Iran Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
You thought the news said 'North Korean Missile"????

There is that explanation for ignorance that suggests that the American public is treated in the same way that mushrooms are raised:

"Kept in the dark and fed s**t."

And no where is that more evident than in explanations of what is going on in the world.

The news is every news outlet....through a political prism along the lines of 'don't happy...government knows best, and has everything under control."

It doesn't, and it isn't.

Big news this week, and the context that the media fails to reveal>

1. "North Korea’s Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

2.North Korea has again successfully put a satellite into orbit, demonstrating the same technology needed to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and showing that its long-range missile program is becoming increasingly reliable."
North Korea's Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

Bad enough.....the insane tin-pot dictator in North Korea has this technology.
But worse.....the insane tin-pot dictator in the White House did this: OK'd the homicidal maniacs in Tehran getting a nuclear bomb...and giving them over $100 billion.

The connection of the two stories is unknown almost all Americans.
Here it is:

Know what Iran's nuclear facility laboratory is called????

It's called North Korea.

"Experts say the deal worked out by Secretary of State John F. Kerry carries no known prohibition against North Korea performing Iran’s nuclear arms research, paid out of the $100 billion to $150 billion the deal frees up in Iranian assets.

“There appears to be little in the Iran nuclear agreement that would prevent Iran from continuing or increasing its personnel and financial investments in North Korea’s future missile and nuclear warhead programs,” Mr. Niksch told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee in July.
“It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 [billion] to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them.”
John Brennan: U.S. watching for nuclear cooperation between Iran, North Korea

Get that????
No news outlet has told you that the North Korean missile technology is for Iran....

...Iran has been paying one seventh of North Korea's GDP for years!!!!!

Obama just gave North Korea the funds to build nuclear missiles to reach American.

If you voted Democrat you voted to fund Iran/North Korean aims against America.

If they could figure out how to control an ICBM....That barometric pressure gyroscope they picked up online....Did not come with instructions...or an index for pressures over the target areas...
You thought the news said 'North Korean Missile"????

There is that explanation for ignorance that suggests that the American public is treated in the same way that mushrooms are raised:

"Kept in the dark and fed s**t."

And no where is that more evident than in explanations of what is going on in the world.

The news is every news outlet....through a political prism along the lines of 'don't happy...government knows best, and has everything under control."

It doesn't, and it isn't.

Big news this week, and the context that the media fails to reveal>

1. "North Korea’s Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

2.North Korea has again successfully put a satellite into orbit, demonstrating the same technology needed to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and showing that its long-range missile program is becoming increasingly reliable."
North Korea's Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

Bad enough.....the insane tin-pot dictator in North Korea has this technology.
But worse.....the insane tin-pot dictator in the White House did this: OK'd the homicidal maniacs in Tehran getting a nuclear bomb...and giving them over $100 billion.

The connection of the two stories is unknown almost all Americans.
Here it is:

Know what Iran's nuclear facility laboratory is called????

It's called North Korea.

"Experts say the deal worked out by Secretary of State John F. Kerry carries no known prohibition against North Korea performing Iran’s nuclear arms research, paid out of the $100 billion to $150 billion the deal frees up in Iranian assets.

“There appears to be little in the Iran nuclear agreement that would prevent Iran from continuing or increasing its personnel and financial investments in North Korea’s future missile and nuclear warhead programs,” Mr. Niksch told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee in July.
“It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 [billion] to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them.”
John Brennan: U.S. watching for nuclear cooperation between Iran, North Korea

Get that????
No news outlet has told you that the North Korean missile technology is for Iran....

...Iran has been paying one seventh of North Korea's GDP for years!!!!!

Obama just gave North Korea the funds to build nuclear missiles to reach American.

If you voted Democrat you voted to fund Iran/North Korean aims against America.

But that couldn't be true! Obama and Kerry both said this was a great deal for the security of the US!! I realize during all the negotiations, Iranian citizens were screaming "Death to America" and Kerry was subjected to being yelled at by his counterpart in Iran, but our administration assured that no nukes will be coming from Iran for at least 10 years. Surely they would have inquired about North Korea's alliance with them! Surely...?
You thought the news said 'North Korean Missile"????

There is that explanation for ignorance that suggests that the American public is treated in the same way that mushrooms are raised:

"Kept in the dark and fed s**t."

