Iran will rule the ME w/o firing a single shot

Well there was the embargo and the bombings. But, okay, aside from those things, wouldn't foreign troops deployed in your homeland to protect you, make you a little angry?

That's about 70% of Bin Laden's argument.

Well those troops were there at the invitation of the Saudis, they were not occupying that country. Bin Laden is a liar who doesn't really care for the Saudis anyways, besides, our Military bases in Saudi closed after we invaded Iraq.

That's basically not the point. In addition to waging a conventional war, we are waging an ideological one as well. And if we don't understand the argument of our enemies we will never quite understand what steps to take to invalidate them.
Terrorist groups don't suddenly disappear because they all get killed (well usually), they disappear because they are no longer needed.

You are correct.
Very true. A vast majority of Iran and Iranians in general love America.

How do you know? Did you have any contacts with Iranians not living in USA?

I met many Iranians in Kuwait when I was there, and they all wanted to come to the US.

The question was directed towards Sallow. I don't ask you questions, because I have the conviction, that you have no clue about Middle-East anyway.
Don't take it personal.
How do you know? Did you have any contacts with Iranians not living in USA?

I met many Iranians in Kuwait when I was there, and they all wanted to come to the US.

The question was directed towards Sallow. I don't ask you questions, because I have the conviction, that you have no clue about Middle-East anyway.
Don't take it personal.

Hahahahaha what the fuck ever man, I have been to the Middle East several times and several of my friends are from there, your just talking shit because we disagree on some issues, grow up child.
did you notice that the lebanese citizens are not tolerating Hezbollah destroying their government?

This, from today's edition of Ha'aretz.

Nasrallah: Hezbollah will not control next Lebanon government - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

I knew the sunnis had taken to the streets to riot.

But your info is new.

Wonder if it's true or lip service to calm the rioters?

that was from yesterday's israeli paper, ha'aretz. they're pretty good with info. what happens with the uprising remains to be seen.

this is today's from the jerusalem post

Hizbullah candidate Mikati to form new Lebanese gov't

That makes me very confused.

Is hezbulla running the show or not?

It does seem they gained some power, but all that is very confusing.

I did notice they blamed America and Israel for inciting the riots. :cuckoo:
How do you know? Did you have any contacts with Iranians not living in USA?

I met many Iranians in Kuwait when I was there, and they all wanted to come to the US.

The question was directed towards Sallow. I don't ask you questions, because I have the conviction, that you have no clue about Middle-East anyway.
Don't take it personal.

This is a public forum where any posting can be responded to by anyone.

If you have issues with that the "sour grapes" forum is that way ------>
I knew the sunnis had taken to the streets to riot.

But your info is new.

Wonder if it's true or lip service to calm the rioters?

that was from yesterday's israeli paper, ha'aretz. they're pretty good with info. what happens with the uprising remains to be seen.

this is today's from the jerusalem post

Hizbullah candidate Mikati to form new Lebanese gov't

That makes me very confused.

Is hezbulla running the show or not?

It does seem they gained some power, but all that is very confusing.

I did notice they blamed America and Israel for inciting the riots. :cuckoo:

i thought the jpost article a bit confusing, too. it looks to me as if there is a compromise candidate. but maybe someone closer to the situation can elaborate.

you expected them *not* to blame america??? :lol:
This is a public forum where any posting can be responded to by anyone.

If you have issues with that the "sour grapes" forum is that way ------>

I asked a question to Sallow.
High_Gravity responded to that question. I explained to High_Gravity, why I don't ask questions from him.

Just like anyone can respond to other member's posts in a forum, anyone can have perceptions on other members based on their past discussion-profile.
That discussion-profile leads me to the conviction, that High_Gravity has no clue when it comes to Middle-East.

Where's your problem? You are not the person to tell me whom I shall take serious.
that was from yesterday's israeli paper, ha'aretz. they're pretty good with info. what happens with the uprising remains to be seen.

this is today's from the jerusalem post

Hizbullah candidate Mikati to form new Lebanese gov't

That makes me very confused.

Is hezbulla running the show or not?

It does seem they gained some power, but all that is very confusing.

I did notice they blamed America and Israel for inciting the riots. :cuckoo:

i thought the jpost article a bit confusing, too. it looks to me as if there is a compromise candidate. but maybe someone closer to the situation can elaborate.

you expected them *not* to blame america??? :lol:

Well, yes. To be honest I don't know how much influence they think we have. Lets be honest, if we could get the Sunnis to riot in the streets, we coulda put a puppet in charge of each country there by now.

