Iranians Shrug Off Obama - America Soon To Follow?

Does that count as an argument where you come from, sonny?
no, it means i wont waste much time on you
you are too fucking stupid

Really? Then why are you replying to everything I say and following me around like a little bitch?

He was just in another thread, you stupid fucking invalid. I was actually going to engage in conversation with you, but now, I think not. chris is around. The two of you can have an Obama worship service together. Enjoy.
no, it means i wont waste much time on you
you are too fucking stupid

Really? Then why are you replying to everything I say and following me around like a little bitch?

He was just in another thread, you stupid fucking invalid. I was actually going to engage in conversation with you, but now, I think not. chris is around. The two of you can have an Obama worship service together. Enjoy.

Please don't, unless you are going to somehow, miraculously, say something that actually has some substance to it. Otherwise, I really don't need to listen to a retarded ass uni student who thinks he knows something about the world.
Really? Then why are you replying to everything I say and following me around like a little bitch?

He was just in another thread, you stupid fucking invalid. I was actually going to engage in conversation with you, but now, I think not. chris is around. The two of you can have an Obama worship service together. Enjoy.

Please don't, unless you are going to somehow, miraculously, say something that actually has some substance to it. Otherwise, I really don't need to listen to a retarded ass uni student who thinks he knows something about the world.

amazing how you think you know everything about me.
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Really? Then why are you replying to everything I say and following me around like a little bitch?
maybe i'm just bored enough to just keep responding to your stupidity, but not enough to actually research for you

Nobody was asking you to research, dumbfuck.

And you ruin every damn thread you're in. Your beginning to really stink up the board with your SHIT in all these threads.
maybe i'm just bored enough to just keep responding to your stupidity, but not enough to actually research for you

Nobody was asking you to research, dumbfuck.

And you ruin every damn thread you're in. Your beginning to really stink up the board with your SHIT in all these threads.

Look in the mirror, shitbreath. The only difference between you and Publius is that, thankfully, your incoherent right-wing rants about shit you know nothing about is much shorter than his are.
I could not help but chuckle at the naive implorations by a few in this forum declaring that Obama was altering the attitude of the Muslim world through a few speeches given in recent weeks.

It is that degree of naivety that is the now-crumbling foundation of the Obama administration. They were elected on the power of speech, so they are now convinced they can actually govern by that same power - that words in essence, are more critical than actual results.

So, while Obama's personal popularity remains high, his job approval has fallen, particularly in the categories of handling the economy, government spending, and taxes. The reality of the time is now in stark contrast to the lofty rhetoric of Obama's so often contradictory words.

And now with the overwhelming victory by Iranian Muslim hardliner President Ahmadinejad in Iran, re-elected by well over 60% of the population (a far more statistically significant victory than Obama's own victory in the United States last year) we see Obama's impotence with the American economy now extending to foreign policy.

The Obama White House is a place of increasing uncertainty. The community organizer turned President struggles for a coherent message - particularly when removed from the safety of his teleprompted script. The economy continues to stagnate, and a tide of opposition grows against his health care plan, where more moderate Democrats are now quietly backing away from the White House for fear of being attached to its quite possible legislative failure.

And so, this White House continues its campaign of words-words-words, but fewer and fewer and fewer care to listen, with a hint of fomenting contempt against this overly scripted and verbose President beginning to accumulate across America.

The vast majority of Iranian people are not impressed with Obama.

Perhaps it is that one thing which the Iranians and the American people wil sooner rather than later, have in common.

The election was stolen and the Iranian people know it.

Obama's election is helping to lead to the destruction of the Iranian government.

It is disintegrating before our very eyes.

Criss--give it up will ya? 60% of the population voted to keep the current government. There is not a shread of proof that voter fraud happened. All we have is a bunch of opposition voters that are very angry right now-- That's it.

You might want to do a little reading.

The election was stolen.
He was just in another thread, you stupid fucking invalid. I was actually going to engage in conversation with you, but now, I think not. chris is around. The two of you can have an Obama worship service together. Enjoy.

Please don't, unless you are going to somehow, miraculously, say something that actually has some substance to it. Otherwise, I really don't need to listen to a retarded ass uni student who thinks he knows something about the world.

amazing how you think you know everything about me.

Wait, sort of how you went around proclaiming I worshiped Obama, without a shred of evidence?

