Is Every Tea Party Member Nuts???

oh I remember the town halls..there weren't these mass arrest as you like to claim..

but that claim to fame (violence, arrest, garbage, rapes, etc) is still owned by the left and their OWS occupying and destroying others property
I didn't claim "mass arrests".

I was just making the point that there were baggers who got arrested.
Tea party leader says all Muslims a ‘threat’ to U.S.; seeks recall of McCain

A prominent Phoenix tea party leader who believes Muslims cannot be trusted to be loyal to the United States and should not be working for the federal government is incensed with U.S. Sen. John McCain’s defense of a top State Department official and is eying a recall drive against Arizona’s senior senator..

Jews are......... Nazi party
Muslims are..... Tea party

Same song - different idiots singing it.
A very dangerous road.

well keep your head buried in the sand, that'll help

Please explain why the Nazi party were wrong to hate Jews but the Tea party are right to hate Muslims.
All hate based politics are nothing but trouble.

Next up.
Freedom of religion is a constitutional right in the US.
Please explain why it's OK for the tea party to ignore the constitution.
that would be you...grow up and get back to us
How can you possibly draw that conclusion when we've not talked about any specific issues?

This is what I mean. You people make these accusations with nothing to base it on except irrational emotion.

"You people"? Lord, you're another fucking borg that is incapable of recognizing individuals, huh? idiot.
Jews are......... Nazi party
Muslims are..... Tea party

Same song - different idiots singing it.
A very dangerous road.

well keep your head buried in the sand, that'll help

Please explain why the Nazi party were wrong to hate Jews but the Tea party are right to hate Muslims.
All hate based politics are nothing but trouble.

Next up.
Freedom of religion is a constitutional right in the US.
Please explain why it's OK for the tea party to ignore the constitution.

Please provide evidence that the Tea Party 'hate' Muslims. One person is not the TEA Party... fucking twit.

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