Iran Loves its Jews???


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
It does seem a bit silly to have to remind some here about the "love" those "peaceful" Mideast Islamic countries have for Jews but:

UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks
The Associated Press

VIENNA -- The head of the U.N.'s drug fighting agency and the U.S. State Department have criticized anti-Jewish remarks made by an Iranian vice president last week.

A United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime statement says agency chief Yury Fedotov expressed "his dismay and serious concern" while meeting with a senior unidentified Iranian diplomat in Vienna "about the anti-Semitic comments of Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi."

Rahimi was cited by Iranian media and on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's website as saying at the June 26 anti-drugs meeting in Tehran that "the spread of narcotics in the world emanates from the teachings of the Talmud ... whose objective is the destruction of the world." The Talmud is the Jewish book of laws.

Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the map in 2005.

In Washington on Tuesday, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland issued a statement condemning what she called "Rahimi's vile anti-Semitic and racist comments."

Read more here: UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks - Politics Wires -
The use of drugs is promoted in the talmud? I am delighted-----I thought that the muslims had run out of material.
Prior to this thread becoming a repository for the entire inventory of youtube's video vault of Jewish citizens living in Iran and their happy-fun lives and livelihoods, please consider supplying:

When and where was the video taken? Was the video shot in Iran with "minders" present? Please provide some background regarding what is copied and pasted.

Did the video'ee and the video'or agree on distribution of the video? Is the video'ee really going to speak openly about his or her situation in Iran if they know they and / or their family members may disappear in the night?
It does seem a bit silly to have to remind some here about the "love" those "peaceful" Mideast Islamic countries have for Jews but:

UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks
The Associated Press

VIENNA -- The head of the U.N.'s drug fighting agency and the U.S. State Department have criticized anti-Jewish remarks made by an Iranian vice president last week.

A United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime statement says agency chief Yury Fedotov expressed "his dismay and serious concern" while meeting with a senior unidentified Iranian diplomat in Vienna "about the anti-Semitic comments of Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi."

Rahimi was cited by Iranian media and on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's website as saying at the June 26 anti-drugs meeting in Tehran that "the spread of narcotics in the world emanates from the teachings of the Talmud ... whose objective is the destruction of the world." The Talmud is the Jewish book of laws.

Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the map in 2005.

In Washington on Tuesday, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland issued a statement condemning what she called "Rahimi's vile anti-Semitic and racist comments."

Read more here: UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks - Politics Wires -
Iran's Mullahs love Jews as much as Islam is peaceful.

islam-peace.jpg much as their version of Islam is peaceful....

It's all in the interpretation: each religious community has some unsavory and even despicable members lurking among the faithful! much as their version of Islam is peaceful....

It's all in the interpretation: each religious community has some unsavory and even despicable members lurking among the faithful!

Fair enough. But there's fringe lunatics and then there's The Islam™.

I just haven't read any reports of heavily armed Lutherans raking a bus full of Presbyterians with machinegun fire.
Is there ANYONE who disagres that while not all Muslims are world terrorists, the overwhelming majority of world terrorists are Muslims? much as their version of Islam is peaceful....

It's all in the interpretation: each religious community has some unsavory and even despicable members lurking among the faithful!

Fair enough. But there's fringe lunatics and then there's The Islam™.

I just haven't read any reports of heavily armed Lutherans raking a bus full of Presbyterians with machinegun fire.
Maybe it's just me but I don't see the Jewish community in Iran breaking out the party hats and noisemakers. This, in spite of some on this board telling us in almost glowing terms how well members of the Jewish faith are treated.

The Jews of Iran

Jews of Iran

1948 Jewish population: 100,000

2004: ~20,000-25,0001

The Council of the Jewish Community, which was established after World War II, is the representative body of the community. The Jews also have a representative in parliament who is obligated by law to support Iranian foreign policy and its Anti-Zionist position.

