Iranian and Syrian aircraft also near the fray of anti-ISIS operation

Don't see foreign air forces flying combat ops over LA bombing MS13 and other international terrorist cells (we call them gangs but isn't a big enough gang a terrorist cell?) Yet we seem to believe it's okay for us to do that same thing overseas. Yet would scream bloody murder if Canada, Mexico, or some middle eastern country was bombing our country. Then we act all surprised when new terror cells rise up and hits us for our hitting them. Well duh, what'd you expect?
Both thread and article are nonesense. The countries (Syria and Iran) are allies and the Syrian airforce fights the terrorists for years now. Since 2014 also in cooperation with the Iraqis.
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You mean to say that the United States is allied militarily with the Iranian and Syrian regimes?
No. The US is not inviting Syria and Iran and Iraq cause that would mean to have countries in the fun coalition that really want to geht rid of the terrorists.

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