Is Boehner Looking For A Backdoor?


Sep 23, 2010

John Boehner going to the very people that made the ACA constitutional is like asking the axeman for an aspirin just before he lops your head off.

[ame=]Boehner "what the hell is this a joke?" BOEHNER PLANNING LAWSIUT AGAINST OBAMA! - YouTube[/ame]​

Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, told Republicans Tuesday he could have an announcement within days on whether the House will file a lawsuit against President Barack Obama, challenging the executive actions that have become the keystone of the administration.

The lawsuit could set up a significant test of constitutional checks and balances, with the legislative branch suing the executive branch for ignoring its mandates, and the judiciary branch deciding the outcome.

Boehner Planning House Lawsuit Against Obama Executive Actions
By Daniel Newhauser Posted at 5:11 p.m. June 24

Boehner Weighs House Lawsuit Against Obama, Could Come This Week

Boehner’s comments in the video indicate he is focusing on HillaryCare II. There is no hint of repealing the ACA. Question: Is Boehner looking for a backdoor out of repealing the ACA? Answer: There is no backdoor. The ACA must be repealed and that’s all there is to it. It won’t happen while Democrats have the Senate; nor will it be repealed in a Republican-controlled Congress without enough votes to override a veto. Boehner knows all of that; so I’m not certain what he hopes to accomplish with a lawsuit?

Repeal might not happen at all based on political realities:

No matter the number hired since March of 2010 every one of those people will have to be discharged if the ACA is overturned. Will the High Court do the firing? Will Republicans do it when they repeal HillaryCare II? The politics say no in both scenarios. That’s exactly why the Administration manipulated the number of unemployed so it currently reads 6.4 percent. Overturning the ACA will drive that number even higher than the true number of well over 10 percent.

The truth is: Driving parasites away from the public trough is a good thing for the country. It should have been done when the economy was booming. It wasn’t; so Democrats, and the media, are now in position to blame higher unemployment on conservatives, or the Supreme Court, for firing all of those wonderful parasites should the ACA be overturned or repealed. I can hear them saying “We brought unemployment down to 6 percent and those meanspirited conservatives ran it up to 15 percent.” Blaming conservatives for high unemployment is a variation of Bill Clinton taking credit for the good economy that was forced on him by Newt Gingrich and technology.

A successful lawsuit severely restricting the range of executives orders would be wonderful if that is Boehner’s objective. Unfortunately, there is every reason to believe that the High Court will give presidents even more imperial powers.

And what about the precedents being set by bureaucratic regulations? Surely, the EPA is doing irreparable damage to the economy. Does Boehner’s lawsuit include stopping bureaucrats from abusing power? If not, you can bet on this one. Every bum administering the ACA will build on the the precedents being established by the EPA.

A former federal prosecutor who brought the evidence that convicted perpetrators of the first Islamic terror bombing at New York’s World Trade Center says unless the imperial aspects of Barack Obama’s White House tenure are challenged, and overturned, future presidents will use them as precedents.

And he said that all Americans should be concerned and alarmed and want it corrected, not just the president’s critics.

“The precedents that President Obama’s lawlessness are setting today are going to be available to every future president regardless of party, regardless of ideology,” he said. “And any American who cares about whether we remain a nation of laws rather than being subjects of presidential whim, if you care about that, that shouldn’t be a conservative issue or a Republican issue. That should be an American issue.”

Obama's 'lawlessness' now beyond 'partisanship'
Andrew McCarthy: 'We have a monarch who is just making it up as he goes along'
Published: 16 hours ago

Obama?s ?lawlessness? now beyond ?partisanship?

Rush Limbaugh and Charles Krauthammer come at Taqiyya the Liar from a different direction. Krauthammer’s phrase is a gem of clarity: “What we have with Obama is a president choosing decline.”

RUSH: I know that you all have heard me say this before countless times for many years. I've been saying it since the beginning. But I'm happy now to have it out there. I'm happy another person has the courage to call this what it is. I'm gonna tell you, I'm becoming more and more convinced that Obama's not just satisfied with managing America's decline. I think Obama's greasing the skids. I think Obama is trying to hasten America's decline. How else can you interpret the parade of bad news that we face every day?


