Irreconcilable Political Differences


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
We are divided worse than just before the Civil War. Progressives fell a few EV short of fundamentally transforming America into a genuine police state where holding an opposing political opinion is treated as a form of terrorism.

We can quibble about the Nunes memo and the extent to which the FBI has already been transformed into the Democrat SS, the fact is that we are a nation with two fundamentally opposed views on the nature of the relationship between man and government. Dems and Deep State Operatives like Graham and Sessions favor a Fascist police state. Many of us are opposed and favor the restoration of our Civil Liberties: no more FBI, no more FISA, no more Patriot Act, no more surveillance state.

I feel like the country is sitting on the shoreline while deep offshore there was a magnitude 14 earthquake that will soon make apparent how great our differences are.
We are divided worse than just before the Civil War. Progressives fell a few EV short of fundamentally transforming America into a genuine police state where holding an opposing political opinion is treated as a form of terrorism.

We can quibble about the Nunes memo and the extent to which the FBI has already been transformed into the Democrat SS, the fact it the we a nation with two fundamentally opposed views on the nature of the relationship between man and government. Dems and Deep State Operatives like Graham and Sessions favor a Fascist police state. Many of us are opposed and favor the restoration of our Civil Liberties: no more FBI, no more FISA, no more Patriot Act, no more surveillance state.

I feel like the country is sitting on the shoreline while deep offshore there was a magnitude 14 earthquake that will soon make apparent how great our differences are.
Yes but you also thought we would all be long dead from ebola by now
We are divided worse than just before the Civil War. Progressives fell a few EV short of fundamentally transforming America into a genuine police state where holding an opposing political opinion is treated as a form of terrorism.

We can quibble about the Nunes memo and the extent to which the FBI has already been transformed into the Democrat SS, the fact it the we a nation with two fundamentally opposed views on the nature of the relationship between man and government. Dems and Deep State Operatives like Graham and Sessions favor a Fascist police state. Many of us are opposed and favor the restoration of our Civil Liberties: no more FBI, no more FISA, no more Patriot Act, no more surveillance state.

I feel like the country is sitting on the shoreline while deep offshore there was a magnitude 14 earthquake that will soon make apparent how great our differences are.
Yes but you also thought we would all be long dead from ebola by now
To be clear, what I said was that Obama was a bioterrorist for attempting to give Ebola an American host
We are divided worse than just before the Civil War. Progressives fell a few EV short of fundamentally transforming America into a genuine police state where holding an opposing political opinion is treated as a form of terrorism.

We can quibble about the Nunes memo and the extent to which the FBI has already been transformed into the Democrat SS, the fact is that we are a nation with two fundamentally opposed views on the nature of the relationship between man and government. Dems and Deep State Operatives like Graham and Sessions favor a Fascist police state. Many of us are opposed and favor the restoration of our Civil Liberties: no more FBI, no more FISA, no more Patriot Act, no more surveillance state.

I feel like the country is sitting on the shoreline while deep offshore there was a magnitude 14 earthquake that will soon make apparent how great our differences are.
"Divide and rule", that's what your Deep State has been using pretty successfully for the few last years.
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We are divided worse than just before the Civil War. Progressives fell a few EV short of fundamentally transforming America into a genuine police state where holding an opposing political opinion is treated as a form of terrorism.

We can quibble about the Nunes memo and the extent to which the FBI has already been transformed into the Democrat SS, the fact it the we a nation with two fundamentally opposed views on the nature of the relationship between man and government. Dems and Deep State Operatives like Graham and Sessions favor a Fascist police state. Many of us are opposed and favor the restoration of our Civil Liberties: no more FBI, no more FISA, no more Patriot Act, no more surveillance state.

I feel like the country is sitting on the shoreline while deep offshore there was a magnitude 14 earthquake that will soon make apparent how great our differences are.
Yes but you also thought we would all be long dead from ebola by now
To be clear, what I said was that Obama was a bioterrorist for attempting to give Ebola an American host
Lol oh you said a lot more than that
We are divided worse than just before the Civil War. Progressives fell a few EV short of fundamentally transforming America into a genuine police state where holding an opposing political opinion is treated as a form of terrorism.

We can quibble about the Nunes memo and the extent to which the FBI has already been transformed into the Democrat SS, the fact is that we are a nation with two fundamentally opposed views on the nature of the relationship between man and government. Dems and Deep State Operatives like Graham and Sessions favor a Fascist police state. Many of us are opposed and favor the restoration of our Civil Liberties: no more FBI, no more FISA, no more Patriot Act, no more surveillance state.

I feel like the country is sitting on the shoreline while deep offshore there was a magnitude 14 earthquake that will soon make apparent how great our differences are.
No, I think this shows that we are divided into a nation of people who love this country want it to work and a few right-wing and left-wing crackpots on the fringe of society who want to destroy it in the absurd hope that it will be replaced by something better.
When you Fucking try to use The KGB to take down a President in your own Country there should be a Civil War over that shit.

Liberals should be Shot on Sight!
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What the Democrats did to Trump, tears at the very fabric of our Constitutional Republic. Most of us never thought they would resort to such treacherous actions. We were naive. Surveilling the opposition party's candidate, and then conspiring to allow Hillary Clinton to walk, is Watergate ten-fold. People need to be arrested and prosecuted for their shocking abuse of power.
He’s also a regular Terrorist for trying to give Islamic Radicals an American Host

We are divided worse than just before the Civil War. Progressives fell a few EV short of fundamentally transforming America into a genuine police state where holding an opposing political opinion is treated as a form of terrorism.

We can quibble about the Nunes memo and the extent to which the FBI has already been transformed into the Democrat SS, the fact it the we a nation with two fundamentally opposed views on the nature of the relationship between man and government. Dems and Deep State Operatives like Graham and Sessions favor a Fascist police state. Many of us are opposed and favor the restoration of our Civil Liberties: no more FBI, no more FISA, no more Patriot Act, no more surveillance state.

I feel like the country is sitting on the shoreline while deep offshore there was a magnitude 14 earthquake that will soon make apparent how great our differences are.
Yes but you also thought we would all be long dead from ebola by now
To be clear, what I said was that Obama was a bioterrorist for attempting to give Ebola an American host

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