"Is Atlas Shrugging?"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
When will the American public realize that the "D" behind the name of a politician does not stand for 'darned smart economic whiz'....

....no, it is the abbreviation for 'Duh.'

1. ".... connect the dots between a brilliant Wall Street Journal op-ed by Charles Koch, the chairman and CEO of Koch Industries, and the continued sluggish recovery in jobs, business investment, and the overall economy....

2. .....Koch seems to make a plea for a big dose of free-market capitalism. He argues, “The central belief and fatal conceit of the current administration is that you are incapable of running your own life, but those in power are capable of running it for you. This is the essence of big government and collectivism.”

3. Koch concludes that the current batch of administration policies “destroys value, raises costs, hinders innovation and relegates millions of citizens to a life of poverty, dependency and hopelessness.” .....spot on.

4. ....Obamacare as the ultimate central-planning, collectivist, big-government approach. The government is mandating what health-care insurance to buy, and taxing you if you don’t buy it.

5. .....eggheads tell you what you can and cannot do, and where you can and cannot do it. And they prescribe a multi-trillion-dollar government expansion of spending and taxing while they’re at it.

6. .....Mr. Koch’s big fear is that collectivism can’t and won’t stop with Obamacare. ....The Obama machine continues to roll out poverty-trap incentives, paying people not to work. Obama’s EPA is aiming to obliterate the entire coal industry and all the blue-collar workers in it. The president can’t even give the okay to the Keystone pipeline, which is favored by all but the far-Left environmental radicals.

7. .....the economic recovery is happening at only half the rate of a normal expansion..... it took nearly five years for private jobs to regain the peak reached in January 2008....this jobs recovery is the slowest on record since the Labor Department started tracking the data in 1939. And we are at least 5 million jobs below potential.

8. ....U-6 labor-impairment unemployment rate — which includes people who have jobs they don’t like—is stuck at a high 12.7 percent. A full 10.5 million Americans are unemployed, and 7.4 million are working part time.

9. High taxes are causing firms to deploy profits overseas. The president keeps bashing business with the threat of even higher taxes and regulations. And no one knows what Obamacare regulatory costs are ultimately going to be.

10. Mr. Charles Koch has it exactly right: We need more liberty and freedom to restore American values and economic prosperity."
Is Atlas Shrugging? Koch Warning on Collectivism Echoes Slow Jobs Growth - The New York Sun

Let's not forget the war cry of the collectivists:

"You didn't build that...."
Unfortunately for us a lot of citizens have become lazy in politics and they just go out and elect someone with a D or R next their names and then just let all them run roughshod over us and not hold any of them Responsible for what they are doing in our government and to us

You can see on this board people who stick up for this government (the IRS scandal) over their own fellow countrymen and women...threads that say's, it's been a good day for OBAMA...etc

I don't see it getting any better..In fact I think we are pretty MUCH now just subjects of this Government...it's sickening watching it happen with hardly a peep from the people

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