CDZ Iran Nuke Deal: Bottom Line Analysis


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Let's cut the BS talking points and look at the bottom line for the U.S. and Iran: What are the benefits of this deal for each country and what are the penalties for breaking this agreement?


U.S.: Iran delays development of nuclear weapons.

Iran: Sanctions lifted, huge infusion of cash into its economy.


U.S.: N/A

Iran: Theoretical resumption of sanctions.


Iran gets immediate economic/financial relief. U.S. gets empty promises which can be broken at any time.

Let's go forward 10 years into the future.

Iran now has a prosperous economy and some fundie whackjob gets elected and threatens to nuke Israel again.


Fundie Muslims dance in the streets.


Iran's economy takes a nose dive as corporations stop doing business and threaten boycotts if this continues. (Exactly like what just happened in Indiana.)

Bottom Line:

Iran now has a lot to lose if it decides to behave like extremist rightwingers here in the USA.
But economic prosperity is not Iran's goal. One need only look at life in Tehran before and after the revolution to grasp that.
Iran's stated goal is death to the US and Israel. The most logical way of accomplishing that is to acquire nuclear weapons.
This new deal has been getting quite a bit of backlash from the right, most notably the republicans in the US and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Most critics of the agreement say that this deal only gives Iran more money to advance its nuclear program, fund terrorist groups, and stir up trouble in the Middle East. Assuming that this is what will happen, the deal is obviously counterproductive. But alas, there lies the quintessential dilemma. I do not believe that this is the case: these claims are made by people who look at the deal and ask themselves: “does this hurt Iran more than it helps it?” This not the way we should be thinking. This results from the “us vs. them” mentality that has been cultivated in our society by the two party system, which I will explain my opinions on in a future essay. This deal was not about gaining an advantage over Iran, but about cooperating with it and benefitting both countries and the world as a result.

This agreement with Iran will not, as many people claim to believe, cause Iran to put more money into their nuclear program and fund more terrorist groups. If the Iranian government and people saw this as “finally escaping from the crushing weight of the westerner’s sanctions”, this would surely be the case. But Iran is not a country of radical religious zealots, but rather a country of people eager and ready to join the modern world who see it instead as “a new chance to cooperate with the west”. The only people who oversimplify the agreement and say that all it does is give Iran more money to stir up trouble are the far-right republicans who rely on painting everything any democrat does as bad in order to get votes. Their voters are the ignorant people who are willing to believe anything they are told. DO NOT fall into this trap.

This deal will also reduce terrorism. The main cause of terrorism is desperation. People who are impoverished, starving, and oppressed often feel that it is the only option left. Nobody with a steady job, clean house, and healthy family decides to become a suicide bomber. This is another issue often oversimplified by manipulative, bureaucratic politicians. They seem to think that these are evil people, and the only solution is to bomb the heck out of them, when in reality this is the most effective method of making more terrorists. With the exception if ISIS (which is a special case that I may write an essay on in the future), the best and only way to end terrorism is to address its root causes. This means providing aid to the desperate, impoverished people who are most likely to resort to terrorism. While it is hard to make sure that financial aid gets to the people, it is still something that needs to be done. This deal will also keep the Iranian government from funding terrorist groups. The reason many small, marginalized countries support terrorism is because they feel that it is the only way to be heard by larger nations. If Iran is given a chance to join the world community, which it has with this agreement, it will not feel the need to resort to such extreme measures.

The last and easiest to disprove criticism against the deal is that it will be easy for Iran to cheat. It just simply is not. Radioactive materials are very hard to hide, and nearly impossible to cover traces of. Unless all inspection teams forget to bring even a basic Geiger counter, it will be impossible to cheat. I don’t even need to go into how easy it would be to know if any weapons were tested.
But economic prosperity is not Iran's goal. One need only look at life in Tehran before and after the revolution to grasp that.
Iran's stated goal is death to the US and Israel. The most logical way of accomplishing that is to acquire nuclear weapons.

Iran's goal is to sacrifice themselves on a nuclear pyre?

Because that is exactly what will happen if they do try and nuke Israel. They will be flattened in retaliation.

Please provide your irrefutable source for this claim of yours that Iran wants to commit suicide.
Straw man......
I never said they wanted to commit suicide. Those are your words.
I said their goal was death to Americans and Israel.
But economic prosperity is not Iran's goal. One need only look at life in Tehran before and after the revolution to grasp that.
Iran's stated goal is death to the US and Israel. The most logical way of accomplishing that is to acquire nuclear weapons.

Iran's goal is to sacrifice themselves on a nuclear pyre?

Because that is exactly what will happen if they do try and nuke Israel. They will be flattened in retaliation.

