IRS declares jihad on Christianity

Apparently the IRS is starting to deny Christian organization of a tax exempt status saying they are really Republican organizations

From the article.

“Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations,” read a letter from IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen Martin to Christians Engaged, a nonprofit group seeking tax-exempt status. “The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican Party] and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3).”

I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.
Wake me up when the IRS begins doing this to ALL Christian -focused organizations... not just one that's actually and merely a Rumpian Propaganda Outlet... :auiqs.jpg:
Yet she ran scared like a guilty whore in church when approached by the media. If there is no evidence or bad evidence, why run? Stand tall.
Oh well, that's her right I guess. That's where we are now. Easier to get forgiveness or skate entirely than to get permission or low the rules.
They are becoming increasingly brazen and why not?

They own the court system, government, academia, and the media

And now they are in the process of taking over law enforcement and the military.

It's the new Cultural Revolution. It's never been tried on a fully armed country, so who know how this turns out for the Neo Marxists?
About time. You were doing fine until you devolved into your political rant. Joe Biden doesn't control the IRS. And they are only interested in one Specifically, how much they think you owe them. :)
Too many religious organizations donating millions to Republican candidates and then hiding behind that tax exempt status.

You ignorant ass, the IRS is an executive branch agency. xiden appoints their commissioner, so yeah, xiden does control the IRS.


Apparently the IRS is starting to deny Christian organization of a tax exempt status saying they are really Republican organizations

From the article.

“Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations,” read a letter from IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen Martin to Christians Engaged, a nonprofit group seeking tax-exempt status. “The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican Party] and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3).”

I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.
The thread premise is a lie.
If they're doing it to one, I really don't care.

If they're doing it to all or most, then I'll engage.

If they're doing it to a Right Wing propaganda store-front, then I'll applaud.
so you condone violence, thanks for finally admitting it.
You cannot be a registered non-profit, and work on behalf of a political party. It's the fucking law, and it is especially important that churches avoid politics. If they don't, they risk losing their tax exempt status. You should try reading the laws for non-profits:

As a card carrying Christian, I find Republicans to be the LAST party I would ever vote for. Their beliefs on gays, women, and minorities are the very antithesis of Jesus' teachings. Jesus preached against the pursuit of money, and said to be his follower you had to sell everything you own and give the money to the poor.

But mostly, I remember those who begged Jesus to get involved in the fight against the Romans, Jesus said that his Kingdom is not of this world and that we should render under Caesar that which is Caesar's.
I bolded the relevant part from your post. I find this interesting. Perhaps you will as well.

1. You say you are a "card carrying Christian", great. You then say that Jesus "said to be his follower you had to sell everything you own and give the money to the poor". Now, when did you sell everything you own and give the money to the poor? If you did not do so, how can you call yourself a "card carrying Christian"?

2. Jesus did not command everyone to "sell everything you own and give the money to the poor". I know what scripture you're referencing and I can tell you that He was talking to one individual at the time who was very wealthy and thought he was righteous because he followed the letter of the law. His wealth prevented him from being in relationship with God.
I bolded the relevant part from your post. I find this interesting. Perhaps you will as well.

1. You say you are a "card carrying Christian", great. You then say that Jesus "said to be his follower you had to sell everything you own and give the money to the poor". Now, when did you sell everything you own and give the money to the poor? If you did not do so, how can you call yourself a "card carrying Christian"?

2. Jesus did not command everyone to "sell everything you own and give the money to the poor". I know what scripture you're referencing and I can tell you that He was talking to one individual at the time who was very wealthy and thought he was righteous because he followed the letter of the law. His wealth prevented him from being in relationship with God.

So you’re completely ignoring all of the other texts in the Bible where he Jesus said that it was more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven and then it was for a camel to pass through the “eye of a needle”, or that the love of money is the root of all evil?

You also ignore the text where he talked about the lilies of the field. They toil not and yet they survive beautifully, because God provides for them. Or the Beatitudes where He said “Blessed are the poor” or that the meek will inherit the earth.