Yeah, don't bitch when I play online psychologist right back at you, bitch.
He was just in another thread, you stupid fucking invalid. I was actually going to engage in conversation with you, but now, I think not. chris is around. The two of you can have an Obama worship service together. Enjoy.

Please don't, unless you are going to somehow, miraculously, say something that actually has some substance to it. Otherwise, I really don't need to listen to a retarded ass uni student who thinks he knows something about the world.

amazing how you think you know everything about me.
must be that liberal moonbat theology at work
remember, they always know whats best for you and how to best spend the money you earn
Please don't, unless you are going to somehow, miraculously, say something that actually has some substance to it. Otherwise, I really don't need to listen to a retarded ass uni student who thinks he knows something about the world.

amazing how you think you know everything about me.
must be that liberal moonbat theology at work
remember, they always know whats best for you and how to best spend the money you earn

amazing how you think you know everything about me.

Consistency fail...yet again. really, really suck at this.
The election was stolen and the Iranian people know it.

Obama's election is helping to lead to the destruction of the Iranian government.

It is disintegrating before our very eyes.

Criss--give it up will ya? 60% of the population voted to keep the current government. There is not a shread of proof that voter fraud happened. All we have is a bunch of opposition voters that are very angry right now-- That's it.

Actually there is a shit ton of evidence that voter fraud happened.

Informed Comment: Stealing the Iranian Election

And if there was no fraud, why are all the social networking sites shut down?

If there was no fraud, why are random DOS attacks happening against Iranian expat sites?

If there was no fraud, why is Mousavi under house arrest?

Also there have been reports that Irans own election monitoring service has declared it fraudulent, and top clerics have asked for a revote.

The site you linked is nothing more than a pile of "conjecture" written by a journalist. I am no fan of Iran--& I would have certainly liked to have seen a more moderate government in charge that was willing to talk to the west--& stop all this continual threatening of our greatest allie in the region--Isreal. Nothing Iran does--surprises me. I lived through their first slap to our face--50 Americans held hostage for over 1-1/2 years during the Carter administration. This is Iran.

The next question for you is "What are we going to do about it?" On another board we have people calling for an all out invasion of Iran--to help the youth take control. These same people hated Bush for doing the same thing in Iraq. BTW--I was struck by a comment made years ago, after our invasion of Iraq. A group of young Iranians--were absolutely "gleeful" that we invaded Iraq & were asking a reporter when we planned on invading their country. They wanted to be next.

I would sure hate to invade Iran & find out later that the election results were correct. Could you imagine the consequences?
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amazing how you think you know everything about me.
must be that liberal moonbat theology at work
remember, they always know whats best for you and how to best spend the money you earn

amazing how you think you know everything about me.

Consistency fail...yet again. really, really suck at this.
no, you suck at this
just where did i say i know anything about YOU in specific?
i didnt
thats why i see you as a fucking moron
you jump to conclusions not supported by what i said
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Criss--give it up will ya? 60% of the population voted to keep the current government. There is not a shread of proof that voter fraud happened. All we have is a bunch of opposition voters that are very angry right now-- That's it.

Actually there is a shit ton of evidence that voter fraud happened.

Informed Comment: Stealing the Iranian Election

And if there was no fraud, why are all the social networking sites shut down?

If there was no fraud, why are random DOS attacks happening against Iranian expat sites?

If there was no fraud, why is Mousavi under house arrest?

Also there have been reports that Irans own election monitoring service has declared it fraudulent, and top clerics have asked for a revote.

The site you linked is nothing more than a pile of "conjecture" written by a journalist. I am no fan of Iran--& I would have certainly liked to have seen a more moderate government in charge that was willing to talk to the west--& stop all this continual threatening of our greatest allie in the region--Isreal. Nothing Iran does--surprises me. I lived through their first slap to our face--50 Americans held hostage for over 1-1/2 years during the Carter administration. This is Iran.

The next question for you is "What are we going to do about it?" On another board we have people calling for an all out invasion of Iran--to help the youth take control. These same people hated Bush for doing the same thing in Iraq.

I would sure hate to invade Iran & find out later that the election results were correct. Could you imagine the consequences?
no shit
Who's blaming Obama for this? I am not. The point was we had a couple of you guys actually calling the election--2 days before it happened--& giving credit to Obama for a wishful thinking win.

Does this mean you should run away from this thread? No--it's designed--to give you a little history lesson the middle east--instead of thinking that because a new President was elected 6 months ago--everything is going to change for the better.

