Iowa Republican ready to take up arms against her country

Leave it to RW to clearly make the case that he fully supports an oppressive Government...

Where did I say that?

I said I advocate citizens using their Constitutional freedoms to fight an oppressive Government. That is something I would expect a Senator to advocate

You want her to use speech because you know it gets nothing done these days. You want a single person to have the same protesting power as millions of people back in the civil rights. You're just making an ass of yourself. It's two entirely different situations.
so again, what are the circumstances that she would fire on government officials? imminent domain foreclosure? being 'forced' to accomodate a gay marriage? not being allowed to carry a gun into a courtroom? having to have health insurance? being relegated to a 'free speech zone?'

where's the line?

saying ridiculous things doesn't really make you look smarter.
email her and ask her...or continue seeking attention and exposing your insecurity here.
it's not ridiculous. she needs to make that clear or she's providing justification for every yahoo that thinks his rights are violated when something they don't like happens.
Leave it to RW to clearly make the case that he fully supports an oppressive Government...

Where did I say that?

I said I advocate citizens using their Constitutional freedoms to fight an oppressive Government. That is something I would expect a Senator to advocate

You want her to use speech because you know it gets nothing done these days. You want a single person to have the same protesting power as millions of people back in the civil rights. You're just making an ass of yourself. It's two entirely different situations.
so again, what are the circumstances that she would fire on government officials? imminent domain foreclosure? being 'forced' to accomodate a gay marriage? not being allowed to carry a gun into a courtroom? having to have health insurance? being relegated to a 'free speech zone?'

where's the line?

All have Constitutional regress available that does not involve taking up arms against your country
Rightwingy...ponder for a moment or two, "...should they decide that my rights are no longer imporant."

So someone who is prepared to enter the United States Senate believes that if the Government violates her rights that armed rebellion is her best option

Did she miss the Civil rights movement? Was anyone in histories rights violated more than southern blacks? Did they resort to armed rebellion or did they use their Constitutional freedoms to enact change?

Americans have regress if they think Government is violating their rights. They have free speech, they have a free press to take up their case, they have the right to assemble and to protest...most importantly, they have a VOTE

That is the way Americans have handled a repressive Government for generations WITHOUT resorting to guns

In case you missed that part of our history...some blacks did resort to armed rebellion...and to this day some present the case that the peaceful movement could not have succeeded without the violence.
RW... I don't see any problem with her statements. Over analyzing a little, aren't we? She is definitely a patriot.
Civil rights protestors were Patriots and they did not resort to guns
She is just pandering to TeaTards and Gun Nuts....that is not Patriotism

She is using the powers given to her per the US constitution you numb nuts. Why do you hate the constitution so much? Oh I know, because if it were followed you would be out of a job.

The Constitution gives you the right to act like a rightwing government hating nutjob

I agree too. It's sad that you advocate locking these people away simply for not trusting people like you with un-restrained authority over their lives and money. What is it you do again that we are forced to pay you through Government force?
Leave it to RW to clearly make the case that he fully supports an oppressive Government...

Where did I say that?

I said I advocate citizens using their Constitutional freedoms to fight an oppressive Government. That is something I would expect a Senator to advocate

You want her to use speech because you know it gets nothing done these days. You want a single person to have the same protesting power as millions of people back in the civil rights. You're just making an ass of yourself. It's two entirely different situations.
so again, what are the circumstances that she would fire on government officials? imminent domain foreclosure? being 'forced' to accomodate a gay marriage? not being allowed to carry a gun into a courtroom? having to have health insurance? being relegated to a 'free speech zone?'

where's the line?

All have Constitutional regress available that does not involve taking up arms against your country

She never said she was going too.... You keep saying it.
RW... I don't see any problem with her statements. Over analyzing a little, aren't we? She is definitely a patriot.
Civil rights protestors were Patriots and they did not resort to guns
She is just pandering to TeaTards and Gun Nuts....that is not Patriotism

She is using the powers given to her per the US constitution you numb nuts. Why do you hate the constitution so much? Oh I know, because if it were followed you would be out of a job.