Please provide your irrefutable source for this claim of yours that Iran wants to commit suicide.
you are the only person here who I have met who sees these matters clearly
Here's my two cents.

I believe Obama is a ninocmpoop, and John Kerry is a dullard. But I still think this deal is a good deal for the US and for Iran.

The misinformation and outright lies by the warmongering Neo-Cons and Israel is sickening. Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. Iran has never had nuclear weapons. Back in 2007, combined US intelligence concluded that Iran was NOT working on a nuclear weapons program. Israel’s intelligence services came to the same conclusion. Read that again- THEY WERE NOT WORKING ON A NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM. Even George W Bush conceded in his biography that - Iran was not working on a nuclear program, which is why he could not not justify bombing/invading them.

But let's pretend they did.....If Iran actual had nuclear weapons and could deliver them (that's a tricky part that North Korea is still struggling with) why would they attack Israel? Israel would obliterate them! The Israeli's have nuclear weapons, submarines, aircraft, rockets, etc.... If Iran attacked Israel, its nuclear forces would wipe Iran and it's 70 million people off the map!!

At any rate, this deal ensures that Iran will not have a nuclear weapon for at least 10 years.

Bottom line- IMHO, Iran is a natural ally that will control/confront/defeat ISIS and help stabilize the region. Israel is in no danger and they never were.

The deal is a winner for all parties.

Straw man......
I never said they wanted to commit suicide. Those are your words.
I said their goal was death to Americans and Israel.

If the USSR knew that it was suicidal to even attempt a nuclear war why are you trying to pretend that the Iranians don't know that too?
Here's my two cents.

I believe Obama is a ninocmpoop, and John Kerry is a dullard. But I still think this deal is a good deal for the US and for Iran.

The misinformation and outright lies by the warmongering Neo-Cons and Israel is sickening. Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. Iran has never had nuclear weapons. Back in 2007, combined US intelligence concluded that Iran was NOT working on a nuclear weapons program. Israel’s intelligence services came to the same conclusion. Read that again- THEY WERE NOT WORKING ON A NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM. Even George W Bush conceded in his biography that - Iran was not working on a nuclear program, which is why he could not not justify bombing/invading them.

But let's pretend they did.....If Iran actual had nuclear weapons and could deliver them (that's a tricky part that North Korea is still struggling with) why would they attack Israel? Israel would obliterate them! The Israeli's have nuclear weapons, submarines, aircraft, rockets, etc.... If Iran attacked Israel, its nuclear forces would wipe Iran and it's 70 million people off the map!!

At any rate, this deal ensures that Iran will not have a nuclear weapon for at least 10 years.

Bottom line- IMHO, Iran is a natural ally that will control/confront/defeat ISIS and help stabilize the region. Israel is in no danger and they never were.

The deal is a winner for all parties.
yes. I completely agree, but i think it is beneficial in more ways than that. I don't want to waste my time typing a long response, so I will direct you to my essay in "the Iranian nuclear deal: a deeper look"
Straw man......
I never said they wanted to commit suicide. Those are your words.
I said their goal was death to Americans and Israel.

If the USSR knew that it was suicidal to even attempt a nuclear war why are you trying to pretend that the Iranians don't know that too?
Rational people know that. We are talking about radical Muslims.
Let's cut the BS talking points and look at the bottom line for the U.S. and Iran: What are the benefits of this deal for each country and what are the penalties for breaking this agreement?


U.S.: Iran delays development of nuclear weapons.

Iran: Sanctions lifted, huge infusion of cash into its economy.


U.S.: N/A

Iran: Theoretical resumption of sanctions.


Iran gets immediate economic/financial relief. U.S. gets empty promises which can be broken at any time.

Nope. No immediate relief for Iran.

Straw man......
I never said they wanted to commit suicide. Those are your words.
I said their goal was death to Americans and Israel.

If the USSR knew that it was suicidal to even attempt a nuclear war why are you trying to pretend that the Iranians don't know that too?
Rational people know that. We are talking about radical Muslims.

Onus is on you to prove that they are more irrational than rabid extremist rightwingers here in the USA.
Straw man......
I never said they wanted to commit suicide. Those are your words.
I said their goal was death to Americans and Israel.

If the USSR knew that it was suicidal to even attempt a nuclear war why are you trying to pretend that the Iranians don't know that too?
Rational people know that. We are talking about radical Muslims.

Onus is on you to prove that they are more irrational than rabid extremist rightwingers here in the USA.
When was the last time a "rabid extremist rightwinger" flew a plane into an office tower?

