Iran’s Happy Jews - A Big Problem For Israel

What, no comment from the Zionists on the forum?

"As Ciamak Moresadegh, an Iranian Jewish leader, observed: If you think Judaism and Zionism are one, it is like thinking Islam and the Taliban are the same, and they are not."
the number of jews left in Iran is more like 8000. After an over 2500 year history in that land the decimation of the population is far greater than meets the definition of genocide. Jews are not the only persecuted and decimated minority----Zoroastrians and Christians and Ethnic arabs and Sunni muslims have been significantly persecuted. People who flee the filth leave ALL they own----they run penniless

Note the propagandist vocabulary ^^^. "series of explosions" refers to harmless smoke bombs in a library
at nite---entirely devoid of people. "naturally cast a shadow
of disloyalty" SHEEEEESH --great excuse----at the very least--based on the islamic filth of October 7 the entire muslim population should either be deported or shot. For REAL information---talk to a SUNNI MUSLIM who has fled
Iran. or a zoroastrian. As to the utter bullshit re: Iraqi jews---the filth presented in THAT "citation" is pure fantasy----Talk to a real Iraqi jew or pay attention to Itamar ben Gvir. Welcome to the world of Islamo,Episco-shit

Israel's false flag operation to blame the Arabs caused Eisenhower to withdraw financing for the Aswan dam and brought about the Suez Crisis.
"As Ciamak Moresadegh, an Iranian Jewish leader, observed: If you think Judaism and Zionism are one, it is like thinking Islam and the Taliban are the same, and they are not."
oh---the exception that proves the rule---another "WIN" for the
islamoEpisconazi POV. Ciamak is "jewish leader"? since
when? He is a jew who has managed to be a token politician
in Iran. I have known SHIITES from India who would not set
foot in Pakistan---(where shiites are prone to get shot in the
head for being shiites) who claim "we ain't got no problems
over there" A patient of mine stated "I am going to Iran
to check out the village my father own"-----my stethoscope
then ran into a giant crucifix necklace. I asked "you gonna
be wearing that in Iran"? ----(well---an Iranian convert to
christianity---guess the rest) For more insight---talk to
Iranian jews in the USA----lots of them---they began spilling
out of Iran in the midsixties and early 70s when the stench
of islam filled the air (lots of muslims fled too---brain drain)
Israel's false flag operation to blame the Arabs caused Eisenhower to withdraw financing for the Aswan dam and brought about the Suez Crisis.
another idiot islamo nazi meme---outright lie as the episco
dances on the dead bodies of MILLIONS of infants---and is
still trying to recover the rain clouds DA JOOOS STOLE
" Pathetic Abdication To Pretentious Cultural Hegemony Of Sectarian Supremacy "

* Antinomianism To Non Lineal Descendants Deprived Of Eponymous Patriarchy *

What, no comment from the Zionists on the forum?
Assuming that the sectarian supremacists of fictional ishmaelism are capable of implementing its authoritarian state of dhimmi statuses within which some sect feels less intimidated , or are complicit with an ignorance for the genetic religions of torahnism and qurayshism , simple facts are that former persians are not lineal descendants of ishmael within hejaz and qurayshism does not apply to is peoples .

surah 8 al-anfal - spoils of war
8:75 And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God.
Indeed, God is Knowing of all things.

surah 106 - quraysh
1. For the accustomed security of the Quraysh
2. Their accustomed security [in] the caravan of winter and summer
3. Let them worship the Lord of this House
4. Who has fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear.

The abbasid revolution began because the original ummayyad believed qurayshism belonged to the aristocracy of lineal descendants from ishmael and non lineal descendants were excluded , however non lineal descendants of ishmael soon outnumbered the quraysh after conversion to fictional ishmaelism .

The persians are a disgraced and humiliated peoples , denoted in idiom from history as iran , as in " i ran away like little girls " from its cultural independence and heritage of zoroastrianism .

In contemporary culture of former persia , rather than embracing independence of the individual and sending the mushroom phallus hat mullahs back to their arab masters , former persians are waiting for a lineal descendant of ishmael to come down on a cloud from the sky to call it fate ( caliphate ) over everything everyone is allowed to do .

Would it be justified for japheth to compel shem to own up to obligations to its eponymous patriarch , to own up to its history for violence and homicide by doctrine to establish a universal sovereignty for the sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism , by seeking to establish a religious polity of torahnism within the city state of israel ?

A news story that few people paid attention to.
Iran has put up billboards depicting the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and supporting Christianity across the country in response to the Olympics frenzy.
"Truly, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, is the messenger of God."
A news story that few people paid attention to.
Iran has put up billboards depicting the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and supporting Christianity across the country in response to the Olympics frenzy.
"Truly, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, is the messenger of God."
Most people in the western countries don't know that Islamic theology teaches Muslins to reverence Jesus as a prophet of God and that he worked miracles and healed people.
" Surah 9:111 September 11 2001 No Directive To Kill Or Be Killed In The Gospel "

* Fictional Ishmaelism Seeking Acceptance Through Appeal For Common Ground *

Most people in the western countries don't know that Islamic theology teaches Muslins to reverence Jesus as a prophet of God and that he worked miracles and healed people.
Most in western countries do not know that qurayshism presumes only that isa was a prophet but did not rise from the dead .

12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 15 More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.
" How Do Squirrels Remember Where To Dig Up These Nuts "

* None Paid Attention Because It Is Fake News By A Totalitarian Government *

A news story that few people paid attention to.
Iran has put up billboards depicting the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and supporting Christianity across the country in response to the Olympics frenzy.
"Truly, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, is the messenger of God."
Yeah , but the humiliated and disgraced persians , denoted for their cowardice in idiom as " ' i ran ' away like little girls " from their cultural heritage of zoroastrianism and became punks for the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony , whose mushroom hat mullahs are pandering fictional ishmaelism that does not apply to its peoples , are all too enthusiastic to capitalize on mob rules fanaticism of social outrage , while ignoring origins of the olympics from greek society .

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