing of this story.

Enlighten us.

Bundy owes the government for 20 years of illegal trespass of his cattle on government land. He has been grazing 1000 head on land rated for a 150 head carrying capacity. Technically, he owes the government over a million dollars. They are asking for 300K, and running his cattle off of the BLM land. So he calls in the rightwingnut cases in militias, and threatons to make a 'stand'.

Cheapest settlement? Just shoot all the cows on the land illegally, and arrest anyone interfering.

The reason the Fed don't want the cattle to graze on this acreage that they had been grazing on for at least a hundred years is because they want to protect an endangered species of the tortoise family. I didn't know cattle ate turtles, or were any threat to them.
So what happened...was obabbles people wrong...or did they chicken out? Most likely the DNC took a poll and decided to flee the field.
Maybe your hero, Putin, will ride in shirtless on a horse and save the day. That would make your pants a little tighter, wouldn't it, princess?
Interesting that Obama does not have the testicular fortitude to oppose an international thug like Putin, however, he sends out a freaking small army to surround an American citizen's property, steal his property, taser his son and threaten his family.
Despicable person.

"Despicable person"...., he goes way beyond despicable, his actions are treasonous, he is a low life commie who is hell bent on administering death to America.., what makes it so bad is the 30% who will defend this tin horn dictator...., just look at all the Obraindead worshippers here it is actually gone from funny to hilarious to sickening the way these poor schlubs are hung with the duty of defending their P.O.S. leader :up:
......... :lmao:
Joe could go up there an show them how to kick ass.

Never mind- They figured it out on their own.

Interesting that Obama does not have the testicular fortitude to oppose an international thug like Putin, however, he sends out a freaking small army to surround an American citizen's property, steal his property, taser his son and threaten his family.
Despicable person.

Neat you know nothing of this story.

Do you really think Obama was unaware of what was happening in Nevada yesterday? Without a doubt they had a long closed door session with countless analysts how bad the PR and revolution fever would spread if they opened fire on the Patriots.

Without a doubt they had consulted their chief propaganda artists who must have admitted to Obama that is would be nigh impossible to positively spin any such armed confrontation and bloodshed.

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