At least 13 Jews have been executed in Iran since the Islamic revolution, most of them for either religious reasons or their connection to Israel. For example, in May 1998, Jewish businessman Ruhollah Kakhodah-Zadeh was hanged in prison without a public charge or legal proceeding, apparently for assisting Jews to emigrate.
Prior to this thread becoming a repository for the entire inventory of youtube's video vault of Jewish citizens living in Iran and their happy-fun lives and livelihoods, please consider supplying:

When and where was the video taken? Was the video shot in Iran with "minders" present? Please provide some background regarding what is copied and pasted.

Did the video'ee and the video'or agree on distribution of the video? Is the video'ee really going to speak openly about his or her situation in Iran if they know they and / or their family members may disappear in the night?

Funny you would mention that. According to Wikipedia, Iran effectively holds hostage the family of any Iranian Jew (and only the Jews) who is traveling abroad:
"With the exception of certain business travelers, the authorities require Jews to obtain clearance and pay additional fees before each trip abroad. The Government appears concerned about the emigration of Jewish citizens and permission generally is not granted for all members of a Jewish family to travel outside the country at the same time."
Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It does seem a bit silly to have to remind some here about the "love" those "peaceful" Mideast Islamic countries have for Jews but:

UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks
The Associated Press

VIENNA -- The head of the U.N.'s drug fighting agency and the U.S. State Department have criticized anti-Jewish remarks made by an Iranian vice president last week.

A United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime statement says agency chief Yury Fedotov expressed "his dismay and serious concern" while meeting with a senior unidentified Iranian diplomat in Vienna "about the anti-Semitic comments of Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi."

Rahimi was cited by Iranian media and on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's website as saying at the June 26 anti-drugs meeting in Tehran that "the spread of narcotics in the world emanates from the teachings of the Talmud ... whose objective is the destruction of the world." The Talmud is the Jewish book of laws.

Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the map in 2005.

In Washington on Tuesday, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland issued a statement condemning what she called "Rahimi's vile anti-Semitic and racist comments."

Read more here: UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks - Politics Wires -
Iran's Mullahs love Jews as much as Islam is peaceful.


Well Iran has one of the largest Jewish populations in the Middle East..outside of Israel.

Maybe it's not the love..

But how exactly do you explain that?
Prior to this thread becoming a repository for the entire inventory of youtube's video vault of Jewish citizens living in Iran and their happy-fun lives and livelihoods, please consider supplying:

When and where was the video taken? Was the video shot in Iran with "minders" present? Please provide some background regarding what is copied and pasted.

Did the video'ee and the video'or agree on distribution of the video? Is the video'ee really going to speak openly about his or her situation in Iran if they know they and / or their family members may disappear in the night?

Funny you would mention that. According to Wikipedia, Iran effectively holds hostage the family of any Iranian Jew (and only the Jews) who is traveling abroad:
"With the exception of certain business travelers, the authorities require Jews to obtain clearance and pay additional fees before each trip abroad. The Government appears concerned about the emigration of Jewish citizens and permission generally is not granted for all members of a Jewish family to travel outside the country at the same time."
Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is true. If you're wanted by the govt, they will take your son, brother, sister, mother, father, uncle etc. and incarcerate and torture them, until you show up. The Islamist animals running Iran are worse than the Syrians. In fact, they are the ones showing Syria how to torture and kill its own people.
Prior to this thread becoming a repository for the entire inventory of youtube's video vault of Jewish citizens living in Iran and their happy-fun lives and livelihoods, please consider supplying:

When and where was the video taken? Was the video shot in Iran with "minders" present? Please provide some background regarding what is copied and pasted.

Did the video'ee and the video'or agree on distribution of the video? Is the video'ee really going to speak openly about his or her situation in Iran if they know they and / or their family members may disappear in the night?

Funny you would mention that. According to Wikipedia, Iran effectively holds hostage the family of any Iranian Jew (and only the Jews) who is traveling abroad:
"With the exception of certain business travelers, the authorities require Jews to obtain clearance and pay additional fees before each trip abroad. The Government appears concerned about the emigration of Jewish citizens and permission generally is not granted for all members of a Jewish family to travel outside the country at the same time."
Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It does seem a bit silly to have to remind some here about the "love" those "peaceful" Mideast Islamic countries have for Jews but:

UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks
The Associated Press

VIENNA -- The head of the U.N.'s drug fighting agency and the U.S. State Department have criticized anti-Jewish remarks made by an Iranian vice president last week.