The Constitution gives you the right to act like a rightwing government hating nutjob

I agree too. It's sad that you advocate locking these people away simply for not trusting people like you with un-restrained authority over their lives and money. What is it you do again that we are forced to pay you through Government force?
i missed where rw advocated locking someone away.
Rightwingy...ponder for a moment or two, "...should they decide that my rights are no longer imporant."

So someone who is prepared to enter the United States Senate believes that if the Government violates her rights that armed rebellion is her best option

Did she miss the Civil rights movement? Was anyone in histories rights violated more than southern blacks? Did they resort to armed rebellion or did they use their Constitutional freedoms to enact change?

Americans have regress if they think Government is violating their rights. They have free speech, they have a free press to take up their case, they have the right to assemble and to protest...most importantly, they have a VOTE

That is the way Americans have handled a repressive Government for generations WITHOUT resorting to guns

In case you missed that part of our history...some blacks did resort to armed rebellion...and to this day some present the case that the peaceful movement could not have succeeded without the violence.
I was going to mention that, but RW is mentally retarded. And sadly he "advises" our Government.... And is paid to do so.... A job that could just disappear and no one would notice a difference.
RW... I don't see any problem with her statements. Over analyzing a little, aren't we? She is definitely a patriot.
Civil rights protestors were Patriots and they did not resort to guns
She is just pandering to TeaTards and Gun Nuts....that is not Patriotism

She is using the powers given to her per the US constitution you numb nuts. Why do you hate the constitution so much? Oh I know, because if it were followed you would be out of a job.

The Constitution gives you the right to act like a rightwing government hating nutjob

I agree too. It's sad that you advocate locking these people away simply for not trusting people like you with un-restrained authority over their lives and money. What is it you do again that we are forced to pay you through Government force?
i missed where rw advocated locking someone away.

I missed where the woman advocated taking up armed rebellion towards the Government... But you never seem to call RW out when he claims it. So fuck off you hack.
When the Constitution is no longer the law of the land.
Clear enough?
no. who decides that? some people claim that public accommodation laws violate their first amendment rights. should they take up arms against the government?

How about when your Government is set to allow millions of immigrants into the country in order to flood your country with a certain type of voter that will make our fucked up job situation even worse?
Reason enough?

You really believe that crap about allowing immigrants only because they will all be Democrats don't you? I guess that once you give up your reasoning ability, rush can make you believe anything.......sad.

Why is the border open?

Because big business wants the cheap labor. Transient workers who cost little more than slave wages are what makes companies like Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill multibillion dollar companies.

I can agree with that as well. So where does that leave the American worker?
So the dems get voters and corporations get cheap labor.
I'd say thats reason enough.
Rightwingy...ponder for a moment or two, "...should they decide that my rights are no longer imporant."

So someone who is prepared to enter the United States Senate believes that if the Government violates her rights that armed rebellion is her best option

Did she miss the Civil rights movement? Was anyone in histories rights violated more than southern blacks? Did they resort to armed rebellion or did they use their Constitutional freedoms to enact change?

Americans have regress if they think Government is violating their rights. They have free speech, they have a free press to take up their case, they have the right to assemble and to protest...most importantly, they have a VOTE

That is the way Americans have handled a repressive Government for generations WITHOUT resorting to guns

In case you missed that part of our history...some blacks did resort to armed rebellion...and to this day some present the case that the peaceful movement could not have succeeded without the violence.
I was going to mention that, but RW is mentally retarded. And sadly he "advises" our Government.... And is paid to do so.... A job that could just disappear and no one would notice a difference.

So far my interactions with RW have shown him to be honest...I'll take an honest retard over a dishonest rocket surgeon any day. ;)
RW... I don't see any problem with her statements. Over analyzing a little, aren't we? She is definitely a patriot.
Civil rights protestors were Patriots and they did not resort to guns
She is just pandering to TeaTards and Gun Nuts....that is not Patriotism

She is using the powers given to her per the US constitution you numb nuts. Why do you hate the constitution so much? Oh I know, because if it were followed you would be out of a job.

The Constitution gives you the right to act like a rightwing government hating nutjob

I agree too. It's sad that you advocate locking these people away simply for not trusting people like you with un-restrained authority over their lives and money. What is it you do again that we are forced to pay you through Government force?

