Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

So you equate Hindu's with Nazi' and killers?

no, you do since you said teaching them Christianity does not make them more moral and not teaching them anything.


Tell us more about how teaching Hindu's Christianity will make them more moral?

Meanwhile- I am still amazed that you equate Hindu's with Nazi's and killers- quoting you again:
Might as well raise them to be Nazis or killers or Hindus- right??

Now why are you an anti-semite again?
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I presume that Christians raise their kids to be Christians for the same reasons Jews raise their kids to be Jews and Hindu's raise their kids to be Hindu's- because parents raise their kids in the same tradition that they belong to.
but if they were as smart as you they would not waste their time because teaching them a religion based on morality does not make them more moral. See how your liberal religious bigotry forced you into a dumb position?

I have no idea what dumb position you think I have been forced into.

I presume that Christians raise their kids to be Christians for the same reasons Jews raise their kids to be Jews and Hindu's raise their kids to be Hindu's- because parents raise their kids in the same tradition that they belong to.

Again- not a Christian here- but based upon what I know about Christian theology- the reason to raise your children as Christians is so that they will find 'salvation' with Christ- that they learn to be good Christians- not that they learn to be 'moral'.

Now- why are you an anti-semite again?
Tell us more about how teaching Hindu's Christianity will make them more moral?
why try to change the subject?? You said teaching Christianity to kids does not make them more moral so why bother teaching morality at all-right??
- the reason to raise your children as Christians is so that they will find 'salvation' with Christ- that they learn to be good Christians- not that they learn to be 'moral'.
so your liberal religious bigotry prevents you from acknowledging that, say," love they neighbor as thyself" is a moral teaching??
I have no idea what dumb position you think I have been forced into.
as a typical bigoted liberal you said teaching morality does not improve ones morality!! Your religious bigotry got in the way of your thinking!

Poor little snowflake you are completely losing it.

I would challenge you to provide that quote- but since you just lie- what is the point?