IRS tech experts: Lerner’s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
House investigators: IRS tech experts say Lerner?s hard drive only 'scratched,' not destroyed | Fox News

House investigators said Tuesday that the computer hard drive of ex-agency official Lois Lerner -- a key figure in the IRS targeting scandal -- was only “scratched,” not irreparably damaged, as Americans have been led to believe.GOP-led Ways and Means Committee investigators, in their quest to recover missing Lerner emails, learned her hard drive was damaged but recoverable by talking to IRS information-technology experts, after the government originally refused to make them available, according to the committee."
oh my! Someone is feeling the heat!
In addition, learning that the hard drive was only scratched also raises questions about why the IRS refused to use outside experts to recover the data.“In fact, in-house professionals at the IRS recommended the agency seek outside assistance in recovering the data,” the committee said Tuesday in a release.House investigators said they also are trying to determine whether the scratch was accidental or deliberate.“If the IRS would just come clean and tell Congress and the American people what really happened, we could put an end to this,” Camp said. “Our investigators will not stop until we find the full truth.”
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.
I am not an IT tech but have changed hard drives and I see no way a hard drive gets a scratch. If someone could explain how it would be appreciate. What I think is happening is that they discovered that the HD was shredded like they thought so them made an excuse. OR for a bigger conspiracy theory it is not her hard drive at all it is one they made to appear to be hers, it just took this long to do so. What is on the HD will tell the story.

If they can get their hands on it. Did you also hear the irs is looking for someone to destroy some hard drives, tapes, etc. for them?
The desperation, at this point, is pretty pathetic. Come on cons you can do better :cool:

Desperation of what? Seems if anyone is desperate at this point it would be you, wanting this to just go awayyyy.

Seems a judge was just lied to, as well. It is all getting pretty heated. What will the next week bring?
The desperation, at this point, is pretty pathetic. Come on cons you can do better :cool:

Desperation of what? Seems if anyone is desperate at this point it would be you, wanting this to just go awayyyy.

Seems a judge was just lied to, as well. It is all getting pretty heated. What will the next week bring?

Lol if it's anything like the last umpteen weeks a whole lot of nothing :laugh:

:lmoa: :rofl:
The desperation, at this point, is pretty pathetic. Come on cons you can do better :cool:

Desperation of what? Seems if anyone is desperate at this point it would be you, wanting this to just go awayyyy.

Seems a judge was just lied to, as well. It is all getting pretty heated. What will the next week bring?

Lol if it's anything like the last umpteen weeks a whole lot of nothing :laugh:

:lmoa: :rofl:

so you cknsider the fact the irs has been lying about her hard drive being totally unrecoverable nothing? Sounds more like that is the falsehood you hope others will fall for. Guess what? Those of us that realize the severity of what happened at the Irs want answers. The irs is not to be used for political folly. Already there have been firings and resignations over the hatch act, which is another form of political folly. It seems strange to me you don't see the seriousness in such. This is watergate in execution.
Further complicating the situation, the Committee’s investigation has revealed evidence that this declaration may not be accurate.* A review of internal IRS IT tracking system documents revealed that Lerner’s computer was actually once described as “recovered.”* In a transcribed interview on July 18, IRS IT employees were unable to confirm the accuracy of the documents or the meaning of the entry “recovered.”
and seems it was recovered before it wasn't.

This socialist bitch needs jail time.
The complication is whether it was actually recycled, now they have documents showing it was recovered.
Further complicating the situation, the Committee’s investigation has revealed evidence that this declaration may not be accurate.* A review of internal IRS IT tracking system documents revealed that Lerner’s computer was actually once described as “recovered.”* In a transcribed interview on July 18, IRS IT employees were unable to confirm the accuracy of the documents or the meaning of the entry “recovered.”
and seems it was recovered before it wasn't.

This socialist bitch needs jail time.

