Iran calls for bombing Israeli cities !!

wWholly Shiite ! That adds up to six million !
First time for everything, I reckon.
Did IsNtReal call Sampson ? in case ?
Iran has massive missile stock piles and a huge army called hezbollah ( very dangerous fighters ) in Lebanon.
Israeli army has the best technology but its mostly teenage boys
Two words for those Donkey Jockeys: Iron Dome and utter annihilation.

Well that was five, actually. Dibs on any remaining Iranian stuff left lying around.
Iran has massive missile stock piles and a huge army called hezbollah ( very dangerous fighters ) in Lebanon.
Israeli army has the best technology but its mostly teenage boys

"Heavily-armed" teenage boys. And girls.

Israel’s Weapons of Mass Destruction

List of states with nuclear weapons - Wikipedia

"According to the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Federation of American Scientists, Israel likely possesses around 75–200 nuclear weapons.[94][95] The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates that Israel has approximately 80 intact nuclear weapons, of which 50 are for delivery by Jericho II medium-range ballistic missiles and 30 are gravity bombs for delivery by aircraft. SIPRI also reports that there was renewed speculation in 2012 that Israel may also have developed nuclear-capable submarine-launched cruise missiles.[96]"
As long as we stay out of it.
We won't. I'm all for getting out of the middle east... But if they attack Israel... It won't matter who's president... We'll go to war with them.
Huh- imagine that- Iran blaming jews for their troubles

As of December 2013, about 161,000 Israeli citizens practiced Christianity
, together comprising about 2% of the total population.[4] The largest group consists of Melkites (about 60% of Israel's Christians), followed by the Greek Orthodox (about 30%), with the remaining ca. 10% spread between the Roman Catholic (Latin), Maronite, Anglican, Lutheran, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, Coptic and other denominations.[4]

Christianity in Iran dates back to the early years of the faith, pre-dating Islam. It has always been a minority religion relative to the majority state religions (Zoroastrianism before the Islamic conquest, Sunni Islam in the Middle Ages and Shia Islam in modern times), though it had a much larger representation in the past than it does today. Christians of Iran have played a significant part in the history of Christian mission. Currently there are at least 600 churches and 500,000–1,000,000 Christians in Iran.[1]

But, by god, (which one is questionable though) defend israel with taxes and lives-
Elect a Democrat and you get a war.

It's how they restore the control over the general population - not easy to do after the people have had a taste of freedom.

Look for a draft.
Expect shortages.
Then for rationing.
First of gasoline
Then of meat and butter
Then for imprisonment of any who dare resist.
The occasional disappearance.

It worked for Rooseveldt.
It worked for Chavez.

Xiden might have a little trouble with it but Xarris - who'll replacement in days if not just hours after he fumbles his way through the inauguration - just all in a morning's work for her.
Is Israel interfering in Obama's Iran Nuke program?

wWholly Shiite ! That adds up to six million !
First time for everything, I reckon.
Did IsNtReal call Sampson ? in case ?
We don’t need another Holocaust
Many Jews have never recovered from the last one
As long as we stay out of it.
The Israelis need to man up and face reality. The Palestinianism and liberalism of Jewish City Hall cannot save itself.
technically I am Jewish but Muslims have far better hospitality and manners !! I mean the average folks not the ones in terrorist groups

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