Irreparable Harm to the Democrat Party???

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Has there ever been anything that has caused... Irreparable Harm... to the Democratic Party?

Let's see mmm...............nope, anything goes.
Bill Clinton as POTUS can lie under oath about sex in the White House not with Hillary.

John F'n Ketchup can claim the US military is scaring women and children in Iraq on purpose...then later claim only stupid people end up in the military.

Congressman Hank Johnson can make public statements that Guam would tip over if too many people live there....he is still in Congress.

Sheile Lee thinks we landed men on Mars...she is still in Congress.

A gay Democrap (name escapes me) years ago was caught being a gay pedophile....he stayed in office.

Obamination can talk about stealing people's wealth, ridiculing people that get ahead in life, etc....and get re-elected.

Rice can openly lie on Sunday talk shows about Libya, then they blame her critics as racists.

Warren Buffet talks about raising income taxes, while he hides his money from taxes.
When Dems condemn Reps for things they themselves do I laff... Likewise when Reps call Dems out for the same things they do themselves, I laff... When people on message boards call the other party out for the same chit they do I get all sad panda knowing you guys vote.
No - their ideology seems beyond reproach with the media in their realm.
So when they encounter opposition such as the conservatives here on this message board, it infuriates them that they can't shut us up here too.

That's why I'm here. It pisses them off and they can't shut me up.
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Is that any weirder than zombie Republicans that keep rising from the dead? Thought they were gone for good in '64 and boom they were back with two of the scariest monsters of all time!!!

$zNixon.jpg $zReagan.jpg
Has there ever been anything that has caused... Irreparable Harm... to the Democratic Party?

when they can elect a Kenyan born African American community activist to two terms in office as President of the United States, then obviously there has not been an Irreparable Harm in their past.
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So Obama is Kenyan born. You can produce his birth certificate?

Has there ever been anything that has caused... Irreparable Harm... to the Democratic Party?

when they can elect a Kenyan born African American community activist to two terms in office as President of the United States, then obviously there has not been an Irreparable Harm in their past.
Has there ever been anything that has caused... Irreparable Harm... to the Democratic Party?

Let's see mmm...............nope, anything goes.

I think they be well on their way to doing just that, puting us into a deep recession with their stupid tax increases and excess regulations.
Has there ever been anything that has caused... Irreparable Harm... to the Democratic Party?

Let's see mmm...............nope, anything goes.

Anything goes including sending Romney home for good. Anything goes means if republicans don't change their routine they'll win fewer and fewer elections.
It's AMAZING the BS half the GOP believes: Obama is muslim, Kenyan, Marxist, ACORN stole the election, Dems had total control for 2 years, see sig pp3- AND no clue about what GOP has done to the country the last 30 years (sig pp1). No wonder the country is nuts....they have an alternate hate/propaganda universe. A disgrace.
Has there ever been anything that has caused... Irreparable Harm... to the Democratic Party?

Let's see mmm...............nope, anything goes.

Anything goes including sending Romney home for good. Anything goes means if republicans don't change their routine they'll win fewer and fewer elections.

Do you really think we need 2 completely unprincipled political parties?
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Has there ever been anything that has caused... Irreparable Harm... to the Democratic Party?

Let's see mmm...............nope, anything goes.

Anything goes including sending Romney home for good. Anything goes means if republicans don't change their routine they'll win fewer and fewer elections.

Do you really think we need 2 completely unprincipled political parties?

Interesting question: are 2 unprincipled parties better or worse than one? How do you get rid of a particularly bad apple if there's only one party? At least with 2 you can play one off the other.

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