Iran admits it lied to Obama's Iran Deal interlocutors: The truth about the whole sham is revealed

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
"Only the highest authority of the regime [Ali Khamenei] was aware of this and no one else... His Holiness [Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei] had said that you should be careful with these people, they are not trustworthy and do not keep their promises."

There you have it, the muslim mind laid bare. Say anything, lie at will to get your way. Because WE are not trustworthy.....$150 BILLION FOR NOTHING BUT THE SURRENDER MONKEYS PIPE DREAM AND LEGACY!!!

Suddenly the truth about the whole sham is coming out.

On Jan. 22, 2019, Ali Akbar Salehi, the nuclear chief of the Iranian theocracy, acknowledged that Iran had fooled the 5+1 and IAEA group of foreign ministers - these were U.S. and European foreign ministers who negotiated the Iran Deal, - into signing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. That was the deal President Obama signed with other leaders and touted to the U.S. public. President Trump scrapped it.

In an unprecedented confession, Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the mullah regime's Atomic Agency, acknowledged that the mullahs had lied in nuclear negotiations with the five world powers at the Arak nuclear site and had in fact hidden some of the banned equipment.

"As for the tubes we had, the tubes through which the fuel passes, we had bought similar tubes before, but I couldn't declare them at the time. Only one person in Iran knew this," he said on Jan. 22 in an interview with the 4th Channel of State Television, IRIB about uranium enrichment tubes that were blocked by cement in the presence of IAEA inspectors (International Atomic Energy Agency).

"Only the highest authority of the regime [Ali Khamenei] was aware of this and no one else... His Holiness [Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei] had said that you should be careful with these people, they are not trustworthy and do not keep their promises. Well, we had to work smart, and not burn the bridges behind us. We also had to build a bridge that would allow us to move faster if we had to resume our nuclear activities," he admitted.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The Iraq War was another bogus US emprical invasion for resource control, just as Bolton admited we're doing in Venezuela curretly on national television.
Who thought bending over backwards for Iran so they could achieve nuclear WMDs was a good idea to begin with?
Oh...right, King Obama, the Boy Wonder John Francois Kerry and their yes-monkey enablers.
The Iraq War was another bogus US emprical invasion for resource control, just as Bolton admited we're doing in Venezuela curretly on national television.
Thanks for attempting to derail the thread. Why not piss off now and go somewhere else.
We all know that asshole lied about Iran just like he lied about Benghazhi and Obamacare.

If Obama didn't know that Iran wasn't telling the truth then he is the most incompetent President we ever had. Everybody else knew.

I think we all know that Obama and Kerry both knew that the deal was a sham but didn't care. Load up the money! Lie to the American people about the deal.
"Only the highest authority of the regime [Ali Khamenei] was aware of this and no one else... His Holiness [Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei] had said that you should be careful with these people, they are not trustworthy and do not keep their promises."

There you have it, the muslim mind laid bare. Say anything, lie at will to get your way. Because WE are not trustworthy.....$150 BILLION FOR NOTHING BUT THE SURRENDER MONKEYS PIPE DREAM AND LEGACY!!!

Suddenly the truth about the whole sham is coming out.

On Jan. 22, 2019, Ali Akbar Salehi, the nuclear chief of the Iranian theocracy, acknowledged that Iran had fooled the 5+1 and IAEA group of foreign ministers - these were U.S. and European foreign ministers who negotiated the Iran Deal, - into signing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. That was the deal President Obama signed with other leaders and touted to the U.S. public. President Trump scrapped it.

In an unprecedented confession, Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the mullah regime's Atomic Agency, acknowledged that the mullahs had lied in nuclear negotiations with the five world powers at the Arak nuclear site and had in fact hidden some of the banned equipment.

"As for the tubes we had, the tubes through which the fuel passes, we had bought similar tubes before, but I couldn't declare them at the time. Only one person in Iran knew this," he said on Jan. 22 in an interview with the 4th Channel of State Television, IRIB about uranium enrichment tubes that were blocked by cement in the presence of IAEA inspectors (International Atomic Energy Agency).

"Only the highest authority of the regime [Ali Khamenei] was aware of this and no one else... His Holiness [Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei] had said that you should be careful with these people, they are not trustworthy and do not keep their promises. Well, we had to work smart, and not burn the bridges behind us. We also had to build a bridge that would allow us to move faster if we had to resume our nuclear activities," he admitted.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The Iraq War was another bogus US emprical invasion for resource control, just as Bolton admited we're doing in Venezuela curretly on national television.

Which has NOTHING to do with the fact that Barry was either played or complicit.
Who thought bending over backwards for Iran so they could achieve nuclear WMDs was a good idea to begin with?
Oh...right, King Obama, the Boy Wonder John Francois Kerry and their yes-monkey enablers.

Yup and lying to unbelievers is perfectly acceptable according to their so called religion.

Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam

So you can bet your ass they lied up a storm in order to get the POS deal Barry and Kerry bartered. Talk about clueless. That the dynamic duo. Barry and Kerry. The clueless.
The Iraq War was another bogus US emprical invasion for resource control, just as Bolton admited we're doing in Venezuela curretly on national television.
Thanks for attempting to derail the thread. Why not piss off now and go somewhere else.
The Iraq War was another bogus US empirical invasion for resource control, just as Bolton admitted we're doing in Venezuela currently on national television.

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