Lol man I can't wait until Republicans use those emails TO CHANGE THE WORLD!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh:

Any day now!!! :rofl:

Further complicating the situation, the Committee’s investigation has revealed evidence that this declaration may not be accurate.* A review of internal IRS IT tracking system documents revealed that Lerner’s computer was actually once described as “recovered.”* In a transcribed interview on July 18, IRS IT employees were unable to confirm the accuracy of the documents or the meaning of the entry “recovered.”
and seems it was recovered before it wasn't.

This socialist bitch needs jail time.

Lol man I can't wait until Republicans use those emails TO CHANGE THE WORLD!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh:

Any day now!!! :rofl:


Nobody takes you seriously. Nobody.
Well, we didnt see that coming.
So the IRS lied about the lies they've told. ANd how does a hard drive get scratched? Unless someone takes it out and tries to destroy it. Like maybe after getting notice of Congressional interest in what's on the hard drive.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven. We've got an IRS that lied about everything, a Justice Department that is giving a flat tire to any investigation, an administration that is covering up for all this, an IRS commissioner (several actually) lying to Congress, and IRS failing to comply with judge's orders, etc etc.
And I believe this is just the tip. Lois Lerner and the drive to suppress conservative groups is just one facet. I suspect we will learn the entire IRS has become politicized and is just an operative wing for the DNC. We already have Hilda Solis campaignign for the Dems on company time. We already know the IRS handed over confidential information to outside groups. Who believes it's impossible they didnt hand over donor lists and tax returns as well?
Well, we didnt see that coming.
So the IRS lied about the lies they've told. ANd how does a hard drive get scratched? Unless someone takes it out and tries to destroy it. Like maybe after getting notice of Congressional interest in what's on the hard drive.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven. We've got an IRS that lied about everything, a Justice Department that is giving a flat tire to any investigation, an administration that is covering up for all this, an IRS commissioner (several actually) lying to Congress, and IRS failing to comply with judge's orders, etc etc.
And I believe this is just the tip. Lois Lerner and the drive to suppress conservative groups is just one facet. I suspect we will learn the entire IRS has become politicized and is just an operative wing for the DNC. We already have Hilda Solis campaignign for the Dems on company time. We already know the IRS handed over confidential information to outside groups. Who believes it's impossible they didnt hand over donor lists and tax returns as well?

Still waiting to find out why anyone should really care....

Anyone. Buehler? Buehler?
Well, if Fox News says it - it must be true...

sometimes you do hit the ball to the fence, not only FoxNews, also there is this:

Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer hard drive was “scratched” and the data on it was still recoverable. But the IRS did not try to recover the data from Lerner’s hard drive, despite recommendations from in-house IRS IT experts to outsource the recovery project.

The hard drive was then “shredded,” according to a court filing the IRS made to House Ways and Means Committee investigators

Read more: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Was 'Scratched' | The Daily Caller
Well, we didnt see that coming.
So the IRS lied about the lies they've told. ANd how does a hard drive get scratched? Unless someone takes it out and tries to destroy it. Like maybe after getting notice of Congressional interest in what's on the hard drive.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven. We've got an IRS that lied about everything, a Justice Department that is giving a flat tire to any investigation, an administration that is covering up for all this, an IRS commissioner (several actually) lying to Congress, and IRS failing to comply with judge's orders, etc etc.
And I believe this is just the tip. Lois Lerner and the drive to suppress conservative groups is just one facet. I suspect we will learn the entire IRS has become politicized and is just an operative wing for the DNC. We already have Hilda Solis campaignign for the Dems on company time. We already know the IRS handed over confidential information to outside groups. Who believes it's impossible they didnt hand over donor lists and tax returns as well?

Still waiting to find out why anyone should really care....

Anyone. Buehler? Buehler?
OK, asshole. Here's why. Because once the precedent is set, it's set. So when President Cruz takes office and orders the IRS to spy on liberal groups, orders the Justice Dept to investigate George Soros, orders the Labor Dept to launch investigations into liberal owned companies, and generally tries to suppress liberals and Democrats you'll be squealing like the fat stuck pig you are and whining about how unfair it is.
That's why.

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