Invasion Propaganda - Donald's Malicious Evil Invasion Branding Lie

They aren't seeking asylum.
True, they're being paid by Trump supporters to keep a manufactured "crisis" going.

Millions of illegal aliens isn't a crisis?
A "crisis" manufactured by Trump. If it's such a big problem, why is he sending operatives to pay the caravan to keep going?

Perhaps you can provide proof from LEGITIMATE sources of him sending operatives to pay the caravan to keep going?
Fat people like Donald are scared they will run out of room and Big Macs if more people come here..
Credit where it's due. trump is very good at one thing...politicking. He knows/cares nothing about running the country. Every word out of his mouth has a laser like focus on his shrinking base. Nothing else. It's the same thing he did with every failed business venture. Lies, aggression, and self promotion. It didn't work in the private sector, and it definitely doesn't work in the public sector.

I'm not sure who's worse? trump, or Huckabee?

Trump is following in the footsteps of the worst narcissistic liar this country has ever seen.

The only reason these fools want to argue about this is because it's coming from Trump. Anything and everything he wants is bad in their minds. No issues when the last President(He who won't be named) was all for the same thing our current President wants, border control.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

I have a question for the right winged morons that thought this OP's post was funny.


Are you denying that Trump has done this?

Or are you so stupid that you can grasp the consequences of this.

11 Dead on Pittsburgh because of this lie told by Trump then spread by all his minions.

This is the problrm we face here in America. We have too many dumbasses. Dumbasses that cheer when our President lies to them & attacks others with more lies.

You people do not deserve America.

Are you talking about the guy who killed those poor people in the synagogue and believed Trump was controlled by the Jews? And BTW, I completely believe Trump didn't do this... I think the guy's name was Robert Bowers.
Fat people like Donald are scared they will run out of room and Big Macs if more people come here..
Credit where it's due. trump is very good at one thing...politicking. He knows/cares nothing about running the country. Every word out of his mouth has a laser like focus on his shrinking base. Nothing else. It's the same thing he did with every failed business venture. Lies, aggression, and self promotion. It didn't work in the private sector, and it definitely doesn't work in the public sector.

I'm not sure who's worse? trump, or Huckabee?

When you are worth billions and fly around in your own plane, spent time and married the most beautiful women in the world, become a household name, then you have the ability to call somebody else a failure.

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his life. He had 4 bankruptcies. That means he filed for bankruptcy one time for every 125 businesses in his name. Now show me any other person in the country that had less than one bankruptcy for 125 businesses they ran.
You know very little about trump. Don't feel badly, most of his minions know nothing about him. trumpco is a 'small business'. Just check his status. He doesn't 'run' hundreds of businesses. He sells his name to unwitting companies/products. Of course, that's changing now as most are dumping the toxic moniker.

You cannot file bankruptcy or run a company into the ground if all you did was sell your name to them. The only way that's possible is to run the business into the ground yourself. I know a lot about Trump. Read countless articles and did research. Perhaps it's you that knows little about him.
Put down the gun & pick up a book.

Trump was involved in these companies.


That's the point I was making. If your reading comprehension was better, you'd realize this.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

I have a question for the right winged morons that thought this OP's post was funny.


Are you denying that Trump has done this?

Or are you so stupid that you can grasp the consequences of this.

11 Dead on Pittsburgh because of this lie told by Trump then spread by all his minions.

This is the problrm we face here in America. We have too many dumbasses. Dumbasses that cheer when our President lies to them & attacks others with more lies.

You people do not deserve America.

What lie are you talking about that caused some guy to go off the edge? Do you leftists make crap up as you go along or do you plan it out first?
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.
------------------------------------------------ so TRUMPS doing good calling the 'invasion' an INVASION eh Camp . I always use the word invasion as i point out pictures of the invading third worlders to people i communicate with . You know what , language matters Camp !!
Actually the American Taxpayers have a 100% right to oppose mass illegal immigration.
Illegal Aliens are looting American's paychecks and then calling their victims racist and xenophobic.

It is a cultural invasion and cultural aggression.
American's have a right to defend their sovereignty.


Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

you must be kidding,. your trying to say that ALL these people are running from their country to seek asylum, how stupid can you be. True there are some, but can you say that some of them are not gang members who are hateful and murdering innocent people in our country. And Yes this is an invasion and should be treated as such. There is a way to come here legally, let them do that as so many others have done. Most are her for free welfare, medical, school and whatever we the tax payers will pay for. GET SMART!
yeah , also my thinking but i think that the EO action will influence some people Ray .
Fat people like Donald are scared they will run out of room and Big Macs if more people come here..
Credit where it's due. trump is very good at one thing...politicking. He knows/cares nothing about running the country. Every word out of his mouth has a laser like focus on his shrinking base. Nothing else. It's the same thing he did with every failed business venture. Lies, aggression, and self promotion. It didn't work in the private sector, and it definitely doesn't work in the public sector.

I'm not sure who's worse? trump, or Huckabee?

When you are worth billions and fly around in your own plane, spent time and married the most beautiful women in the world, become a household name, then you have the ability to call somebody else a failure.

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his life. He had 4 bankruptcies. That means he filed for bankruptcy one time for every 125 businesses in his name. Now show me any other person in the country that had less than one bankruptcy for 125 businesses they ran.
You know very little about trump. Don't feel badly, most of his minions know nothing about him. trumpco is a 'small business'. Just check his status. He doesn't 'run' hundreds of businesses. He sells his name to unwitting companies/products. Of course, that's changing now as most are dumping the toxic moniker.

