Irma: South Florida prepares for hurricane arrival


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Bonjour, after Hurricane Harvey and the devastation of Harvey that hit American soil category 4 now Hurricane Irma will normally hit Sunday and it will be a category 5. I hope everyone will evacuate , the small French West Indies were heavily hit 2,700 people did not wanted to leave and the French helpers left today to see the damage and save and help the peoples , it is a desolation , a disaster

Live coverage of Hurricane Irma

Irma: South Florida prepares for hurricane arrival © AFP / Michele Eve

Endless tails at gas stations, supermarket out of stock: the people of Miami were rushing on Wednesday to make provisions for the powerful Hurricane Irma, which is expected to hit the coast on the weekend.
In the north of the city, policemen were on duty at a supermarket to prevent frustrated clients from coming to blows.
Many of them left with a cart filled with mineral water, bread and other necessities.
"I only bought water, ice cubes and a few dry products. We have a generator and we are getting ready a little," says Cecily Robinson, at the exit of a small supermarket, is quickly found short of bottled water.
"I survived Hurricane Andrew in Miami, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Wilma, and I have faith in God and I prepare well, but I'm not worried," says Robinson.
But the call of the town hall to make three days of food and water supplies quickly caused a shortage
"It's really hard this time, I have no water, I have nothing, no bread (...) people are crazy, it's really difficult," says Evelyn Olmedo.
At gasoline stations, some motorists waited several hours to refuel, sometimes unsuccessfully, while highway barriers were raised to smooth traffic inland.
The authorities have ordered the evacuation of residents from Wednesday evening in the Keys, the tourist archipelago of southern state that Irma should hit first, according to weather forecast. At least 25,000 people have already left the area, said Florida governor Rick Scott who expects further evacuations as Irma approaches.
"It is my first hurricane, I have friends who have been there for 20 to 30 years and they are worried so I am also, there is no doubt, tomorrow I leave, that's for sure, David Amendt, who caulked the doors and windows of his home in Key West with wooden plates and sheet metal, told AFP.
Emergency state

The category 5 hurricane, the highest in the classification of these phenomena, struck on Wednesday the French islands of St. Bartholomew and Franco-Dutch of St. Martin. Irma, described as "potentially catastrophic" by the US Center for Hurricanes (NHC), is now threatening Puerto Rico, Haiti and Florida with gusts of wind at 280 km / h.
It happens only two weeks after Harvey, who had hit Texas and Louisiana.
The mayor of Miami, Carlos Gimenez, has not yet ordered the evacuation of densely populated coastal areas, including the resort of South Beach, popular with tourists for its bars, restaurants and nightclubs.
Irma, who is not expected before Saturday "slowed down" his progress, he said, waiting for Thursday morning to have a "clearer picture" of what he is going to do.
However, the town hall has set up four reception centers in the city, with a capacity of 8,000 people. Sandbags have also been distributed in districts in flood-prone areas, while insurance companies have refused since Monday any new contract against floods and hurricanes.
In a downtown marina, the employees reinforced the moorings of the boats which could not be put in dry dock.
The state of emergency was also decreed throughout the country and a thousand soldiers of the National Guard were recalled. The remaining 6,000 must arrive before Friday morning.
Florida "is preparing to make sure families are safe," said Governor Scott,

Irma: le sud de la Floride se prépare à l'arrivée de l'ouragan
Umm, the mayor has called for mandatory evacuation of the lowest-lying areas of Miami and the barrier islands.

Miami-Dade orders coastal evacuation as Hurricane Irma threatens
True, I think they are not quite sure yet of the direction of Irma but it should hit Florida but it can also avoid a part. it will be a lot of people to evacuate and some people are leaving right now .
Ugly.....Florida is almost all low elevation, swamp, flat....and to leave, everyone has to channel up the peninsula.
Flying to Georgia tomorrow then renting a car to go pick up my mother in law in Panama city and take her to her sisters in Macon. Not looking forward to it but it's unavoidable.
Umm, the mayor has called for mandatory evacuation of the lowest-lying areas of Miami and the barrier islands.

Miami-Dade orders coastal evacuation as Hurricane Irma threatens
True, I think they are not quite sure yet of the direction of Irma but it should hit Florida but it can also avoid a part. it will be a lot of people to evacuate and some people are leaving right now .

People are panicking.

My brother and his family live near Gainesville, and other relatives in the Tampa area. Hell, anybody who has lived in Florida for any time at all has been through this a number of times and I suspect most aren't panicking that much unless they're rookies when it comes to hurricanes. They gotta know the drill by now, what they're going to need to get by for awhile in case they lose power and water.
Umm, the mayor has called for mandatory evacuation of the lowest-lying areas of Miami and the barrier islands.

Miami-Dade orders coastal evacuation as Hurricane Irma threatens
True, I think they are not quite sure yet of the direction of Irma but it should hit Florida but it can also avoid a part. it will be a lot of people to evacuate and some people are leaving right now .

People are panicking.

My brother and his family live near Gainesville, and other relatives in the Tampa area. Hell, anybody who has lived in Florida for any time at all has been through this a number of times and I suspect most aren't panicking that much unless they're rookies when it comes to hurricanes. They gotta know the drill by now, what they're going to need to get by for awhile in case they lose power and water.

Don't get your hopes too high, but it looks like it broke up. :eek:
Umm, the mayor has called for mandatory evacuation of the lowest-lying areas of Miami and the barrier islands.

Miami-Dade orders coastal evacuation as Hurricane Irma threatens
True, I think they are not quite sure yet of the direction of Irma but it should hit Florida but it can also avoid a part. it will be a lot of people to evacuate and some people are leaving right now .