No, I advocate locking people up who take up arms against our country when they have Constitutional measures open to them
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

Only a panty waste liberal would find her statement alarming.
I guess I can see why it would though.
So you believe that firearms have a place in American politics? Decisions made only by those packing heat? Where in the second amendment does it say you have the right to fire upon law enforcement officers or military personnel because you fear them?

Just because she is willing to protect her birthright does not disqualify her from holding office. If you will recall your history, our first Presidents and much of the early Congress were participants in an armed rebellion against their former government.
RW... I don't see any problem with her statements. Over analyzing a little, aren't we? She is definitely a patriot.
Civil rights protestors were Patriots and they did not resort to guns
She is just pandering to TeaTards and Gun Nuts....that is not Patriotism

She is using the powers given to her per the US constitution you numb nuts. Why do you hate the constitution so much? Oh I know, because if it were followed you would be out of a job.

The Constitution gives you the right to act like a rightwing government hating nutjob

I agree too. It's sad that you advocate locking these people away simply for not trusting people like you with un-restrained authority over their lives and money. What is it you do again that we are forced to pay you through Government force?

No, I advocate locking people up who take up arms against our country when they have Constitutional measures open to them

She does have a constitutional right to arm her self and defend herself from Government illegally intruding.... Seriously, do you not know this?
Leave it to RW to clearly make the case that he fully supports an oppressive Government...

Where did I say that?

I said I advocate citizens using their Constitutional freedoms to fight an oppressive Government. That is something I would expect a Senator to advocate

You want her to use speech because you know it gets nothing done these days. You want a single person to have the same protesting power as millions of people back in the civil rights. You're just making an ass of yourself. It's two entirely different situations.
so again, what are the circumstances that she would fire on government officials? imminent domain foreclosure? being 'forced' to accomodate a gay marriage? not being allowed to carry a gun into a courtroom? having to have health insurance? being relegated to a 'free speech zone?'

where's the line?

All have Constitutional regress available that does not involve taking up arms against your country

She never said she was going too.... You keep saying it.
I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important
Americans have regress if they think Government is violating their rights. They have free speech, they have a free press to take up their case, they have the right to assemble and to protest...most importantly, they have a VOTE

Unless of course the government unilaterally deems one a terrorist, at which time they claim the right to indefinitely imprison or murder us at their whim.
Where did I say that?

I said I advocate citizens using their Constitutional freedoms to fight an oppressive Government. That is something I would expect a Senator to advocate

You want her to use speech because you know it gets nothing done these days. You want a single person to have the same protesting power as millions of people back in the civil rights. You're just making an ass of yourself. It's two entirely different situations.
so again, what are the circumstances that she would fire on government officials? imminent domain foreclosure? being 'forced' to accomodate a gay marriage? not being allowed to carry a gun into a courtroom? having to have health insurance? being relegated to a 'free speech zone?'

where's the line?

All have Constitutional regress available that does not involve taking up arms against your country

She never said she was going too.... You keep saying it.
I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important

I'm glad you agree with her. Unless you have some bit of information thus far hidden from this topic I read nothing where she claimed she would at random take up arms against the US Government. If she did, provide that information or forever know you made another mother fucking stupid hate thread.

And what are we forced to pay you to do again RW?
Leave it to RW to clearly make the case that he fully supports an oppressive Government...

Where did I say that?

I said I advocate citizens using their Constitutional freedoms to fight an oppressive Government. That is something I would expect a Senator to advocate

Then I expect you are actively resisting this President's continuation of his predecessor's policies of unilaterally deciding who is protected by the Constitution and who is not.
Only a panty waste liberal would find her statement alarming.
I guess I can see why it would though.
So you believe that firearms have a place in American politics? Decisions made only by those packing heat? Where in the second amendment does it say you have the right to fire upon law enforcement officers or military personnel because you fear them?

Just because she is willing to protect her birthright does not disqualify her from holding office. If you will recall your history, our first Presidents and much of the early Congress were participants in an armed rebellion against their former government.
And they were so serious about it that they gave us our Constitution so that we would not have to go through what they went through

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