And no where is that more evident than in explanations of what is going on in the world.

The news is every news outlet....through a political prism along the lines of 'don't happy...government knows best, and has everything under control."

It doesn't, and it isn't.

Big news this week, and the context that the media fails to reveal>

1. "North Korea’s Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

2.North Korea has again successfully put a satellite into orbit, demonstrating the same technology needed to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and showing that its long-range missile program is becoming increasingly reliable."
North Korea's Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

Bad enough.....the insane tin-pot dictator in North Korea has this technology.
But worse.....the insane tin-pot dictator in the White House did this: OK'd the homicidal maniacs in Tehran getting a nuclear bomb...and giving them over $100 billion.

The connection of the two stories is unknown almost all Americans.
Here it is:

Know what Iran's nuclear facility laboratory is called????

It's called North Korea.

"Experts say the deal worked out by Secretary of State John F. Kerry carries no known prohibition against North Korea performing Iran’s nuclear arms research, paid out of the $100 billion to $150 billion the deal frees up in Iranian assets.

“There appears to be little in the Iran nuclear agreement that would prevent Iran from continuing or increasing its personnel and financial investments in North Korea’s future missile and nuclear warhead programs,” Mr. Niksch told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee in July.
“It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 [billion] to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them.”
John Brennan: U.S. watching for nuclear cooperation between Iran, North Korea

Get that????
No news outlet has told you that the North Korean missile technology is for Iran....

...Iran has been paying one seventh of North Korea's GDP for years!!!!!

Obama just gave North Korea the funds to build nuclear missiles to reach American.

If you voted Democrat you voted to fund Iran/North Korean aims against America.

But that couldn't be true! Obama and Kerry both said this was a great deal for the security of the US!! I realize during all the negotiations, Iranian citizens were screaming "Death to America" and Kerry was subjected to being yelled at by his counterpart in Iran, but our administration assured that no nukes will be coming from Iran for at least 10 years. Surely they would have inquired about North Korea's alliance with them! Surely...?
Let's go back to 2003 when the GOP was dealing with the issue.....nothing was tied between Iran, N. Korea but also Pakistan...
"America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud."

Remember that? Eh? Who wants to fall for it again?
Yep because Iran has attacked the US SOOOO many times huh?
Now they have the financial backing to do so.
Be releasing THEIR money back to them. Iran is a peaceful country. Leave them alone they leave us alone. They didn't attack Iraq,Iraq attacked them. Bout the only war I remember Iran being in. The US needs to be a strong country at home and leave the world the hell alone one would think we have MORE than enough problems at home to fix than harassing a country overseas because they MIGHT not like Israel who has NUKES and can defend themselves with the BILLIONS in aid they get from the US every year while Americans suffer on the streets.
Is this chick always like this? So disjointed and paranoid?

And yours is exactly the sort of post one has come to expect when they suddenly see the truth!

It must produce a subconscious jolt when you Liberals realize that you are unable to deny any of the facts in the post, huh?
You thought the news said 'North Korean Missile"????

There is that explanation for ignorance that suggests that the American public is treated in the same way that mushrooms are raised:

"Kept in the dark and fed s**t."

And no where is that more evident than in explanations of what is going on in the world.

The news is every news outlet....through a political prism along the lines of 'don't happy...government knows best, and has everything under control."

It doesn't, and it isn't.

Big news this week, and the context that the media fails to reveal>

1. "North Korea’s Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

2.North Korea has again successfully put a satellite into orbit, demonstrating the same technology needed to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and showing that its long-range missile program is becoming increasingly reliable."
North Korea's Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

Bad enough.....the insane tin-pot dictator in North Korea has this technology.
But worse.....the insane tin-pot dictator in the White House did this: OK'd the homicidal maniacs in Tehran getting a nuclear bomb...and giving them over $100 billion.

The connection of the two stories is unknown almost all Americans.
Here it is:

Know what Iran's nuclear facility laboratory is called????

It's called North Korea.

"Experts say the deal worked out by Secretary of State John F. Kerry carries no known prohibition against North Korea performing Iran’s nuclear arms research, paid out of the $100 billion to $150 billion the deal frees up in Iranian assets.