Sorry friend--I have been around way to long to know that never happens in the middle east--regardless of who the POTUS is. And we've been dealing with middle east problems since right after WW2 which was 1945!

ok, after reading your post, friend, i decided to give this thread another chance.

it is after all designed to give me a little history lesson the middle east.


Great--I am glad to see you back. I really don't know how old you are--but this has been going on for decades in the middle east. I don't know if you remember this or not--but Bill Clinton spent his last weeks with the then prime--minister of Isreal & Arafat--trying to get to peace in the region. Clinton & the prime minister of Isreal worked up an unbelievable deal for Arafat. Even the political pundents--stated there would be no other better deal--it was put on a silver platter for Arafat--& he shocked everyone by turning it down FLAT.

G.W. Bush got so ticked at Arafat for turning down the Clinton deal--that he wouldn't even acknowledge Arafat's presence in a room. You probably remember the horrendous bombings in Isreal (after Arafat turned down Clinton's deal?) Then Arafat dies during the Bush administration. We're all HEY this is it--Palistians have got to be sick & tired of living in poverty--they've got to be sick & tired of war--they're going to elect the more moderate to run their country. They SHOCKED the entire world by electing a terrorist organization (Hamas) to be in charge of the government of Palistine.

This is the middle east. If you have read any books on them--you will note that they have been warriors--barbarians in their culture for centuries. If they're not fighting us they fight each other. It's like they live for war.

We have been unsuccessful at changing that culture. We have been sucessful with moderate Muslims--but the hard-liners--forget it. It's a waste of time, in my opinion.

The Mullahs in Iran really are the ones in control. Unfortunately--we did not back the Shaw of Iran & they took over. They have been there for decades now. While the younger want change & have wanted change for a very long time--they've got a real uphill battle in front of them.

Every single President has tried to settle issues & bring a lasting peace to the region. And every one of them have come up empty handed.

I have no idea anymore, who is winding up who. My post was sarcastic, I thought this was obvious. if you did not get this, then i apologize, i feel bad now (no sarcasm).

If you took my post and threw it back in my face with even more sarcasm, then i applaud, well-played.

If I needed a history lesson about the middle east the last place i'd look for info would be on an ultra-partisan US message board.
How true Sinatra, Kennedy was no mindless, weak kneeded leftist, he was conservative and passed one of the largest across the boards tax cuts in history. He tolerated no B.S from foriegn leaders and handled the Cuban Crisis with total strength and determination during the cold war.

So many democrats like to tout his name, but if they actually knew what a strong determined, tax cutting, pro business president he was, I wonder if they still would.

He was nothing like his brother Ted, they were related in blood only, otherwise they were total opposites in ideology.

Total fabricated BULL shit...

How many "tough" "pro business" conservatives would say THIS about the president of US Steel and other steel executives ???

"The American people will find it hard, as I do, to accept a situation in which a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of private power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility can show such utter contempt for the interests of 185 million Americans."

Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis AGAINST the relentless pressure by the Joint Chiefs and the military to, as General Curtis LeMay said, "fry" Cuba...

How many "strong" not weak- kneed conservatives would ever utter THESE words?

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."

How many conservatives strongly support the Arts and would talk like THIS?

"If sometimes our great artists have been the most critical of our society, it is because their sensitivity and their concern for justice, which must motivate any true artist, makes him aware that our Nation falls short of its highest potential. I see little of more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist."
Who's blaming Obama for this? I am not. The point was we had a couple of you guys actually calling the election--2 days before it happened--& giving credit to Obama for a wishful thinking win.

Does this mean you should run away from this thread? No--it's designed--to give you a little history lesson the middle east--instead of thinking that because a new President was elected 6 months ago--everything is going to change for the better.

Sorry friend--I have been around way to long to know that never happens in the middle east--regardless of who the POTUS is. And we've been dealing with middle east problems since right after WW2 which was 1945!

ok, after reading your post, friend, i decided to give this thread another chance.

it is after all designed to give me a little history lesson the middle east.


Great--I am glad to see you back. I really don't know how old you are--but this has been going on for decades in the middle east. I don't know if you remember this or not--but Bill Clinton spent his last weeks with the then prime--minister of Isreal & Arafat--trying to get to peace in the region. Clinton & the prime minister of Isreal worked up an unbelievable deal for Arafat. Even the political pundents--stated there would be no other better deal--it was put on a silver platter for Arafat--& he shocked everyone by turning it down FLAT.