I am not wealthy and I have never pursued wealth in my entire life. I worked with and met enough really wealthy people to know that this is not how I want to live my life.

I have sufficient income to my needs and I’ve always made good money, but I used that money to provide a good life for my family and opportunities for my children to pursue their dreams.

I made sure that I came home from work at a decent hour to spend time with my family, rather than toiling long hours at the office where I could make even more money. I retired 5 years ago with sufficient pension to live on but I continue to work part time for travel money.

Since I wasn’t wealthy and didn’t have a lot of money to give to the church, I did donate generously of my time and efforts and continue to do so.
About time. You were doing fine until you devolved into your political rant. Joe Biden doesn't control the IRS. And they are only interested in one Specifically, how much they think you owe them. :)
Too many religious organizations donating millions to Republican candidates and then hiding behind that tax exempt status.

Yes he can.

He can control a lot, especially when he puts his personal people into positions of power inside them.
So you’re completely ignoring all of the other texts in the Bible where he Jesus said that it was more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven and then it was for a camel to pass through the “eye of a needle”, or that the love of money is the root of all evil?

You also ignore the text where he talked about the lilies of the field. They toil not and yet they survive beautifully, because God provides for them. Or the Beatitudes where He said “Blessed are the poor” or that the meek will inherit the earth.

I am not wealthy and I have never pursued wealth in my entire life. I worked with and met enough really wealthy people to know that this is not how I want to live my life.

I have sufficient income to my needs and I’ve always made good money, but I used that money to provide a good life for my family and opportunities for my children to pursue their dreams.

I made sure that I came home from work at a decent hour to spend time with my family, rather than toiling long hours at the office where I could make even more money. I retired 5 years ago with sufficient pension to live on but I continue to work part time for travel money.

Since I wasn’t wealthy and didn’t have a lot of money to give to the church, I did donate generously of my time and efforts and continue to do so.
And you failed to answer the pertinent question, which is, "When did you sell everything you own and give the money to the poor?". See, I know what Jesus said about wealth and how it can entice someone to trust in it instead of in God's provision. I also can read the Bible and understand context, and I dispute your assertion that Jesus "said to be his follower you had to sell everything you own and give the money to the poor". Now, you need to address that to remain credible, because obviously you never followed that command.
And you failed to answer the pertinent question, which is, "When did you sell everything you own and give the money to the poor?". See, I know what Jesus said about wealth and how it can entice someone to trust in it instead of in God's provision. I also can read the Bible and understand context, and I dispute your assertion that Jesus "said to be his follower you had to sell everything you own and give the money to the poor". Now, you need to address that to remain credible, because obviously you never followed that command.

I was never in a position of “following Jesus”. The person you referred to in the Bible who was told to “sell everything” was in a position to be a “follower”.

I gave up all inclination to accumulation of possessions after a tornado blew away everything I accumulated before my 30th birthday, in less than a minute. It taught me that anything you have, including your life, can be gone just like that so you better focus on the things that really matter.

You’re focussing on word games and trying to “stick it to the libs”. I’m focussed on policies which will help people achieve their best lives through education, infrastructure, and opportunity.
I was never in a position of “following Jesus”. The person you referred to in the Bible who was told to “sell everything” was in a position to be a “follower”.

I gave up all inclination to accumulation of possessions after a tornado blew away everything I accumulated before my 30th birthday, in less than a minute. It taught me that anything you have, including your life, can be gone just like that so you better focus on the things that really matter.

You’re focussing on word games and trying to “stick it to the libs”. I’m focussed on policies which will help people achieve their best lives through education, infrastructure, and opportunity.
That is not what I'm doing. Words mean things and when somebody tries to claim that Jesus said the only way to follow Him is to sell everything you have and give the money to the poor, I will step in and correct it. It's worse when "card carrying Christians" who should know better distort His message like that.

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