“There appears to be little in the Iran nuclear agreement that would prevent Iran from continuing or increasing its personnel and financial investments in North Korea’s future missile and nuclear warhead programs,” Mr. Niksch told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee in July.
“It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 [billion] to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them.”
John Brennan: U.S. watching for nuclear cooperation between Iran, North Korea

Get that????
No news outlet has told you that the North Korean missile technology is for Iran....

...Iran has been paying one seventh of North Korea's GDP for years!!!!!

Obama just gave North Korea the funds to build nuclear missiles to reach American.

If you voted Democrat you voted to fund Iran/North Korean aims against America.

But that couldn't be true! Obama and Kerry both said this was a great deal for the security of the US!! I realize during all the negotiations, Iranian citizens were screaming "Death to America" and Kerry was subjected to being yelled at by his counterpart in Iran, but our administration assured that no nukes will be coming from Iran for at least 10 years. Surely they would have inquired about North Korea's alliance with them! Surely...?

Love it!

I wonder if the dolts will get the sarcasm.
You thought the news said 'North Korean Missile"????

There is that explanation for ignorance that suggests that the American public is treated in the same way that mushrooms are raised:

"Kept in the dark and fed s**t."

And no where is that more evident than in explanations of what is going on in the world.

The news is every news outlet....through a political prism along the lines of 'don't happy...government knows best, and has everything under control."

It doesn't, and it isn't.

Big news this week, and the context that the media fails to reveal>

1. "North Korea’s Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

2.North Korea has again successfully put a satellite into orbit, demonstrating the same technology needed to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and showing that its long-range missile program is becoming increasingly reliable."
North Korea's Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

Bad enough.....the insane tin-pot dictator in North Korea has this technology.
But worse.....the insane tin-pot dictator in the White House did this: OK'd the homicidal maniacs in Tehran getting a nuclear bomb...and giving them over $100 billion.

The connection of the two stories is unknown almost all Americans.
Here it is:

Know what Iran's nuclear facility laboratory is called????

It's called North Korea.

"Experts say the deal worked out by Secretary of State John F. Kerry carries no known prohibition against North Korea performing Iran’s nuclear arms research, paid out of the $100 billion to $150 billion the deal frees up in Iranian assets.

“There appears to be little in the Iran nuclear agreement that would prevent Iran from continuing or increasing its personnel and financial investments in North Korea’s future missile and nuclear warhead programs,” Mr. Niksch told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee in July.
“It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 [billion] to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them.”
John Brennan: U.S. watching for nuclear cooperation between Iran, North Korea

Get that????
No news outlet has told you that the North Korean missile technology is for Iran....

...Iran has been paying one seventh of North Korea's GDP for years!!!!!

Obama just gave North Korea the funds to build nuclear missiles to reach American.

If you voted Democrat you voted to fund Iran/North Korean aims against America.

But that couldn't be true! Obama and Kerry both said this was a great deal for the security of the US!! I realize during all the negotiations, Iranian citizens were screaming "Death to America" and Kerry was subjected to being yelled at by his counterpart in Iran, but our administration assured that no nukes will be coming from Iran for at least 10 years. Surely they would have inquired about North Korea's alliance with them! Surely...?
Let's go back to 2003 when the GOP was dealing with the issue.....nothing was tied between Iran, N. Korea but also Pakistan...'re preparing an excuse for when disaster strikes?

That'll help.
Yeah, i kinda have to laugh at the Warmongering Bullshite Americans will swallow. I mean, why can't North Korea launch satellites into space? It has that right. No other country has the right to deny it that right.

It's so bizarre that most Americans still haven't noticed that their own Government does all the awful things it accuses other nations of doing. It's just a misdirection magic trick. And a whole lotta dishonesty and hypocrisy. When are Americans gonna get it?
Yep because Iran has attacked the US SOOOO many times huh?
Now they have the financial backing to do so.
Be releasing THEIR money back to them. Iran is a peaceful country. Leave them alone they leave us alone. They didn't attack Iraq,Iraq attacked them. Bout the only war I remember Iran being in. The US needs to be a strong country at home and leave the world the hell alone one would think we have MORE than enough problems at home to fix than harassing a country overseas because they MIGHT not like Israel who has NUKES and can defend themselves with the BILLIONS in aid they get from the US every year while Americans suffer on the streets.

"Iran is a peaceful country."

What more need be said.

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