Irene demonstrates the power of government/media


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
I admit it might seem far-fetched but it's an interesting point of discussion. America's psyche was permanently rattled on a pretty day in September 2001 and the once proud self sustaining independent nature of Americans disappeared in a cloud of dust. We had a tropical storm no worse than a bad noreaster hit New York but the government combined with the willing media was able to convince Americans that forced evacuation under penalty of law was fine and government evacuation centers were preferable to hunkering down in a rainstorm.
It was certainly sensationalized...but from the government's perspective, nobody wants to risk being seen as Bush after Katrina, and we are partially to blame for that.
We have learned that the power of the media alone can force Americans to peacefully leave their homes and seek shelter in government compounds regardless of scientific evidence or common sense. It's a scary scenario made even more scary when some Americans support the concept.
And hind sight, as they say is 20-20. But if precautions had not been made and if, God forbid, Irene had been another Katrina, how many nattering idiots would be hyper critical of the LACK of government effort to secure safety?

seems those 'ounces of prevention' are just too much for those who would be ideologically opposed to a pound of cure.
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And hind sight, as they say is 20-20. But if precautions had not been made and if, God forbid, Irene had been another Katrina, how many nattering idiots would be hyper critical of the LACK of government effort to secure safety?

seems those 'ounces of prevention' are just too much for those who would be ideologically opposed to a pound of cure.

You are buying the fear that the media is selling. This storm was never higher than a Cat 1 and really closer to a tropical storm or tropical depression by the time it made landfall. The damage in these storms is almost always minor - the worst thing for people in the path of the storm is the inconvenience of losing power. Fear sells. Plain and simple.
And hind sight, as they say is 20-20. But if precautions had not been made and if, God forbid, Irene had been another Katrina, how many nattering idiots would be hyper critical of the LACK of government effort to secure safety?

seems those 'ounces of prevention' are just too much for those who would be ideologically opposed to a pound of cure.

You are buying the fear that the media is selling. This storm was never higher than a Cat 1 and really closer to a tropical storm or tropical depression by the time it made landfall. The damage in these storms is almost always minor - the worst thing for people in the path of the storm is the inconvenience of losing power. Fear sells. Plain and simple.
Monday morning quarterback. When did you think it would degrade to a Category 1 storm? And why weren't you railing against all the experts who thought otherwise?
And hind sight, as they say is 20-20. But if precautions had not been made and if, God forbid, Irene had been another Katrina, how many nattering idiots would be hyper critical of the LACK of government effort to secure safety?

seems those 'ounces of prevention' are just too much for those who would be ideologically opposed to a pound of cure.

You are buying the fear that the media is selling. This storm was never higher than a Cat 1 and really closer to a tropical storm or tropical depression by the time it made landfall. The damage in these storms is almost always minor - the worst thing for people in the path of the storm is the inconvenience of losing power. Fear sells. Plain and simple.
Monday morning quarterback. When did you think it would degrade to a Category 1 storm? And why weren't you railing against all the experts who thought otherwise?

The question is why the "experts" didn't realize it would downgrade once it hit landfall and become a tropical storm by the time it reached New England? Hurricanes do not increase in strength as they go north. They lose strength. If they start out as a cat 3 borderline cat 2chances are that they will become cat 1 and not cat 4. My point is that it's easy to get the public to vacate their homes these days and move into government compounds if the media cooperates with the "expert" propaganda. I'm not predicting a "martial law" scenario in the near future but it would be far easier than anyone ever thought to get the public to cooperate with any government agenda no matter how radical.
And hind sight, as they say is 20-20. But if precautions had not been made and if, God forbid, Irene had been another Katrina, how many nattering idiots would be hyper critical of the LACK of government effort to secure safety?

seems those 'ounces of prevention' are just too much for those who would be ideologically opposed to a pound of cure.

You are buying the fear that the media is selling. This storm was never higher than a Cat 1 and really closer to a tropical storm or tropical depression by the time it made landfall. The damage in these storms is almost always minor - the worst thing for people in the path of the storm is the inconvenience of losing power. Fear sells. Plain and simple.
Monday morning quarterback. When did you think it would degrade to a Category 1 storm? And why weren't you railing against all the experts who thought otherwise?
There were plenty of "experts" that derided the hype over this glorified rainstorm. Here are 2 that I found...
NOAA’s Phony “Hurricane” Coming On Shore With 33 MPH Winds | Real Science

The left will now demagogue the shit out of what was a normal weather event. Watch and see - over the next few days weeks we'll be inundated with stories and reports that link global warming and increased hurricane activity. We'll be warned (by people in a state of hysteria) that "right-wing" policies and "tea-baggers" are destroying the planet!!! We'll be told that if we disagree with AGW despite the lack of any real evidence, then we are the equivalent of "racists"!! We;ll be derided, condemned and called "deniers". The enviro-fascists will never let an opportunity to try and control the plebeians go by.
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I was one of the unfortunates that heeded the advice of the government during hurricane Rita when me and my family tried to evacuate along with 2 million others. After sitting in traffic for 10 hours with a screaming 3 month old and a 2 year old and barely travelling 30 miles we finally found a coworker on the north side of town to take us in for the weekend at 4am. After the storm weakened and missed us, we made it back home in 30 minutes to find nothing at all. I refused to go through this again when Ike came to town, instead we boarded up and rode it out 30 miles from the coast. The eye passed directly over our house, and though it did get a little hairy, we suffered no damages besides being out of power for 2 days. From now on I will more than likely stay through any storm up to a cat 3.

