IOA says no negotiation with PA unity government

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
NAZARETH, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation government has decided Thursday not to negotiate with any Palestinian unity government after Hamas and Fatah Movements inked the Palestinian reconciliation paper in Cairo a couple of days ago.

According to the Hebrew Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, the mini ministerial council chaired by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Thursday and took that decision but refrained from taking any additional decisions in this regard.

The IOA also decided to closely monitor developments in the occupied Palestinian territories, and to abort any attempt to revive negotiations with the PA leadership in Ramallah, the paper added.

Netanyahu had earlier asked PA leader Mahmoud Abbas to choose between making peace with "Israel" or reconcile with Hamas after both Palestinian Movements decided to restore Palestinian unity.

IOA says no negotiation with PA unity government
NAZARETH, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation government has decided Thursday not to negotiate with any Palestinian unity government after Hamas and Fatah Movements inked the Palestinian reconciliation paper in Cairo a couple of days ago.

According to the Hebrew Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, the mini ministerial council chaired by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Thursday and took that decision but refrained from taking any additional decisions in this regard.

The IOA also decided to closely monitor developments in the occupied Palestinian territories, and to abort any attempt to revive negotiations with the PA leadership in Ramallah, the paper added.

Netanyahu had earlier asked PA leader Mahmoud Abbas to choose between making peace with "Israel" or reconcile with Hamas after both Palestinian Movements decided to restore Palestinian unity.

IOA says no negotiation with PA unity government

I'm sure you would agree, Mr. Tinmore, that this is a very wise decision by Netanyahu. In this chess game that he is playing, this trumps the upcoming Palestinian declaration of independence in September. :clap2:
NAZARETH, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation government has decided Thursday not to negotiate with any Palestinian unity government after Hamas and Fatah Movements inked the Palestinian reconciliation paper in Cairo a couple of days ago.

According to the Hebrew Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, the mini ministerial council chaired by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Thursday and took that decision but refrained from taking any additional decisions in this regard.

The IOA also decided to closely monitor developments in the occupied Palestinian territories, and to abort any attempt to revive negotiations with the PA leadership in Ramallah, the paper added.

Netanyahu had earlier asked PA leader Mahmoud Abbas to choose between making peace with "Israel" or reconcile with Hamas after both Palestinian Movements decided to restore Palestinian unity.

IOA says no negotiation with PA unity government

I'm sure you would agree, Mr. Tinmore, that this is a very wise decision by Netanyahu. In this chess game that he is playing, this trumps the upcoming Palestinian declaration of independence in September. :clap2:

I think that declaring independence could be a big mistake. Palestine declared statehood in 1948 in its 1948 borders. Now the PA, which is an illegitimate government, wants to declare statehood in the 1967 borders. This would cede land to Israel that the Palestinians have never done and most Palestinians do not want to do.

It could create a sticky situation.
NAZARETH, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation government has decided Thursday not to negotiate with any Palestinian unity government after Hamas and Fatah Movements inked the Palestinian reconciliation paper in Cairo a couple of days ago.

According to the Hebrew Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, the mini ministerial council chaired by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Thursday and took that decision but refrained from taking any additional decisions in this regard.

The IOA also decided to closely monitor developments in the occupied Palestinian territories, and to abort any attempt to revive negotiations with the PA leadership in Ramallah, the paper added.

Netanyahu had earlier asked PA leader Mahmoud Abbas to choose between making peace with "Israel" or reconcile with Hamas after both Palestinian Movements decided to restore Palestinian unity.

IOA says no negotiation with PA unity government

I'm sure you would agree, Mr. Tinmore, that this is a very wise decision by Netanyahu. In this chess game that he is playing, this trumps the upcoming Palestinian declaration of independence in September. :clap2:

I think that declaring independence could be a big mistake. Palestine declared statehood in 1948 in its 1948 borders. Now the PA, which is an illegitimate government, wants to declare statehood in the 1967 borders. This would cede land to Israel that the Palestinians have never done and most Palestinians do not want to do.

It could create a sticky situation.

You have to brush up on your history. Israel declared independence in 1948, Palestine in 1988. But in 1988 Palestinians held no land, so it was an empty declaration. Now the Palestinians hold some land.
As for the PA being illigitimate, which Arab gov't is? There have been demonstrations throughout the Arab world. (Not that I'm a fan of the PA.)
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Actually in 1948 a sizable number of Palestinian local leaders got together in Gaza and declared statehood on the borders as defined in 1922. This was back before Gaza was occupied by Egypt, the West Bank was occupied by Jordan, and before Israel officially occupied the rest.

Another thing is that a country does not cease to exist even if all their territory is occupied.

Look it up.
The Israeli occupation government has decided Thursday not to negotiate with any Palestinian unity government after Hamas and Fatah Movements inked the Palestinian reconciliation paper in Cairo a couple of days ago.
Palisimians refer to the the israeli govt. as Israeli occupation government, which means they consider Israel whole an "occupied territory". Negotiating with palistanians is a pointless occupation, of course.
Actually in 1948 a sizable number of Palestinian local leaders got together in Gaza and declared statehood on the borders as defined in 1922.
Let's be factual and, therefore, mention that, that crappy "meeting" took place on October 1, 1948.
  • May 15, 1947 - The General Assembly established a Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP).
  • August 31 - The UNSCOP recommended partition of Palestine with an internationalised Jerusalem, a minority report recommended a federation.
  • September 29 - The Arab higher committee rejected the UNSCOP recommendation formally.
  • October 2 - The Jewish agency accepted the UNSCOP recommendation formally.
  • November 29 - The UN approved the partition.
  • November 30 - Arab mobs attacked jews in Jerusalem, arab armed thugs began operations against jews everywhere.
  • March 19, 1948 - The US proposed a partition suspension and called for a special session of the GA to discuss trusteeship.
  • April 1 - The Security Council called for a truce and a special session of the GA to reconsider future of Palestine.
  • May 13 - Feisty Jaffa arabs got their asses kicked by hagana.
  • May 14 - Declaration of Independence. The US recognized Israel de facto.
  • May 14 - The British mandate ended. Arab armies invaded Israel.
  • May 17 - The USSR recognized Israel.
  • May 19 - Jerusalem cut off by arabs.
  • May 1948 - July 1949 - War.
That arab "government" missed the train, like all arabs, typically, do, neither was it present during the mandate period to support the allegation that there, somehow, was an established palistanian arab sovereign, which was, allegedly, ousted.

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