People are panicking.

My brother and his family live near Gainesville, and other relatives in the Tampa area. Hell, anybody who has lived in Florida for any time at all has been through this a number of times and I suspect most aren't panicking that much unless they're rookies when it comes to hurricanes. They gotta know the drill by now, what they're going to need to get by for awhile in case they lose power and water.

Don't get your hopes too high, but it looks like it broke up. :eek:

Maybe it's beating itself up against those mountains of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Fine by me if it loses some strength by the time it hits FL, and especially when it gets further up the coast near Gainesville. My brother is dealing with major liver disease, has to get parathentesis treatments every so often to drain a fluid buildup. He and his wife have enough to deal with without losing their home or serious damage to it.
Flying to Georgia tomorrow then renting a car to go pick up my mother in law in Panama city and take her to her sisters in Macon. Not looking forward to it but it's unavoidable.
Hello, you have to have gasoline and other needed thing in advance that seems to be unavailable in places.
Umm, the mayor has called for mandatory evacuation of the lowest-lying areas of Miami and the barrier islands.

Miami-Dade orders coastal evacuation as Hurricane Irma threatens
True, I think they are not quite sure yet of the direction of Irma but it should hit Florida but it can also avoid a part. it will be a lot of people to evacuate and some people are leaving right now .

People are panicking.

My brother and his family live near Gainesville, and other relatives in the Tampa area. Hell, anybody who has lived in Florida for any time at all has been through this a number of times and I suspect most aren't panicking that much unless they're rookies when it comes to hurricanes. They gotta know the drill by now, what they're going to need to get by for awhile in case they lose power and water.

Don't get your hopes too high, but it looks like it broke up. :eek:

Maybe it's beating itself up against those mountains of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Fine by me if it loses some strength by the time it hits FL, and especially when it gets further up the coast near Gainesville. My brother is dealing with major liver disease, has to get parathentesis treatments every so often to drain a fluid buildup. He and his wife have enough to deal with without losing their home or serious damage to it.
Hello, I'm sorry for your brother that it's horrible its hurricanes that destroys everything and in addition the people who have to face the daily difficulties like an illness. In France we had a Cyclone Lothar and Martinin 1999
Cyclone Lothar and Martin - Wikipedia
but it is nothing compared to Harvey, Irma and there is also José who has become a hurricane 3 when the end of his hurricanes?
I was saying this because there is a restriction of gasoline at some place to refuel and that's all until the next gas station
I will have a full tank to get from Georgia to Panama city and back to Georgia before I will need to fill up. Once I get back near Atlanta there should be plenty of gas stations. It's only about a 5 hr drive each way.
I was saying this because there is a restriction of gasoline at some place to refuel and that's all until the next gas station
I will have a full tank to get from Georgia to Panama city and back to Georgia before I will need to fill up. Once I get back near Atlanta there should be plenty of gas stations. It's only about a 5 hr drive each way.

Don't be so sure, because there were hour long lines for gasoline in places as far north as Orlando.

Matter of fact, I've seen several people on the news who have said that they are going to try to ride out the storm where they are at because they don't have anywhere they can get gas to drive out.

And.................if you're looking for a flight out, forget it. There are a whole bunch of people who are having to shelter at the airport.

You know, there's an idea for making money.............take a few buses to places where they are wanting to get out and load 'em up for 100 bucks/head.
Thanks for the explanation Rambunctious,i saw on CNN that the people who leave are already waiting for a long time at gas stations. They leave with their most valuable possessions, and their cats, dogs they put sandbags and protect their windows with wooden planks.
And hope when they come back that they don't have lost everything Because Irma is a big one Hurricane.
I was saying this because there is a restriction of gasoline at some place to refuel and that's all until the next gas station
I will have a full tank to get from Georgia to Panama city and back to Georgia before I will need to fill up. Once I get back near Atlanta there should be plenty of gas stations. It's only about a 5 hr drive each way.

Don't be so sure, because there were hour long lines for gasoline in places as far north as Orlando.

Matter of fact, I've seen several people on the news who have said that they are going to try to ride out the storm where they are at because they don't have anywhere they can get gas to drive out.

And.................if you're looking for a flight out, forget it. There are a whole bunch of people who are having to shelter at the airport.

You know, there's an idea for making money.............take a few buses to places where they are wanting to get out and load 'em up for 100 bucks/head.
Yes, it will not be easy for everyone to leave, I saw a tourist in Miami Beach who did not know how to leave the place while the flights were taken and a few days ago still nothing was certain that Irma would go to Florida.
Don't be so sure, because there were hour long lines for gasoline in places as far north as Orlando.

Matter of fact, I've seen several people on the news who have said that they are going to try to ride out the storm where they are at because they don't have anywhere they can get gas to drive out.

And.................if you're looking for a flight out, forget it. There are a whole bunch of people who are having to shelter at the airport.

You know, there's an idea for making money.............take a few buses to places where they are wanting to get out and load 'em up for 100 bucks/head.
Panama City is very close to the Georgia border and way north of Orlando. Once I get back north near Columbus Georgia there should be gas. And if I can't get out of Macon or Atlanta for a few days because of a cancellation that is not a problem. Lots of family and friends in Macon and Athens Georgia. I'm a Bulldog! I'm a UGA alumni....
Many of the Caribbean islands were on the 'right' side of the hurricane, where the winds are at their most destructive.

Lot of aircraft arriving here from the Florida region and the hurricane path. Military craft flying in and out of here a lot the past couple of days, some staying, some shuttling off elsewhere to wait out the storm. Hope it veers off to the east of Florida rather than following the projected path I saw on the weather reports yesterday.

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