You really aren't very good at this, are you?
So this deal is about neo-cons, funding nuclear weapons, nuclear attack on Israel and stopping support of terrorist activities? Did I miss anything else? Instead of pie-in-the-sky, which has never before occurred in recorded history, why is it so repugnant to face actual facts?

1. Iran is interested in hegemony over its Arab neighbors, not a nuclear war with Israel.

2. This deal gives it immediate economic relief, which will further strengthen its theocratic regime.

3. It also gives Iran the opportunity for a nuclear breakout at any time of its choosing.

4. International sanctions, once removed, will NEVER be replaced, ESPECIALLY if #3 happens.

5. The results will be EXACTLY the same as with our nuclear deals with NORTH KOREA.

The only way of keeping Iran in check is economic destabilization and the threat of military action. We have now taken both of those options off the table. Any of you Minions really THINK that Iran won't announce a nuclear weapon within 10 years?
Let's cut the BS talking points and look at the bottom line for the U.S. and Iran: What are the benefits of this deal for each country and what are the penalties for breaking this agreement?


U.S.: Iran delays development of nuclear weapons.

Iran: Sanctions lifted, huge infusion of cash into its economy.


U.S.: N/A

Iran: Theoretical resumption of sanctions.


Iran gets immediate economic/financial relief. U.S. gets empty promises which can be broken at any time.
As far as I'm concerned the bottom line deal is the Obama administration and most Congressional Democrats are pro-Islam, anti-Judeo/Christian. Everything Obama's said and done since he's been in office has shown this idea openly. He identifies himself with Islamic countries; he thinks and talks and acts like their leaders think and talk and act. I know who he knows he's kidding and it ain't me.
Straw man......
I never said they wanted to commit suicide. Those are your words.
I said their goal was death to Americans and Israel.

If the USSR knew that it was suicidal to even attempt a nuclear war why are you trying to pretend that the Iranians don't know that too?
Rational people know that. We are talking about radical Muslims.

Onus is on you to prove that they are more irrational than rabid extremist rightwingers here in the USA.
When was the last time a "rabid extremist rightwinger" flew a plane into an office tower?

You really aren't very good at this, are you?

Thank you for disqualifying yourself from the OP topic.

Have a nice day.
So this deal is about neo-cons, funding nuclear weapons, nuclear attack on Israel and stopping support of terrorist activities? Did I miss anything else? Instead of pie-in-the-sky, which has never before occurred in recorded history, why is it so repugnant to face actual facts?

1. Iran is interested in hegemony over its Arab neighbors, not a nuclear war with Israel.

2. This deal gives it immediate economic relief, which will further strengthen its theocratic regime.

3. It also gives Iran the opportunity for a nuclear breakout at any time of its choosing.

4. International sanctions, once removed, will NEVER be replaced, ESPECIALLY if #3 happens.

5. The results will be EXACTLY the same as with our nuclear deals with NORTH KOREA.

The only way of keeping Iran in check is economic destabilization and the threat of military action. We have now taken both of those options off the table. Any of you Minions really THINK that Iran won't announce a nuclear weapon within 10 years?

Why don't you take a look at China as an example of where Iran will be in 10 years time?

Yes, it will be the local big boy on the block but still no realistic threat to the USA.

The communist Chinese regime is hamstrung by the economic success of capitalism. If it tried to invade Taiwan the rest of the world, AKA it's customer base that the entire Chinese economy depends upon, would immediately cease and desist from all further trading. The Chinese economy would shrivel up and collapse and millions of Chinese would overthrow their own government because they would want democracy and capitalism instead.

That is the same place the Iranian Ayotollahs will be in 10 years from now. If they start any warmongering their economy will collapse and they will be overthrown by the Iranian people themselves.

Govern with the consent of the governed is a very narrow ledge to be on.

That is the long term effect of this deal with Iran.
Straw man......
I never said they wanted to commit suicide. Those are your words.
I said their goal was death to Americans and Israel.

If the USSR knew that it was suicidal to even attempt a nuclear war why are you trying to pretend that the Iranians don't know that too?
Rational people know that. We are talking about radical Muslims.

Onus is on you to prove that they are more irrational than rabid extremist rightwingers here in the USA.
When was the last time a "rabid extremist rightwinger" flew a plane into an office tower?

You really aren't very good at this, are you?

Thank you for disqualifying yourself from the OP topic.

Have a nice day.
I think I adequately covered the "onus" you placed. It's extremely dishonest for you to demand I prove a peripheral statement, then claim I went off topic. I expect that from FakeSmarmy, Guanno and rdean, but I thought you more intelligent. Fuck! Day is young. I'll probably get something else wrong today too.
Thank you for being so easy to embarrass.
Have whatever kind of day you wish.

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