CDZ Is Everybody a Hero?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It seems that every day we are bombarded with accolades and celebrations for all of the "heros" of Covid-19: Police, fire, sanitation, medical, government, stay-at-home, go to work, empathizers, old, young, and just about everyone else in the country (except Donald Trump).

Is this just another iteration of liberal self-esteem policy wherein every student gets an "A" and every participant wins a trophy? Good grief, this is looking like the greatest snow job in history.
You're all welcome.

It seems that every day we are bombarded with accolades and celebrations for all of the "heros" of Covid-19: Police, fire, sanitation, medical, government, stay-at-home, go to work, empathizers, old, young, and just about everyone else in the country (except Donald Trump).

Is this just another iteration of liberal self-esteem policy wherein every student gets an "A" and every participant wins a trophy? Good grief, this is looking like the greatest snow job in history.

Actually not everyone is a hero, in the last week or so the right wing has marched on Capital Buildings, most not wearing masks and some carrying firearms, calling for the recall of honest Governors and mayors and opening up America.


It seems that every day we are bombarded with accolades and celebrations for all of the "heros" of Covid-19: Police, fire, sanitation, medical, government, stay-at-home, go to work, empathizers, old, young, and just about everyone else in the country (except Donald Trump).

Is this just another iteration of liberal self-esteem policy wherein every student gets an "A" and every participant wins a trophy? Good grief, this is looking like the greatest snow job in history.

Your OP collapses in its first two words.
On my radio station, grocery store clerks are included in the list.

All I can say is, without them, we'd be up shit crick without a paddle.

Around here, no, they probably don't feel "brave" going to work, but lucky. We have no cases in our county. But they are working ungodly hours disinfecting carts and stocking shelves for the cranky hoarders who descend like locusts each day at 7 a.m. And then they get bitched at because there's no hand sanitizer or chick peas. I don't mind including them on the list.
I think we are all getting pretty sick of some of the over-hype on this virus while the media is virtually hiding the preventable deaths of the elderly who Cuomo sent back to nursing homes in the epicenter of the outbreak. Meanwhile all those hospital beds go unoccupied.
Bo ho, no fair I don't want to wear a mask, follow medical guide lines, I want to pretend every thing is normal , Wimps, sure its tough yes am losing money, but I can suck it up for a few months if needed. too get the death toll down so life can slowly & steadily get back to normal.
It seems that every day we are bombarded with accolades and celebrations for all of the "heros" of Covid-19: Police, fire, sanitation, medical, government, stay-at-home, go to work, empathizers, old, young, and just about everyone else in the country (except Donald Trump).

Is this just another iteration of liberal self-esteem policy wherein every student gets an "A" and every participant wins a trophy? Good grief, this is looking like the greatest snow job in history.
Man- you must have been really pissed after 9/11 when people were calling first responders heroes.

But if you want to blame liberals for honoring those trying to keep us safe from the pandemic as 'heroes'- I am really okay with that.
I think we are all getting pretty sick of some of the over-hype on this virus while the media is virtually hiding the preventable deaths of the elderly who Cuomo sent back to nursing homes in the epicenter of the outbreak. Meanwhile all those hospital beds go unoccupied.
Lets see- we have approximately 70,000 Americans dead from coronavirus complications in America- pretty sure that those were not all elderly sent back to nursing homes by Cuomo.

What I want to know is why the media is virtually hiding the preventable deaths of the majority of those 70,000 Americans- because Trump was dishonest with Americans- and failed to send out usable tests in a timely fashion?
Bo ho, no fair I don't want to wear a mask, follow medical guide lines, I want to pretend every thing is normal , Wimps, sure its tough yes am losing money, but I can suck it up for a few months if needed. too get the death toll down so life can slowly & steadily get back to normal.
You're a dumb fucking moron with drool running down your chin. Maks do NO damn good because the virus cells are so small they pass right through. Surgical masks were developed to protect the patient undergoing surgery from being infected with mostly bacterial infection from the surgical team you hopeless ignorant dumbass. Maybe if you'd at least try to use your lame brain once in a while it could learn to actually form a thought of it's own someday. As it is it has atrophied to the point of uselessness.
Hmmm who is the moron'- you with no medical or scientific background- or the CDC and the Mayo Clinic?
Can face masks help prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the disease

So why weren't face masks recommended at the start of the pandemic? At that time, experts didn't yet know the extent to which people with COVID-19 could spread the virus before symptoms appeared. Nor was it known that some people have COVID-19 but don't have any symptoms. Both groups can unknowingly spread the virus to others.

These discoveries led the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to do an about-face on face masks. The CDC updated its guidance to recommend widespread use of simple cloth face coverings to help prevent transmission of COVID-19 by people who have the virus but don't know it.
You did not Get my post, it was about people who are to wimpy to suck it up for a few months, & looking for unicorns in a pandemic
Maybe it's just human nature to look around for, and celebrate, the silver linings in a disaster.

Even if it's just for a few moments, we try to look for the bright side and be grateful for it.

Not everyone goes through life consumed by tribalism and anger and paranoia. True story.
Our younger daughter is a microbiologist and was pulled from her area to test for the virus. She does about 800 to 1,200 tests a day.

She's working ten hours a day, six days a week, and she's pretty tired.

But she's not complaining a bit. She knows how important this is. And she knows she has to stay focused, as lives are literally on the line.

Is she a "hero" in our book? Yep. You betcha. :)
Our younger daughter is a microbiologist and was pulled from her area to test for the virus. She does about 800 to 1,200 tests a day.

She's working ten hours a day, six days a week, and she's pretty tired.

But she's not complaining a bit. She knows how important this is. And she knows she has to stay focused, as lives are literally on the line.

Is she a "hero" in our book? Yep. You betcha. :)

How much is she getting paid?
Our younger daughter is a microbiologist and was pulled from her area to test for the virus. She does about 800 to 1,200 tests a day.

She's working ten hours a day, six days a week, and she's pretty tired.

But she's not complaining a bit. She knows how important this is. And she knows she has to stay focused, as lives are literally on the line.

Is she a "hero" in our book? Yep. You betcha. :)

How much is she getting paid?
What a bizarre question.

Not your business.
The POINT is that most people who are working 60 hours per week are receiving close to double their regular salary (with overtime pay). That doesn't necessarily make them heroes.

Good grief, you people are dense. :aug08_031:
Last time they pulled the hero worship gag and patriotized tyranny, it got us the Patriot Act. And the people fully complied and loved them for it.


I imagine this time around the hero worship of medical workers will get us another variety of a new type of Patriot Act where it'll be deemed patriotic to relinquish the right to make your personal medical decisions to the government. Things like government mandated intrusive medical procedures will likely be the new normal, so to speak. And, again, the people will love them for it.

The Blue Angels thing, I thought, was a clever piece of visual propaganda, predictable as it was.

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