Iran-Backed Militants Storm US Embassy in Yemen, Seize Hostages

It's TRUMP'S FAULT......correct?
Yea, because he considered the Houthis as terrorists.

Thank goodness the super intelligent Resident Biden took the terrorist designation from the nice and peaceful Houthis.

Yea, because he considered the Houthis as terrorists.

Thank goodness the super intelligent Resident Biden took the terrorist designation from the nice and peaceful Houthis.

Has Biden done ANYTHING that has not damaged the USA?
The Dumbocrats are so damn incompetent and useless, I can't fucking stand it. How the FUCK do you allow an embassy to get overrun?!?

The security should be equal to that of the White House. Reinforced gates and doors, security personnel with fully automatic weapons, etc.

And WTF isn't a Dillon M134D mounted on each corner of every embassy???

The Maldives
Reports by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the United States Department of State highlighted the most common human rights issues in Indonesia, namely the situation in Western New Guinea region, the treatment of religious, gender and sexual minorities, sexual and reproductive rights, the rights of women,

Indonesia? Lol

You need to visit and see for yourself. Ignorant statement from an ignorant poster.

It has been a few years, but have been there. The wonderful island of Bali to be exact. Wonderful time there
Reports by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the United States Department of State highlighted the most common human rights issues in Indonesia, namely the situation in Western New Guinea region, the treatment of religious, gender and sexual minorities, sexual and reproductive rights, the rights of women,

Does that make them a humanitarian disaster? Seems you are moving your goal post now.
100% it does. Women and gays are treated worse than dirt.

Yet neither country I listed makes anyone's top list for human rights violators, while China and our very close ally Saudi Arabia are on most of them.

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