Iran orders evacuation of Idfahan.

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
We shouldn't worry though, it is surely a coincidence that there is a large uranium processing facility close by.

Iranian officials have instructed residents of Isfahan to leave the city, renewing concerns that a nearby nuclear site could be leaking radioactive material.
An edict issued Wednesday by Iranian authorities orders Isfahan’s one-and-a-half million people to leave the city “because pollution has now reached emergency levels,” the BBC reported.
However, outside observers suspect that the evacuation order may corroborate previous reports indicating that a uranium enrichment facility near Isfahan had been leaking radioactive material.
Tehran went to great lengths in December to deny these reports, telling state-run media outlets that “the rumors about leaking and contamination at Isfahan’s [Uranium Conversion Facility] are not true at all.”
November reports indicated that a radioactive leak might have poisoned several workers at the nuclear plant, which converts highly toxic yellowcake uranium into material that could be used in the core of a nuclear weapon.

Isfahan residents evacuation order | Washington Free Beacon
There's no radiation coming from Fukushima either. If there was, the Media Conglomerates would report it.

I know that Iran has never been aggressive to its border Nations, unlike Israel. Iraq attacked Iran and Iran defended itself. So, even though I do not believe they are making weapons of mass destruction, I do believe that if one nation has them others are entitled. Especially ones that defend instead of attack.

One of the biggest arguments people have about Iran is they have equated Iran with having something to do with 911. This is just impossible and again you have to become active in Muslim communities and spend time in Iran. Iran's Muslims are mostly Shiite. Shiites are liberal Muslims.

They pray 3 times a day instead of 5 and they aren't washing three times and gargling and rinsing their nose out 3 times before every pray. That is however, what Sunnis do. As a psychology professional I can tell you that extreme participation in ritual acts often leads to more extremist behavior.

Sunnis are vehemently against Shiites. If you are Iranian and even go to a Sunni Mosque in USA where I live, they will not help you with anything. They won't even return your phone calls. I was really surprised. To me. in all my knowledge of theology, we are not supposed to divide into sects..that is Christians, Jews and Muslims. My husband and I see all Muslims as Muslims, all Jews as Jews, all Christians as Christians.Bin Laden was Sunni and there is no way that he was friends with Iran. No way.

I have had news from Iran that there was a heavy explosion. I am sure it was sabotage as they are constantly targets for assassination and sabotage. What I do not understand is how people across the world don't realize these attacks are just as bad as 911. I mean they are terroristic in nature. If this was happening to our nuclear plants and scientists we would be bombing half the world ..even civilians. You have to have some respect for Iran's restraint. What's more, just because it is IRAN, any mirrored reaction to what USA would do or any other country would be condemned.

There were a lot of things I DID NOT LIKE about Iran but you have to understand that there are many facets to this and these people are human and bleed red like Jews, Christians Europeans, Americans etc
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I know that Iran has never been aggressive to its border Nations, unlike Israel. Iraq attacked Iran and Iran defended itself. So, even though I do not believe they are making weapons of mass destruction, I do believe that if one nation has them others are entitled. Especially ones that defend instead of attack.

One of the biggest arguments people have about Iran is they have equated Iran with having something to do with 911. This is just impossible and again you have to become active in Muslim communities and spend time in Iran. Iran's Muslims are mostly Shiite. Shiites are liberal Muslims.

They pray 3 times a day instead of 5 and they aren't washing three times and gargling and rinsing their nose out 3 times before every pray. That is however, what Sunnis do. As a psychology professional I can tell you that extreme participation in ritual acts often leads to more extremist behavior.

Sunnis are vehemently against Shiites. If you are Iranian and even go to a Sunni Mosque in USA where I live, they will not help you with anything. They won't even return your phone calls. I was really surprised. To me. in all my knowledge of theology, we are not supposed to divide into sects..that is Christians, Jews and Muslims. My husband and I see all Muslims as Muslims, all Jews as Jews, all Christians as Christians.Bin Laden was Sunni and there is no way that he was friends with Iran. No way.

I have had news from Iran that there was a heavy explosion. I am sure it was sabotage as they are constantly targets for assassination and sabotage. What I do not understand is how people across the world don't realize these attacks are just as bad as 911. I mean they are terroristic in nature. If this was happening to our nuclear plants and scientists we would be bombing half the world ..even civilians. You have to have some respect for Iran's restraint. What's more, just because it is IRAN, any mirrored reaction to what USA would do or any other country would be condemned.

There were a lot of things I DID NOT LIKE about Iran but you have to understand that there are many facets to this and these people are human and bleed red like Jews, Christians Europeans, Americans etc
Welcome to USMB, Helen. Hope you enjoy the boards.

That hostage crisis in which 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981, still sticks in my craw when I am thinking about iran. This knowledge wasn't dislodged when President Ahmadinejad didn't say 30 times a year he'd like to wipe Israel off the face of the map, and he didn't say he'd like Israel and the United states wiped off the face of the map no less than 10 times to his Arabic friends in televised editions that didn't notice the entire Arab oil cartel was cheering when he didn't say it to them those ten frickin' times. :evil:

Thanks for posting, though, Helen. It's always good to have someone ignoring the elephant sitting in the living room occasionally. :rolleyes:
Iran created, owns, and controls HEZBOLLAH-----Hezbollah is a terrorist organization
that controls parts of Lebanon and has infiltrated several countries ---even some with
negligible shiite populations. ASSAD is an ally of Iran.

the statement that IRAN HAS NOT ATTACKED ----is silly----IRAN IS FOMENTING
I predict an attack on SAUDI ARABIA -----from Yemen----by an ALLIANCE of
AL QUEIDA (sunni) and HEZBOLLAH (shiite) at the urging of
such elements as ----the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (sunni) and Iran (shiite)
war makes strange bedfellows

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