A United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime statement says agency chief Yury Fedotov expressed "his dismay and serious concern" while meeting with a senior unidentified Iranian diplomat in Vienna "about the anti-Semitic comments of Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi."

Rahimi was cited by Iranian media and on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's website as saying at the June 26 anti-drugs meeting in Tehran that "the spread of narcotics in the world emanates from the teachings of the Talmud ... whose objective is the destruction of the world." The Talmud is the Jewish book of laws.

Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the map in 2005.

In Washington on Tuesday, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland issued a statement condemning what she called "Rahimi's vile anti-Semitic and racist comments."

Read more here: UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks - Politics Wires -
Iran's Mullahs love Jews as much as Islam is peaceful.


Well Iran has one of the largest Jewish populations in the Middle East..outside of Israel.

Maybe it's not the love..

But how exactly do you explain that?
There was a huge community of Iranian Jews that have been there since ancient times. When the Islamic revolution happened, about 95% of the Jews fled. What remains there are those that for many reasons, such as economic or old age, could not leave. A number of Jews living in Iran have done bullshit conversions to Islam, so that they are accorded the same rights as Muslims, to stop the harassment and intimidation. The question you pose could also be asked of other minorities. The Iranian Bahaiis are far more oppressed and persecuted than the Jews, yet they still maintain small community there. It's their country, language and culture, and they've been living there for thousands of years, you think they should drop all of it and just leave and start fresh in another country?
It does seem a bit silly to have to remind some here about the "love" those "peaceful" Mideast Islamic countries have for Jews but:

UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks
The Associated Press

VIENNA -- The head of the U.N.'s drug fighting agency and the U.S. State Department have criticized anti-Jewish remarks made by an Iranian vice president last week.

A United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime statement says agency chief Yury Fedotov expressed "his dismay and serious concern" while meeting with a senior unidentified Iranian diplomat in Vienna "about the anti-Semitic comments of Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi."

Rahimi was cited by Iranian media and on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's website as saying at the June 26 anti-drugs meeting in Tehran that "the spread of narcotics in the world emanates from the teachings of the Talmud ... whose objective is the destruction of the world." The Talmud is the Jewish book of laws.

Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the map in 2005.

In Washington on Tuesday, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland issued a statement condemning what she called "Rahimi's vile anti-Semitic and racist comments."

Read more here: UN drug agency head slams anti-Jewish Iran remarks - Politics Wires -
Iran's Mullahs love Jews as much as Islam is peaceful.


Well Iran has one of the largest Jewish populations in the Middle East..outside of Israel.

Maybe it's not the love..

But how exactly do you explain that?

There are many ways to explain it. It’s expensive to leave what little you may have and move overseas. That can mean leaving friends and /or family. Without a guarantee of a job, it’s a risky move. Elderly people simply may not be able to start over with a new life in unfamiliar circumstances.

Since 1948, the Jewish population has declined by 75%. How do you explain that?

Could it somehow be connected to the history of the Iranian mullocrats vilifying Jews and spewing the most poisonous hatreds for them?
Iran's Mullahs love Jews as much as Islam is peaceful.


Well Iran has one of the largest Jewish populations in the Middle East..outside of Israel.

Maybe it's not the love..

But how exactly do you explain that?
There was a huge community of Iranian Jews that have been there since ancient times. When the Islamic revolution happened, about 95% of the Jews fled. What remains there are those that for many reasons, such as economic or old age, could not leave. A number of Jews living in Iran have done bullshit conversions to Islam, so that they are accorded the same rights as Muslims, to stop the harassment and intimidation. The question you pose could also be asked of other minorities. The Iranian Bahaiis are far more oppressed and persecuted than the Jews, yet they still maintain small community there. It's their country, language and culture, and they've been living there for thousands of years, you think they should drop all of it and just leave and start fresh in another country?

No doubt Iran has become a good deal more radical.

But why was there a need for the Islamic revolution?

Any idea on that?
Iran's Mullahs love Jews as much as Islam is peaceful.


