Invest Early, Retire a Rich Man


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Many years ago, I made this chart to demonstrate the importance of investing early, which I did.

My portfolio is considerably larger than the figures shown in the chart as a result.


Investment Table.jpg
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This assumes interest PAID.

Reality: Under regime Xiden expect negative interest - that is to say not only NO interest but also a charge for having money saved.

Gold concentrate is looking better than ever. Not bullion gold. Roosevelt stole that once and it will be done again. You need wealth that has no footprint.
It's a bit optomistic to assume 10% growth per year, but the concept is hugely important. I started with no inheritance and managed to retire comfortably by saving, investing and taking some calculated risks along the way.
This assumes interest PAID.

Reality: Under regime Xiden expect negative interest - that is to say not only NO interest but also a charge for having money saved.

Gold concentrate is looking better than ever. Not bullion gold. Roosevelt stole that once and it will be done again. You need wealth that has no footprint.

Trump is the one that was pushing for negative rates.

Trump renews call for negative interest rates, says other countries are already enjoying the 'gift'
It's a bit optomistic (sic) to assume 10% growth per year, but the concept is hugely important. I started with no inheritance and managed to retire comfortably by saving, investing and taking some calculated risks along the way.

NO, it is NOT "optomistic."

1. The long-term growth of the stock market is ~10% per year.
2. I have invested in apartments and development of houses, condos, apartments and an industrial building through the year and achieved far more than 10%.
3. During a five year period, just after Fidelity Select Electronics went through $126 per share, I thought it looked peaky and sold all of it and bought Fidelity Real Estate (FRESX). That earned in excess of 20% annually for the next four or five years. I was too *smart* to invest more than $100,000 or $200,000 in it, because you're supposed to diversify.
4. Years later I put a million into Fisher Investments. Then they had a model portfolio of 80 stocks and ETFs. I said "that's too many." They replied "HOw many do you want?"
Me: 50
Fisher: "We won't go below 60."
Fine, it was 60.

In the year that followed,, my portfolio of 60 outperformed their model of 80.

I said "Ken, you're over your model in Japan Fund and it's going nowhere. You have zero Brazil Fund and it's killing! He did nothing. Had he listened to me, his clients would have made millions more.

I read the WSJ which recommended devesting from companies which are heavily invested in terrorist sponsoring nations, such as Total SA Fina (TOT), in Sudan at that time.
Fisher said "NO, we don't want to negatively impact our clients."

I replied "SELL MY TOT!" Had to sign a statement claiming this might harm my return.
They sold all my TOT and replaced it with BHP.

In the following year or two, TOT was up 20% annually. Look it up.
But BHP was up 40% or more! That paid for all the gasoline I would ever buy for the rest of my life. Fisher's clients would have made millions from this one suggestion, but NOOOOOOOO.

I withdrew my funds as I was outperforming Fisher with my remaining investment accounts, such as our family trust and my wife's retirement SEP/IRA and Roth IRA. Besides, Fisher charges 1.5% annually regardless of how much you gain or lose.
This assumes interest PAID.

Reality: Under regime Xiden expect negative interest - that is to say not only NO interest but also a charge for having money saved.

Gold concentrate is looking better than ever. Not bullion gold. Roosevelt stole that once and it will be done again. You need wealth that has no footprint.

I made no mention of "interest." That was your word. I said "return." As in capital gains.
As in appreciation of value, whether or not sold. My house is worth $1,100,000 and I paid $135,000 for it, just not recently. I could sell it and pay cash for four of the largest, newest houses in my home town in Southern Illinois.

I'm a chemical engineer and never heard of "gold concentrate." What in the world is it?
This assumes interest PAID.

Reality: Under regime Xiden expect negative interest - that is to say not only NO interest but also a charge for having money saved.

Gold concentrate is looking better than ever. Not bullion gold. Roosevelt stole that once and it will be done again. You need wealth that has no footprint.
Dont count on it. Today i plan to use the 14th amendment and plenty of cheap rounds, if the Biden Regime tries that shit again. Dead bodies makes g-men a little hesitant on trying to steal ones properties.

Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that no state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” In District of Columbia v.

