Is anyone surprised that the country hates MAGA

You guys don’t live in reality.

You have not been forced to take such ridiculous stances...but you do.

There is no proof of massive voter fraud
Audits have confirmed that Biden was the winner
Your court cases got laughed out of court.

But you guys continue to swear that the election was fraudulent.


There's never proof of any leftist wrong doing, they're basically angels on Earth, and that's the 'reality' you believe. So save your bullshit about reality for someone else.

For the record, I've never claimed otherwise, there wasn't wide spread fraud, it was very focused and only had to be in a few key areas that were never 'audited' as you claim. I also know that none of you should ever open your mouths about election fraud in the future, and it's going to be sweet rubbing your faces in your own words. Of course, it will somehow be 'different', right? :dunno:
They don't want to know the truth, they thrive on their hate and their egos need that sense of superiority, you see it every day on here.
Well, I mean, if they are wanting me to think they are the party of love and compassion, they sure have a funny way of showing it
There's never proof of any leftist wrong doing, they're basically angels on Earth, and that's the 'reality' you believe. So save your bullshit about reality for someone else.
Nah, I like rubbing your nose in it.
For the record, I've never claimed otherwise, there wasn't wide spread fraud, it was very focused and only had to be in a few key areas that were never 'audited' as you claim.
Really? Which areas.
I watched it happen. Live. So stop your bullshit propaganda. It won't work on thinking people.

Never happened.
Anyway, which 5 states were those?
Penn, wis,

Never happened.
Watched it happen, so stop with your bullshit propaganda.

It doesn't work on thinking people

Only mindless drones, like you.

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