Blaming the Jews is like the sun coming up everyday. Not a real shocker. Not after the Mossad trained attack sharks, Pig guts in pepsi, and arresting a vulture that had and Israel college tag on its claw for spying.
Blaming the Jews is like the sun coming up everyday. Not a real shocker. Not after the Mossad trained attack sharks, Pig guts in pepsi, and arresting a vulture that had and Israel college tag on its claw for spying.

Curses, foiled again...

This is a public forum where any posting can be responded to by anyone.

If you have issues with that the "sour grapes" forum is that way ------>

I asked a question to Sallow.
High_Gravity responded to that question. I explained to High_Gravity, why I don't ask questions from him.

Just like anyone can respond to other member's posts in a forum, anyone can have perceptions on other members based on their past discussion-profile.
That discussion-profile leads me to the conviction, that High_Gravity has no clue when it comes to Middle-East.

Where's your problem? You are not the person to tell me whom I shall take serious.

You are the one who has "no clue" idiot, I have forgotten more about the Middle East than you know.
Very true. A vast majority of Iran and Iranians in general love America.

How do you know? Did you have any contacts with Iranians not living in USA?

I travel a great deal. So yes..I bump into Iranian nationals from time to time. In addition a friend of mine traveled to Tehran not to long ago. He met nothing but friendly and very warm people.
It's everyone's turn once in a while, so it has to be for a representative democracy.
Words like 'takeover' don't describe the situation as they imply being deprived of a natural right for government.
Lebanon's population also consists of Shiites, if they assemble a government, then we can say, that Lebanon's democracy has matured.
'I rule or democracy I don't like' isn't really a democracy.

1st, only 1/3 of lebanon is shiite, so any rule by them wold be tyranny.

2nd, democracy is not one party having its onw private army, killing its citizens like PMs and journalists at will, and being wholly funded by illegal drugs and a foreign country using it as a proxy army.

That is as far from "democracy" as humanly possible.
I always just wanted to build one big impenetrable wall around that whole region and just let it be. Maybe check on it every one and a while but for the most point just let them have at it. It'd cost us ALOT less as a nation.

This would work if so many of our allies were not dependent on middle east oil. Remember how in WW2, Japan fought the US in part to have unfettered access to ME oil.
You wanna pull out completely, man the beaches and hope for the best. Or kill terrorism in the womb? I don't care one wit if they go around killing each other. but I'm not gonna kid myself and assume when they are done that won't come here and kill us.

We tried the isolationist method between WW1 and WW2, how'd that work out?

Anyone who thinks the muslim filth will stop their global conquest after they achieve the ME is clueless; they will spread like they did in the early Middle Ages across the planet, until war is needed to push them back.

And given that likely scenario, I'd rather keep them oppressed and holed up in their own countries, and fight them on their turf - than in Europe or the US.
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Apparently Hezbollah isn't regarded illegal by the constitutional authority in Lebanon who decides who can participate in elections. They participated in the elections, the current government collapsed and if they can form a new government, then this is the most natural thing. What foreign countries think isn't really important, as the Lebanese voted in the elections not the foreigners.

Hilarious how morons like this try to defend islamic terrorists as "indigenous" while ignoring the fact that iran is arming and funding this terrorist group. Of course the government allowed them in, they had a knife to the throat of the other parties, and used it in 2008.

Or in your twisted mental state, only other nations than the US like iran are allowed to interfere and arm/fund one side?
Well there was the embargo and the bombings. But, okay, aside from those things, wouldn't foreign troops deployed in your homeland to protect you, make you a little angry? That's about 70% of Bin Laden's argument.

Foreign troops, like israel, is a fig leaf. I don't see Germans, Japanese (some, a minority), South Koreans, etc. complaining about the US military bases there.

In fact, in Germany they keep advocating to extend the leases there, as its brings money to their areas.

Only those clueless to the world - or with an agenda - buy into the muslim filth's nonsense/justifications for violence and murder, and the hezbollah trash's complaints are amongst the most hilariously nonensical justifications for endless war.
Terrorist groups don't suddenly disappear because they all get killed (well usually), they disappear because they are no longer needed.

Guess you never heard of the Tamil tigers?

Until the West and other targeted nations (see Russia airport bombing yesterday) decides they have had enough, and decide to take the necessary fierce actions to stop them, the terrorist groups will continue.
Terrorist groups don't suddenly disappear because they all get killed (well usually), they disappear because they are no longer needed.

Guess you never heard of the Tamil tigers?

Until the West and other targeted nations (see Russia airport bombing yesterday) decides they have had enough, and decide to take the necessary fierce actions to stop them, the terrorist groups will continue.

tamil tigers? Sri Lanka, right?

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