DOJ Releases Biden Gun Confiscation Order Legislation ...

So you can sort of say, that the 2nd amendment is there to make sure you 14th isnt infringed upon...
How about you pay a buck and pick the winning Super Lotto numbers, eh?
That'd do it.
ChemEngineer As they say, "past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance". I, as you have done very well, all I'm saying is that counting on a 10% annual return going forward is overly optimistic IMHO given the backdrop of of near zero interest rates. But I am in full agreement that the earlier you start saving, investing and buying your home the better.
ChemEngineer As they say, "past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance". I, as you have done very well, all I'm saying is that counting on a 10% annual return going forward is overly optimistic IMHO given the backdrop of of near zero interest rates. But I am in full agreement that the earlier you start saving, investing and buying your home the better.

MM, you are tilting at windmills. NOBODY SAID "this is an indication of future performance."

Here's the deal. When you do a proforma, or a projection, you HAVE to make some assumptions. You could just as easily have said "Well many young people won't have $2,000 a year to invest for twenty straight years." That's not the point.

I could have used 7% per year and someone else might have whined, "BUT THE AVERAGE RETURN of the S&P 500 has been 10% !!!"

See what I'm getting at? Take it for what it's worth and then use your own assumptions to make a chart which you think is superior. It won't differ substantially from the point which I made.
its the same most of the time
importance of investing early, which I did.
That's nice. Good to do if you are wealthy and privileged, have extended family support, an arranged marriage with a partner you get along well with, and absolute rock solid protection against the normal pitfalls, trials and tribulations of human life which will otherwise inevitably destroy not only your fortune but your trust and access to it.
This assumes interest PAID.

Reality: Under regime Xiden expect negative interest - that is to say not only NO interest but also a charge for having money saved.
Absolutely. Reality strikes and it hits hard. If you have a buck or two saved and invested, someone else who is greedily and more powerful than you will find a way to extort or steal it from you, or rob you of it through so.e kind of civil or criminal process in a court of law if by no other means.
I'm a chemical engineer and never heard of "gold concentrate." What in the world is it?
To any literate adult human being, that is some intermediate stage in the refining of gold ore, by whatever process that is done. To say it's concentrated, but not yet separated from the bulk material of the ore, and smelted out into actual bullion and poured into ingots.
I made no mention of "interest." That was your word. I said "return." As in capital gains.
As in appreciation of value, whether or not sold. My house is worth $1,100,000 and I paid $135,000 for it, just not recently. I could sell it and pay cash for four of the largest, newest houses in my home town in Southern Illinois.

I'm a chemical engineer and never heard of "gold concentrate." What in the world is it?
Obvious Californian. You have my deepest sympathy but it puzzles me a bit. Not quite smart enough to flee? Or super-optimistic that the coming California real estate collapse won't happen?

Gold Concentrate: Not a term a chemist would use. Something a miner or buyer would.

It's the product of the earliest step of extracting gold from the soil. After the gold-bearing soil has been though the wash plant, been panned and is down to almost entirely gold but with remnants of small non-gold particulates. Before refining.

It's in refining that gold acquires a footprint. Most miners don't have the facilities to refine gold so send it out to refiners. And that's where the purchase of the concentrate and sale of the bullion get recorded and reported to the government that will one day confiscate it. Oh, perhaps offering you something like the $13.00/ounce Roosevelt paid when he forcibly took away the gold from everyone stupid enough to not have hidden it.

It will happen again. But it won't be $13/ounce. Perhaps $1,300/ounce....around the current price. but paid out in paper "dollars" that are worth less than the paper they're printed on was when it was obtained.

I hope that helps. Maybe try the international job market. There'll be a big demand for chemists when all the natural chemically bound essential elements in America have been put off-limits to mining. Sometime, I think, before the end of the year.

My son was initially a chemical engineer. In California. He quickly found it more lucrative to use his second degree that included Chinese Herbal Medicine with side studies in accupuncture. More money in extracting money from aching chemical engineers than from being one. Real estate people made good marks ..... errrrrrrrr...."clients"..... too!

Question: How do you feel the rate of return might be on property investments when they are forcibly nationalized?
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