Zone1 Is communiusm a US obsession ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

Many Americans are obsessed with a huge variety of things from Communism to naval lint, often lacking any balance, or objectivity in there life, much less when posting on an anonymous message board.
Well, they are both egalitarian. Which means control over the masses, over their actions and words, the economy, etc.
The terms probably get used too loosely, I agree. Most terms do, these days. Like liberal, conservative, woman etc.
The Trumpsters don't even know what communism is. They think that "any more government than we have now" is communism.

Modern Day Archie Bunkers, just throwing the term around as an epithet.
The Trumpsters don't even know what communism is. They think that "any more government than we have now" is communism.

Modern Day Archie Bunkers, just throwing the term around as an epithet.
Just like NAZIs, jihadists, fascists etc.
They are no different than the rest.
You all have so much in common its uncanny to think how divided you all are.
Just like NAZIs, jihadists, fascists etc.
They are no different than the rest.
You all have so much in common its uncanny to think how divided you all are.
You laugh at this but you are certainly included. Your buzzwords are no better. Like "jihadist"
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

Hmmm sure rhymes with your name though.....
Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.
Yes, it does. It is the second phase on the way to communism: Rebellion, socialism, communism.
Of course, you can resort to "Socialism of the 21th Century" but I heard you talking bad about Mr. Maduro and all so its probably nothing for you. Maybe you are a welfare capitalist?
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

I don't think you are a Communist. I think you are a bored Welshman who bashes Americans and Trump in particular with minimal knowledge of what you are talking about.
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

The lack of sophistication in general political subjects in the U.S. leads to consistently over-simplified, gut-feeling reactions about almost everything. "Communism" is no better understood than "fascism". Both have become expletives used for anyone or anything one disagrees with.
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

Communism is a political and economic theory and socialism is an economic theory.
The wonder is that, given the failures of the bandied about ideologies of Marxism, Socialism and Fascism, anyone associates with any of them. The huge problems of democracy are not the same; democracy as a concept has not failed. Populations fail to practice conscientious democratic practices.
The world needs to shed its attachments to archaic ideas and integrate what we have learned into new approaches.
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

socialism is communism with training wheels .
Marxism is not the encyclopedic term for "communism". Marxism is European intellectualism building a bridge out over a chasm, but not across it.
Communal systems have consistently succeeded in history in certain settings and conditions. Marxism never has. Religious groups throughout time and in many places have done quite well. The classic family structure is communal. The early Christian groups were communal. Forcing communal conditions on people doesn't result in much more than suffering.

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