Irony: Obama Administration Calling Netanyahu "Chickenshit"

Nov 1, 2014
Senior Obama official Israeli PM Netanyahu is chickenshit
Add another item to the list of insults officials in the Obama administration have lobbed at Benjamin Netanyahu.
A senior Obama administration official recently described the Israeli prime minister as “chickenshit,” according to Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic.
The list also includes descriptions such as "recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and 'Aspergery,' " according to Goldberg.
“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official told Goldberg, explaining the meaning behind calling the leader of an ally a “chickenshit.”
“The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states," the official said. "The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. He’s not [Yitzhak] Rabin, he’s not [Ariel] Sharon, he’s certainly no [Menachem] Begin. He’s got no guts."

The irony here is that we're talking about a IDF war hero who led an assault force of 100 commandos to rescue the hostages of Air France Flight 139. In the successful operation that killed all the hostage takers, Netanyahu is reported to have killed 4 terrorists with 6 bullets.

Now compare this to our child, weakling community organizer president who's done nothing of any significance in his entire life.

We're seeing these comparisons time and time again. All the might of the United States military can't hide the fact that our CIC is a cowardly, feeble man. Russian president Putin, who's likely killed men with his bare hands, knows he's dealing with a spineless man-child and he's taking full advantage of the absence of strong, decisive leadership by the U.S. to make strategic gains in his hemisphere.

So it's laughable to watch the comparison between our fallow president and the strong leaders of the world and to watch SMALL MEN take cheap shots at REAL MEN from behind the protection of a powerful military force.
Obama and Company, if you think Netanyahu's a "chickenshit", then why don't you go ahead and step into the ring with him?
That wasn't Bibi Netanyahu, it was his older brother, Yonatan, and he was killed during that raid (Entebbe). Still though, Obama is the coward, not Netanyahu.
Senior Obama official Israeli PM Netanyahu is chickenshit
Add another item to the list of insults officials in the Obama administration have lobbed at Benjamin Netanyahu.
A senior Obama administration official recently described the Israeli prime minister as “chickenshit,” according to Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic.
The list also includes descriptions such as "recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and 'Aspergery,' " according to Goldberg.
“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official told Goldberg, explaining the meaning behind calling the leader of an ally a “chickenshit.”
“The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states," the official said. "The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. He’s not [Yitzhak] Rabin, he’s not [Ariel] Sharon, he’s certainly no [Menachem] Begin. He’s got no guts."

The irony here is that we're talking about a IDF war hero who led an assault force of 100 commandos to rescue the hostages of Air France Flight 139. In the successful operation that killed all the hostage takers, Netanyahu is reported to have killed 4 terrorists with 6 bullets.

Now compare this to our child, weakling community organizer president who's done nothing of any significance in his entire life.

We're seeing these comparisons time and time again. All the might of the United States military can't hide the fact that our CIC is a cowardly, feeble man. Russian president Putin, who's likely killed men with his bare hands, knows he's dealing with a spineless man-child and he's taking full advantage of the absence of strong, decisive leadership by the U.S. to make strategic gains in his hemisphere.

So it's laughable to watch the comparison between our fallow president and the strong leaders of the world and to watch SMALL MEN take cheap shots at REAL MEN from behind the protection of a powerful military force.
Obama and Company, if you think Netanyahu's a "chickenshit", then why don't you go ahead and step into the ring with him?

Ok first, you're wrong, it was Jonathan Netanyahu who helped rescuing the hostages in Uganda. The operation suceeded but Jonathan was killed in process.

Netanyahu did serve in the IDF, though, and holds a respectful resume in that field.

Second, there is another thread discussing this.

And third, welcome aboard.
That wasn't Bibi Netanyahu, it was his older brother, Yonatan, and he was killed during that raid (Entebbe). Still though, Obama is the coward, not Netanyahu.
Agreed. There might be some confusion on what I heard in regard to which brother participated in that assault, but the point still is valid that Netanyahu comes from a warrior culture where every male serves in the military and experiences combat. His administration has exuded strength in leadership one would expect from a strong man. The contrast with the Obama administration could not be more hilarious. Like I said, I'd love to see them step into a ring together.
It is ironic. Obama is the one who can't take a stand and he is so wishy washy on foreign policy. Before this stupid 'chickenshit' remark, the administration was critical of Israel for not being chickenshit and accused them of being aggressive.
Come to think of it, a boxing match might be a bad idea. We're talking about Democrats here and they know how to fix the fight.

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