Investigate the Comer Crime Family!

There is a direct money trail from the Communist Chinese government to Joe Bidens bank account.

Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease

This will be uncovered in the investigations.

Are you against investigating the Comer Crime Family?
There is no evidence, at all, of a Comer Crime family. So Comer loaned his brother money? Why is this even significant?

What does that have to do with Biden cashing a check to get cash that came quite directly from the Chinese communist government? I know you won't answer this.
The Comer Crime Family must be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted.

Well, Well, Well: Hypocrite James Comer Did Exactly What Joe Biden Did

House Oversight Chair James Comer is mad about one particular detail in Joe Biden’s finances. Turns out he’s done the exact same thing.

"The land swaps between Comer and his brother, Chad Comer, went down months after they lost their father, in January 2019. Comer’s father—also named James Comer—died without leaving a will, according to deed records in Monroe County, Kentucky. That left his two sons—who were also his business partners—as the legal heirs to his land, and, without the dictates of a will, they set about divvying up the inheritance.

But some of those transactions aren’t so transparent.

For instance, on July 8, Chad Comer bought out his brother’s half of a piece of inherited Kentucky property, paying $100,000, according to deed records in Monroe County. Five months later, James and his wife Tamara “TJ” Comer, bought the property out in full, this time paying Chad Comer $218,000.

LOL. The purchase is explained. The Bidens' money laundering has not been explained, and it's like pulling teeth to get any information from them.
I do not see how this is any different than republicans trying to hide from stolen election bullshit by equating it with Hillary claiming election fraud.

Of course anyone on the left will instantly recognize they are not remotely similar. Why should I treat this particular claim any different?

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