I do believe the city of Houston learned some valuable lessons from the Rita fiasco, and hope their evacuation plan will go much smoother for the next big storm that comes our way.
You are buying the fear that the media is selling. This storm was never higher than a Cat 1 and really closer to a tropical storm or tropical depression by the time it made landfall. The damage in these storms is almost always minor - the worst thing for people in the path of the storm is the inconvenience of losing power. Fear sells. Plain and simple.
Monday morning quarterback. When did you think it would degrade to a Category 1 storm? And why weren't you railing against all the experts who thought otherwise?
There were plenty of "experts" that derided the hype over this glorified rainstorm. Here are 2 that I found...
NOAA’s Phony “Hurricane” Coming On Shore With 33 MPH Winds | Real Science

The left will now demagogue the shit out of what was a normal weather event. Watch and see - over the next few days weeks we'll be inundated with stories and reports that link global warming and increased hurricane activity. We'll be warned (by people in a state of hysteria) that "right-wing" policies and "tea-baggers" are destroying the planet!!! We'll be told that if we disagree with AGW despite the lack of any real evidence, then we are the equivalent of "racists"!! We;ll be derided, condemned and called "deniers". The enviro-fascists will never let an opportunity to try and control the plebeians go by.
And the Right pooh poohed the Rham Emmanuel quote "Never let a crisis go to waste." What the hell are you doing now?
Monday morning quarterback. When did you think it would degrade to a Category 1 storm? And why weren't you railing against all the experts who thought otherwise?
There were plenty of "experts" that derided the hype over this glorified rainstorm. Here are 2 that I found...
NOAA’s Phony “Hurricane” Coming On Shore With 33 MPH Winds | Real Science

The left will now demagogue the shit out of what was a normal weather event. Watch and see - over the next few days weeks we'll be inundated with stories and reports that link global warming and increased hurricane activity. We'll be warned (by people in a state of hysteria) that "right-wing" policies and "tea-baggers" are destroying the planet!!! We'll be told that if we disagree with AGW despite the lack of any real evidence, then we are the equivalent of "racists"!! We;ll be derided, condemned and called "deniers". The enviro-fascists will never let an opportunity to try and control the plebeians go by.
And the Right pooh poohed the Rham Emmanuel quote "Never let a crisis go to waste." What the hell are you doing now?
I am sitting at home having a cup of coffee.:lol:

I am not an elected official that is telling people that they need to evacuate their homes for a rain storm. I am not the President of the United States telling citizens "this is not over". The fear mongering is coming from all levels of government and the media helps to sell it.
Speaking of fear mongering, why use such terminology as "government compounds" and "forced evacuation under penalty of law"............? :eusa_whistle:

Get a grip people, it was just precautionary measures to protect citizens...
Oh my adults warned that things could get very bad and people took the nessesary precautions lives were saved and some of the precations taken were thankfully unneeded.

What a ground BREAKING story the cons here have stumbled into.

You would think the media misinformed the people about a pending war resulting in 70% of the people thinking that the leader of the country about to bombed into shock and awe was responsible for 911 when he had nothing to do with it?

Weather is historically hard to predict with perfection.

Who did 911 was pretty much in the bag by the time we bombed Iraq.

Can you tell me why the American people were so misinformed about the facts at that point?
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There were plenty of "experts" that derided the hype over this glorified rainstorm. Here are 2 that I found...
NOAA’s Phony “Hurricane” Coming On Shore With 33 MPH Winds | Real Science

The left will now demagogue the shit out of what was a normal weather event. Watch and see - over the next few days weeks we'll be inundated with stories and reports that link global warming and increased hurricane activity. We'll be warned (by people in a state of hysteria) that "right-wing" policies and "tea-baggers" are destroying the planet!!! We'll be told that if we disagree with AGW despite the lack of any real evidence, then we are the equivalent of "racists"!! We;ll be derided, condemned and called "deniers". The enviro-fascists will never let an opportunity to try and control the plebeians go by.
And the Right pooh poohed the Rham Emmanuel quote "Never let a crisis go to waste." What the hell are you doing now?
I am sitting at home having a cup of coffee.:lol:

I am not an elected official that is telling people that they need to evacuate their homes for a rain storm. I am not the President of the United States telling citizens "this is not over". The fear mongering is coming from all levels of government and the media helps to sell it.
What you call fear mongering is what responsible people see as taking reasonable precautions to avoid unnecessary calamity. Seeking shelter from the storm is a reasonable precaution. Warning folks of impending danger is a reasonable precaution. Alleviating the strain on already stressed emergency response teams by evacuating citizens is a reasonable precaution. I suppose you reacted the same way whenever there was a fire drill at your grammar school.
Remember Y2K, Bird Flu pandemic, and 2012 is doomsday on the Mayan Calender.............
And the Right pooh poohed the Rham Emmanuel quote "Never let a crisis go to waste." What the hell are you doing now?
I am sitting at home having a cup of coffee.:lol:

I am not an elected official that is telling people that they need to evacuate their homes for a rain storm. I am not the President of the United States telling citizens "this is not over". The fear mongering is coming from all levels of government and the media helps to sell it.
What you call fear mongering is what responsible people see as taking reasonable precautions to avoid unnecessary calamity. Seeking shelter from the storm is a reasonable precaution. Warning folks of impending danger is a reasonable precaution. Alleviating the strain on already stressed emergency response teams by evacuating citizens is a reasonable precaution. I suppose you reacted the same way whenever there was a fire drill at your grammar school.

I am all for "reasonable" precautions. School Fire drills are reasonable precautions. They last a few minutes and prepare kids for an emergency. But if they forced the parents to take off from work, come to the school, pick up the kids and drive them a few hundred miles away for a fire drill, that would be unreasonable. Mandatory evacuation of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers is not reasonable in my opinion.

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