Ireland’s debt is forecast to reach a little above €203 billion or 111 per cent of GDP


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Ireland’s debt in 2006 stood at €43.7 billion and, at 25.1 per cent of gross domestic product or economic output, was then the second-lowest in the euro zone. By the end of this year, the debt is forecast to reach a little above €203 billion or 111 per cent of GDP. Large as that sum is, it is down from a level of €215.6 billion or 123.3 per cent of GDP at the end of 2013.

National debt and its servicing still weigh heavily on State
  • The cost of servicing Ireland's national debt this year is estimated at €8.25 billion, although lower borrowing costs on international markets and a deal to repay the IMF early are reducing such costs. Such a figure, however, would be enough to meet the estimated €8.22 billion day-to-day cost of running the State’s education system next year.
The fundamentals of Ireland's economy are good. They still have strong export to GDP unlike a lot of the euro states in trouble. Their financial system took a beating because of the housing crisis. They will be fine in the long term, and even the nearer term.
In 2013, the Government spent €637 million on Ireland’s aid programme.

Where the Money Goes - C namh ireann - An Roinn Gn tha Eachtracha agus Tr d la

Maybe it is time the Irish Government got it's own house in order before it tries to save the world!

How ever bad it is, our hardship doesn't even compare to the trouble these fellow human being have...
I am proud as a nation the amount we give. I would prefer for us to up our Government contributions to 1% overtime and I think that is a wish shared by my fellow countrymen/women.
Probably our big difference to US giving is that we don't donate to our church at the same levels as US but prefer that our money goes to the poor and our foreign aid is not targeted on countries like Israel .

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