You cannot file bankruptcy or run a company into the ground if all you did was sell your name to them. The only way that's possible is to run the business into the ground yourself. I know a lot about Trump. Read countless articles and did research. Perhaps it's you that knows little about him.
Being from NY, I've been aware of trump since he built that skating rink. He bragged about getting it done 'ahead of schedule, and under budget'. A lie he still likes to use for every project. Of course, 'under budget' is easy when you screw your contractors.

He had several failed casinos...a feat in and of itself. He declared bankruptcy...a word that he can't seem to allow to pass through his lips..after daddy stopped funding his failures. He was 'forgiven' almost $1 billion in personal debt as part of one of those defaults.

We could all be billionaires if we defaulted on $1 billion in debt...couldn't we? He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, because his father created a real estate empire using taxpayer dollars.

The vast majority of trump branded businesses/products were neither run by, or managed by trump. The scandalous ones (trump University) were, but the other gross failures were not.
We are not going to allow illegals to flagrantly break our laws and flood across our borders. If there's one thing American's hate its people trying to cut to the front of the line, illegals can get behind those trying to come to America legally.
We are not going to allow illegals to flagrantly break our laws and flood across our borders. If there's one thing American's hate its people trying to cut to the front of the line, illegals can get behind those trying to come to America legally.
Like Melania's chain migrated parents?
yeah , also my thinking but i think that the EO action will influence some people Ray .

Without a doubt. I believe that's what it's designed to do. Most people are sick of this anchor babies crap.

But if Trump wishes to continue the fight after being struck down at the lower court levels, it then ends up at the Supreme Court where they will be able to determine if anchor babies was the intent of the 14th amendment. Because there was no such thing as immigration and anchor babies when it was adopted, the courts may very well rule that anchor babies are not constitutionally protected. Afterwards Trump may sign an executive order rescinding the law.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

I have a question for the right winged morons that thought this OP's post was funny.


Are you denying that Trump has done this?

Or are you so stupid that you can grasp the consequences of this.

11 Dead on Pittsburgh because of this lie told by Trump then spread by all his minions.

This is the problrm we face here in America. We have too many dumbasses. Dumbasses that cheer when our President lies to them & attacks others with more lies.

You people do not deserve America.
And then you have the absolute crazies on the other side that is nice riots, shootup a baseball game. Talk about blowing up the White House, call for harassment of others, call for empeachment, hold rallies to stop traffic because Trump was elected. Call for the end of the electoral college because they did not like the outcome of an election. Need I go on?
Fat people like Donald are scared they will run out of room and Big Macs if more people come here..
Credit where it's due. trump is very good at one thing...politicking. He knows/cares nothing about running the country. Every word out of his mouth has a laser like focus on his shrinking base. Nothing else. It's the same thing he did with every failed business venture. Lies, aggression, and self promotion. It didn't work in the private sector, and it definitely doesn't work in the public sector.

I'm not sure who's worse? trump, or Huckabee?

When you are worth billions and fly around in your own plane, spent time and married the most beautiful women in the world, become a household name, then you have the ability to call somebody else a failure.

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his life. He had 4 bankruptcies. That means he filed for bankruptcy one time for every 125 businesses in his name. Now show me any other person in the country that had less than one bankruptcy for 125 businesses they ran.
You know very little about trump. Don't feel badly, most of his minions know nothing about him. trumpco is a 'small business'. Just check his status. He doesn't 'run' hundreds of businesses. He sells his name to unwitting companies/products. Of course, that's changing now as most are dumping the toxic moniker.

You cannot file bankruptcy or run a company into the ground if all you did was sell your name to them. The only way that's possible is to run the business into the ground yourself. I know a lot about Trump. Read countless articles and did research. Perhaps it's you that knows little about him.
Being from NY, I've been aware of trump since he built that skating rink. He bragged about getting it done 'ahead of schedule, and under budget'. A lie he still likes to use for every project. Of course, 'under budget' is easy when you screw your contractors.

He had several failed casinos...a feat in and of itself. He declared bankruptcy...a word that he can't seem to allow to pass through his lips..after daddy stopped funding his failures. He was 'forgiven' almost $1 billion in personal debt as part of one of those defaults.

We could all be billionaires if we defaulted on $1 billion in debt...couldn't we? He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, because his father created a real estate empire using taxpayer dollars.

The vast majority of trump branded businesses/products were neither run by, or managed by trump. The scandalous ones (trump University) were, but the other gross failures were not.

The Trump Organization is the collective name for a group of approximately 500 business entities of which Donald Trump, the current U.S. President, is the sole or principal owner.[4] Approximately 250 entities use the Trump name.[5][6] Donald Trump's grandmother and father founded the organization in 1923 as E. Trump & Son, and it was led from 1971 to 2017 by Donald, who renamed the company around 1973.

The Trump Organization - Wikipedia
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

I have a question for the right winged morons that thought this OP's post was funny.


Are you denying that Trump has done this?

Or are you so stupid that you can grasp the consequences of this.

11 Dead on Pittsburgh because of this lie told by Trump then spread by all his minions.

This is the problrm we face here in America. We have too many dumbasses. Dumbasses that cheer when our President lies to them & attacks others with more lies.

You people do not deserve America.
And then you have the absolute crazies on the other side that is nice riots, shootup a baseball game. Talk about blowing up the White House, call for harassment of others, call for empeachment, hold rallies to stop traffic because Trump was elected. Call for the end of the electoral college because they did not like the outcome of an election. Need I go on?

No need to go on. Please.......allow me:


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