Is a US-Russia War Inevitable?

Russia is a developed country with nuclear weapons, not a superpower. Less GDP than South Korea. Yes, NATO will not ignore Article 5.
Ignore? No… But to what degree will NATO respond? And which Eastern European nation is going to volunteer to put crosshairs on its forehead, and host the response? NATO members are going to have to make some very, very tough decisions if it ever comes to that. And until then; article 5 is just a theory.
Would you think it's inevitable if Russia invaded Finland?

Biden's position could become an invitation for Russia to invade Finland. Buchanan is suggesting that US domestic policy under Biden must be modified downward away from deliberate provocations of Russia.
Why would Putin attack Finland? Leaving them to stew and build up to NATO standards and compatibility will be a significant drain on their defense spending. If Putin is going to war with the West he'll strike at the heart of Europe.
Ignore? No… But to what degree will NATO respond? And which Eastern European nation is going to volunteer to put crosshairs on its forehead, and host the response? NATO members are going to have to make some very, very tough decisions if it ever comes to that. And until then; article 5 is just a theory.
I think you have to take into consideration that America is Nato and so the question is obviously on whether or not America is going to put the crosshairs on itself.

When it turns to a real war instead of a pretend war with mutually agreed upon reservations, it's time to drop the bullshit and deal in reality.

What degree will the US respond?
Non-nuclear for an opening shot almost certainly.
But America has much more capability than Russia and so Russia will either have to face defeat, occupation, and the breakup of their country.

Or go nuclear.

I think you have to take into consideration that America is Nato and so the question is obviously on whether or not America is going to put the crosshairs on itself.

When it turns to a real war instead of a pretend war with mutually agreed upon reservations, it's time to drop the bullshit and deal in reality.

What degree will the US respond?
Non-nuclear for an opening shot almost certainly.
But America has much more capability than Russia and so Russia will either have to face defeat, occupation, and the breakup of their country.

Or go nuclear.

Unlikely the initial response will come from mainland USA. Regardless of who’s toys are being played with. The most immediate, and direct response will have to come from the European theatre. Which begs the question… Which Eastern European country is going to sacrifice itself for article 5?
Why would Putin attack Finland? Leaving them to stew and build up to NATO standards and compatibility will be a significant drain on their defense spending. If Putin is going to war with the West he'll strike at the heart of Europe.
No, Putin wouldn't care about Finland now.
If Russia attacks it will be with full force against America. That could be a counter attack or pre-emptive.

It's the inevitabe conclusion when Russia's survival is at stake. Make no mistake, Russia has rock solid resolve to protect their country and the Russian people.

And fwiw, the Russian people are totally committed to Putin's resolve!
Unlikely the initial response will come from mainland USA. Regardless of who’s toys are being played with. The most immediate, and direct response will have to come from the European theatre. Which begs the question… Which Eastern European country is going to sacrifice itself for article 5?
Yes, the US would attempt to avoid responsibility but I just can't see how Russia could be under any wrong understanding on what country is responsible for the war in Ukraine.

In order to have a discussion we need to cut through the bullshit and directly to the chase!
America will take responsibility for it's war, willingly or not!
Yes, the US would attempt to avoid responsibility but I just can't see how Russia could be under any wrong understanding on what country is responsible for the war in Ukraine.

In order to have a discussion we need to cut through the bullshit and directly to the chase!
America will take responsibility for it's war, willingly or not!
Cutting to the chase; the battle is being fought in Europe. Regardless of who brought the toys. Under article 5, which European nation is going to volunteer to become the new front line?
No, Putin wouldn't care about Finland now.
If Russia attacks it will be with full force against America. That could be a counter attack or pre-emptive.

It's the inevitabe conclusion when Russia's survival is at stake. Make no mistake, Russia has rock solid resolve to protect their country and the Russian people.

