"Interstellar" spawns 2 scientific papers


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The movie "Instellar" in theatres now is so realistic and scientifically accurate, it's led to two scientific papers being written.

Interstellar film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"Theoretical physicist Kip Thorne was a scientific consultant for the film, to ensure the depictions of wormholes and relativity were as accurate as possible. "For the depictions of the wormholes and the black hole," he said, "we discussed how to go about it, and then I worked out the equations that would enable tracing of light rays as they traveled through a wormhole or around a black hole—so what you see is based on Einstein's general relativity equations."[52]

In creating the wormhole and black hole, Dr. Thorne collaborated with visual effect supervisor Paul Franklin and a team of 30 computer effects artists at Double Negative. Thorne would provide pages of deeply sourced theoretical equations to the artists, who then wrote new CGI rendering software based on these equations to create accurate computer simulations of the gravitational lensing caused by these phenomena. Some individual frames took up to 100 hours to render, and ultimately resulted in 800 terabytes of data. The resulting visual effect provided Dr. Thorne with new insight into the effects of gravitational lensing and accretion disks surrounding black holes, and will lead to the creation of two scientific papers; one for the astrophysics community and one for the computer graphics community.[53]

Christopher Nolan was initially concerned that a scientifically accurate depiction of a black hole would not be visually comprehensible to an audience and would require the effects team to unrealistically alter its appearance. However Nolan found the finished effect to be understandable provided that he maintained consistent camera perspectives, "What we found was as long as we didn’t change the point of view too much, the camera position, we could get something very understandable"."

This might be the first film to get me to a theatre to see it if only for the black hole. :) Haven't been suckered into a theatre since a girlfriend dragged me to "Resident Evil" way back. :)

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