Is Corporatocracy a form of Communism?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The more I think about it the more I am thinking it is. I recall a person on here a few years ago that made a comment that went something like, "well if you read your employee contract". I was like what employee contract I have never signed one. Why would anyone in their right mind sign a contract for a standard wage? The sheeple have been so well propagandized they think that they must have a job with a corporation these days. The small closely held companies are a rare find as the 'powers that be' assisted them in slaughtering the individual thought process of those who had the natural God given ability to be pioneers. It seems like it is all coming home to roost now as the young people join up with anarchist, communist, all sorts of supremacy ideologues and anything else that has a hint of some sort of promise for them. Our feckless leaders have wrangled and roped a large share of the people into a corner and the colleges with all their lofty notions help them sell the idea of freedom is ranting and raving without any clear plan of where to go once the ranting and raving is finished. All the while the ones actually able to make a decent living have to give up their individuality to be a mindless drones that will to accept whatever the masters are willing to feed them, get a corporate job or a government job where even there they are not free to be ethical and honest without fear of retribution. Collectivism and everyone wanting to be a Wall Street tycoon through retirement funds put you all here but how many are really happy with that? A few fund managers rule the roost and you are fucked if they decide to rape and pillage your collective asses. Too big to fail my ass but your feckless leaders helped get you all there because the majority of you or your parents went along with the programming.

Obama was right in a way but yet he was wrong in many cases. Many did not build the companies that they worked for, although some may have had a hand in helping build up someone else's company and only a few have actually built their own houses. Now you don't even have many fellow Americans building those because profits are better with illegals building them. Even still the political class wants to blame the poor man for what the banking class did and if the Republicans go with that propaganda I am as done with them as so many now think they are done with the Democrats (I was done with them years ago for being abusers but that is a whole different story). The ones with that all powerful education and authority are the responsible parties for abusing the poor and stealing their hopes and dreams of owning their own homes. They all told the poor that they wanted them to be home owners but in fact just enslaved them more with their false promises and vain words. They suckered the middle-class too and the middle-class fell for it and gave themselves over to be a part of the collective for the hope of their own comforts being fulfilled. Its like the old preacher stated everyone wants to get to heaven but no one wants to die. Y'all want to have the good life but how many are willing to scrimp, save and determine their investments for themselves to achieve that? I don't think too many because from what I here most have given their authority for their financial futures over to someone somewhere in some distant office who invest that money for them. Damn! I mean you people made it easy as pie for them to take you to bend you over without a kiss and you are still doing it today. You will either be their sheeple eating want they wanna feed you and taking the meds that they want to fill you and your children with and drinking that fluoridated chemically laden water whether you like it or not because you gave your approval for them to make your decisions for you. In most cases now that isn't even a human doing the research its a computer programmed algorithm making major decisions. Did anyone ever notify those bright bulbs using that chit that a computer doesn't have common sense built in by the manufacturer like good old fashion humans used to have?

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