Rush: I don't want to be misunderstood. It's not that Obama is pro-terrorist. He's just got this thing about people in power, that they're unworthy of it, unjustified -- particularly the United States. I love what Krauthammer said here, because it's exactly what I said starting June 16, 2009, and have been excoriated for it.


Rush: It is a purposeful decline, and it's rooted in the belief held by the president that we have not deserved our superpower status because of the way we acquired it.

I mean, that's the simple version of it. We were colonialists. We were imperialists. We were thieves. We unfairly used our advantages over people and took what was theirs, appropriated it as ours, became big and then didn't share. That's basically it in a nutshell.

All of the legitimate criticisms imply the need for a solution; or at least imply searching for a way to correct the damage Barack Taqiyya did and continues to do. Sad to say, a long-lasting solution may no longer be possible.

To begin with nobody could have gotten to the White House the way Taqiyya got there. Put him in perspective by imagining a governor, a businessman, a military man, etc., saying and doing everything Taqiyya did during his campaigns. That is running as a spiritual leader spouting torrents of meaningless rhetoric to show that he “really cares.” Such a candidate would have been laughed out of town.

NOTE: More than one president tried to set himself up as the nation’s moral compass. Jimmy Carter comes to mind, but none ever got to the White House by campaigning on nothing more than touchy-feely garbage. Taqiyya the Liar was the first.

Incidentally, Taqiyya the Liar’s success is the reason Hillary Clinton is distancing herself from wealth. She will try to combine spiritual leadership with experience. I doubt if she’ll have more success than would a wealthy Republican pulling the same scam.

For all of the talk about Taqiyya’s shortcomings pundits failed to notice that every part of Taqiyya’s campaign strategy in both elections only works for a child of the parasite class. Nobody else can pull enough votes even if they are sincere. Can you see any of the Republicans gearing up for 2016 pulling it off? It only works for Taqiyya and his kind. In short: He is the first child of the parasite class to make it all the way to the top, but he won’t be the last. Any presidential wannabe lacking a similar background is DOA. The question is “Why?”

In simple terms the workers of the world united and became the parasite class. Wages are not the primary concern to workers in a welfare state as they were in the early days of the labor movement. It matters not that the income tax paid by non-parasite workers supports them. The important thing is that parasites give the orders. It started when unionized workers told management what to do or they would withhold their labor. Today, parasites have no labor to withhold, nor anyone to withhold it from, yet they are still paid. So long as the government supports them they are not forced to work at all.

Worst of all, in the envious hearts of parasites they would destroy the country before they take orders from the people who provide private sector jobs.

Finally, the rest of the country can fall apart as long as the parasites have an income. Free medical care is a bonus.
It’s official. The house of Representatives is suing the president:

[ame=]John Boehner Will Sue Barack Obama Over Executive Actions For Not Faithfully Executing the Law - YouTube[/ame]​

Boehner says it is not about impeachment. That’s probably true. But I still cannot see how a lawsuit is going to make Taqiyya the Liar do anything differently in the time he has left in office.

Since it is not about impeachment, I wonder why it took so long to tackle Taqiyya for not enforcing laws?

Regarding lawsuits: It’s a pity Boehner did not know Shanghai Abe whose parting line to friends was always: “Do not hesitate —— litigate.”
Can you believe this guy?

They don't do anything except block me and call me names.

Apparently, disagreeing with his open-borders mentality is blocking him.

Notice his phrasing in the video. He talks to audiences much like the audiences he snowed under when he was a community organizer as though he is talking to and for all Americans:


I had to laugh at this one:

You’re worried about me trying to fix the broken immigration system. Let’s hold hands and go ahead and make sure that this country continues to be a nation of laws, and a nation of immigrants.

Democrats broke the system in the 1960s when Ted Kennedy and LBJ turned it into an affirmative action program. In 1986 they gave three million illegal aliens amnesty. Today, they want to give amnesty to another 20 million illegal aliens. Nobody knows how high the next wave of illegals will be. Tearing down the borders altogether is Taqiyya the Liar’s fix for a broken immigration system that Democrats broke. Now, the filthy, lying, sneak insults MOST AMERICANS by saying Republicans are blocking him.

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