G.W. Bush got so ticked at Arafat for turning down the Clinton deal--that he wouldn't even acknowledge Arafat's presence in a room. You probably remember the horrendous bombings in Isreal (after Arafat turned down Clinton's deal?) Then Arafat dies during the Bush administration. We're all HEY this is it--Palistians have got to be sick & tired of living in poverty--they've got to be sick & tired of war--they're going to elect the more moderate to run their country. They SHOCKED the entire world by electing a terrorist organization (Hamas) to be in charge of the government of Palistine.

This is the middle east. If you have read any books on them--you will note that they have been warriors--barbarians in their culture for centuries. If they're not fighting us they fight each other. It's like they live for war.

We have been unsuccessful at changing that culture. We have been sucessful with moderate Muslims--but the hard-liners--forget it. It's a waste of time, in my opinion.

The Mullahs in Iran really are the ones in control. Unfortunately--we did not back the Shaw of Iran & they took over. They have been there for decades now. While the younger want change & have wanted change for a very long time--they've got a real uphill battle in front of them.

Every single President has tried to settle issues & bring a lasting peace to the region. And every one of them have come up empty handed.

I LOVE seeing right wing pea brains "school" us on the "parochial" version of history of places like PERSIA, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Egypt (place with those stone pointy things) know...the birth place of something called civilization, home of the first human rights charter in history, the Cyrus Cylinder...

Hey pea up on Operation Ajax...find out what happened to Prime Minister Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh after he nationalized Iran's oil reserves...

Right wing pea brain "parochial" definition of Nationalize: STEAL a countries resources AWAY from their rightful owners...the British Empire and the Imperial Empire of America...
TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's supreme leader ordered Monday an investigation into allegations of election fraud, marking a stunning turnaround by the country's most powerful figure and offering hope to opposition forces who have waged street clashes to protest the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

And the elephant you rode in on.:lol: Want to bet there aren't votes to be counted?

Hmm, this is more and more like Florida 2000. Aminidina learned well, grasshopper.:lol:
TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's supreme leader ordered Monday an investigation into allegations of election fraud, marking a stunning turnaround by the country's most powerful figure and offering hope to opposition forces who have waged street clashes to protest the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

And the elephant you rode in on.:lol: Want to bet there aren't votes to be counted?

Hmm, this is more and more like Florida 2000. Aminidina learned well, grasshopper.:lol:

Did Katherine Harris fix this one, too?:cuckoo:
Criss--give it up will ya? 60% of the population voted to keep the current government. There is not a shread of proof that voter fraud happened. All we have is a bunch of opposition voters that are very angry right now-- That's it.

Actually there is a shit ton of evidence that voter fraud happened.

Informed Comment: Stealing the Iranian Election

And if there was no fraud, why are all the social networking sites shut down?

If there was no fraud, why are random DOS attacks happening against Iranian expat sites?

If there was no fraud, why is Mousavi under house arrest?

Also there have been reports that Irans own election monitoring service has declared it fraudulent, and top clerics have asked for a revote.

The site you linked is nothing more than a pile of "conjecture" written by a journalist. I am no fan of Iran--& I would have certainly liked to have seen a more moderate government in charge that was willing to talk to the west--& stop all this continual threatening of our greatest allie in the region--Isreal. Nothing Iran does--surprises me. I lived through their first slap to our face--50 Americans held hostage for over 1-1/2 years during the Carter administration. This is Iran.

The next question for you is "What are we going to do about it?" On another board we have people calling for an all out invasion of Iran--to help the youth take control. These same people hated Bush for doing the same thing in Iraq. BTW--I was struck by a comment made years ago, after our invasion of Iraq. A group of young Iranians--were absolutely "gleeful" that we invaded Iraq & were asking a reporter when we planned on invading their country. They wanted to be next.

I would sure hate to invade Iran & find out later that the election results were correct. Could you imagine the consequences?

Actually its a pile of evidence. Oh, and you didn't answer my questions. Add to the list, that Khamanei, after certifying the vote (twice), has now called for an independent council to examine whether their was fraud.

I think what the Obama administration is doing about it is good. Stay quiet, basically. A lot of people over there hate us, and due to those unfortunate circumstances there is a very limited amount of good we could do. Invading Iran will likely have all those youths turn against US forces.

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