Well Iran has one of the largest Jewish populations in the Middle East..outside of Israel.

Maybe it's not the love..

But how exactly do you explain that?

There are many ways to explain it. It’s expensive to leave what little you may have and move overseas. That can mean leaving friends and /or family. Without a guarantee of a job, it’s a risky move. Elderly people simply may not be able to start over with a new life in unfamiliar circumstances.

Since 1948, the Jewish population has declined by 75%. How do you explain that?

Could it somehow be connected to the history of the Iranian mullocrats vilifying Jews and spewing the most poisonous hatreds for them?
His numbers are also totally incorrect. There are more Jews in USA, Canada, UK, France, Italy, India, Australia, etc. than currently in Iran. What you see is basically the last generation of Iranian Jews with a 2500 year history of living in Iran. I don't think a revolution and removal of the current regime would bring them back to live there, to be under Muslim rule again. You simply can't trust what they will do next. Sad but true.
Well Iran has one of the largest Jewish populations in the Middle East..outside of Israel.

Maybe it's not the love..

But how exactly do you explain that?
There was a huge community of Iranian Jews that have been there since ancient times. When the Islamic revolution happened, about 95% of the Jews fled. What remains there are those that for many reasons, such as economic or old age, could not leave. A number of Jews living in Iran have done bullshit conversions to Islam, so that they are accorded the same rights as Muslims, to stop the harassment and intimidation. The question you pose could also be asked of other minorities. The Iranian Bahaiis are far more oppressed and persecuted than the Jews, yet they still maintain small community there. It's their country, language and culture, and they've been living there for thousands of years, you think they should drop all of it and just leave and start fresh in another country?

No doubt Iran has become a good deal more radical.

But why was there a need for the Islamic revolution?

Any idea on that?
Now you move on to another subject. I thought we were talking about Iranian Jews.

It's almost identical to what Obama did in Egypt. Jimmy Carter basically forced an ally out to be replaced by Islamist animals far more oppressive and barbaric than the Shah could ever be.

The underlying cause was that the Shah of Iran, although an ally of the US and the West, as the leader of OPEC was raising oil prices and encouraging members to be courageous with their own country's oil and not cave in to Western pressures. It is also believed that USSR was on the march at the time, and the West believed Islamists would put up a better fight if The Russians decided to invade Iran as well.
Prior to this thread becoming a repository for the entire inventory of youtube's video vault of Jewish citizens living in Iran and their happy-fun lives and livelihoods, please consider supplying:

When and where was the video taken? Was the video shot in Iran with "minders" present? Please provide some background regarding what is copied and pasted.

Did the video'ee and the video'or agree on distribution of the video? Is the video'ee really going to speak openly about his or her situation in Iran if they know they and / or their family members may disappear in the night?

Funny you would mention that. According to Wikipedia, Iran effectively holds hostage the family of any Iranian Jew (and only the Jews) who is traveling abroad:
"With the exception of certain business travelers, the authorities require Jews to obtain clearance and pay additional fees before each trip abroad. The Government appears concerned about the emigration of Jewish citizens and permission generally is not granted for all members of a Jewish family to travel outside the country at the same time."
Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yup. You apparently don't keep up with the news much do you?

(CNN) -- How many young people have gotten in trouble for something they've posted on Facebook? Maybe a party picture or an offensive comment compromised their chances at a job.
But a 25-year-old Iranian says his Facebook activity has led to his father's detention in a notorious prison in Tehran. And now he's struggling to find a way to free him.
"I want my family to forgive me," Yashar Khameneh said. "But I believe what I believe in."
A year ago, while studying at a college in Holland, Khameneh joined a Facebook page that made fun of a top Shiite Muslim imam, Ali al-Naqi al-Hadi. Naqi is one of 12 imams considered successors to the Prophet Mohammed. Called "Infallibles," the imams are protected by law in Iran from ridicule or even frivolous comments. One can be arrested for insulting them.
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Er, Sallow?

Surely you weren't considering that 'the Jews' may have had something to do with the need for an Iranian revolution????

I ask because I wondered what you were thinking and it isn't completely obvious to me (perhaps I need more caffeine in my system to improve comprehension?)......

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