And fwiw, the Russian people are totally committed to Putin's resolve!
Not the US, he would work to cause extreme damage across Europe, hoping to split the alliance. Destroy ports, airports, and railways and the US won't be sending much if anything. Putin knows the American people do not want a war in Europe. Biden can't fill the ranks now, and demographics have changed, there is no love or loyalty to the the Old World like there was 70+ years ago. The West will throw Ukraine under the bus before they will risk open conflict.
What does a 'reset end' mean to you?
Exactly what they say it means- an authoritarian globalist hegemony featuring a symbiosis of the govt, corporations & those connected to them will end up with everything while the great masses of useless eaters that survive will have nothing but a UBI based on a good social credit standing.
We will own nothing & "love our lives".
Which, of course, means living in the section 8 housing unit where our monthly check is delivered & waiting in line for a govt potato.
Basically, a neo-feudal/fascist system of totalitarianism
Not the US, he would work to cause extreme damage across Europe, hoping to split the alliance. Destroy ports, airports, and railways and the US won't be sending much if anything. Putin knows the American people do not want a war in Europe. Biden can't fill the ranks now, and demographics have changed, there is no love or loyalty to the the Old World like there was 70+ years ago. The West will throw Ukraine under the bus before they will risk open conflict.
Interesting question. I think that Europe would quickly come to the unerstanding that Russia has always wanted peace and to be a part of the West. For that reason they would refuse certain annihilation on behalf of America.
But of course it would be a question of Europe allowing nuclear strikes on Russia from their territory. Most likely all of Europe's Nato countries could prevent it, as America would try to ensure that US cities wouldn't become the targets.

But I don't see any possibility that Russia would mistake their real enemy being any other country but America.
Is the war in the Ukraine, America's war against Russia?

Accept your responsibility if the time comes.
Ignore? No… But to what degree will NATO respond?

And which Eastern European nation is going to volunteer to put crosshairs on its forehead, and host the response?
The nation that was attacked.

NATO members are going to have to make some very, very tough decisions if it ever comes to that. And until then; article 5 is just a theory.
Nope. On September 12, 2001, the day after the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history, committing its members to stand by the United States in its response to the attacks.

The nation that was attacked.

Nope. On September 12, 2001, the day after the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history, committing its members to stand by the United States in its response to the attacks.
Yes, I agree the attacked nation should be obliged to host the response. But if they are unable..?
As for 9/11... That was heartwarming, and all; but a far cry from the immediate response that may be required in the European theatre.
Yes, I agree the attacked nation should be obliged to host the response. But if they are unable..?
What if pigs had wings? I doubt we'll find out any time soon.

As for 9/11... That was heartwarming, and all; but a far cry from the immediate response that may be required in the European theatre.
We have long range drones and smart weapons. We could blow up every bridge in Russia from Arizona for starters.
What if pigs had wings? I doubt we'll find out any time soon.

We have long range drones and smart weapons. We could blow up every bridge in Russia from Arizona for starters.
There is no chance a pig will ever have wings. Ever. Russia is capable of attacking a neighbor state making said state an unsuitable staging point for a retaliatory strike. Easily.

As for the US launching, from the states, an attack on Russia proper, over a European incursion..? That's a pig with wings if I ever saw one..
France and Germany are showing rather covert indications that they are beginning to resist America's war on Russia, and othe smaller and less powerful Nato member countries could follow suit.
If the danger and risk are played up then the propganda blitz will begin to crumble, in favour of security from the Russian threat.

A threat that most already know just doesn't exist.

The war never did have to happen for the sake of the Ukraine.

And so why 'did' America foment a war with Russia that contains such risk?
There is no chance a pig will ever have wings. Ever. Russia is capable of attacking a neighbor state making said state an unsuitable staging point for a retaliatory strike. Easily.
Not easily and not by surprise either. They would have to build up for weeks or months so retaliation would be decided and in place before a single Russian soldier left Russia.

As for the US launching, from the states, an attack on Russia proper, over a European incursion..? That's a pig with wings if I ever saw one..
Not according to Article 5. Truth is we don't know what we'd do so neither could Putin and his Ukraine bluff has been called.

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