Is anyone impressed by the "internet tough guy" routine?

if a train leaves chicago at 10 oclock and travels 7.5 hours at 37 mph, what is the meaning of lassitude?

las·si·tude   [las-i-tood, -tyood] Show IPA
weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, etc.; lack of energy; listlessness; languor.
a condition of indolent indifference: the pleasant lassitude of the warm summer afternoon.

Oh...I don't know...the internet tough guys are fun to slap around now and again as the urge hits. :lol:
I always see the internet bully as a real life Casper Milquetoast who sits feverishly in his combination toilet seat/computer chair day and night trying to boost his severely damaged ego through the miracle of 'no accountability' internet threats and high bombast ranting where no one can actually knock him on his ass when he gets out of line. A sad little person who is actually afraid of his own shadow.:eusa_angel:

That's me!
Have we met?

Not yet but there is always a first time. Though I have an obsessive compulsive fear of Speedos.:eusa_angel:
I always see the internet bully as a real life Casper Milquetoast who sits feverishly in his combination toilet seat/computer chair day and night trying to boost his severely damaged ego through the miracle of 'no accountability' internet threats and high bombast ranting where no one can actually knock him on his ass when he gets out of line. A sad little person who is actually afraid of his own shadow.:eusa_angel:

That's me!
Have we met?

Not yet but there is always a first time. Though I have an obsessive compulsive fear of Speedos.:eusa_angel:

Don't worry, I'll take them off if we meet.


  • $daleks.jpg
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Tough guys are most likely short,fat,ugly, homeless, live in Mom and Dads basement and if they are men, have a breakfast sausage for a penis.. They claim to be great street fighters but couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. The louder they are the more pathetic they are. I have better things to do then let them annoy me.
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Tough guys are most likely short,fat,ugly, homeless, live in Mom and Dads basement and if they are men, have a breakfast sausage for a penis.. They claim to be great street fighters but couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. The louder they are the more pathetic they are. I have better things to do then let them annoy me.

Bloody hell...does everybody on this board know me?
Have I got my webcam switched on?
Tough guys are most likely short,fat,ugly, homeless, live in Mom and Dads basement and if they are men, have a breakfast sausage for a penis.. They claim to be great street fighters but couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. The louder they are the more pathetic they are. I have better things to do then let them annoy me.

Bloody hell...does everybody on this board know me?
Have I got my webcam switched on?

You had it turned on. Everybody else turned their monitors off.

The upside? You now have privacy.

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