Interracial Marriage, just another means to destroy the Black race.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I must tell all black people , that we are not benefitted by interracial marriages. From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks. The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to
watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's". Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter" , well like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages.
Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!
No, we've just decided that since you guys are now the Man holding us down, we're going to try stealing your women and see how well you like it.

I expect within twenty years that the penalties on crystal meth will be much harsher than on crack cocaine, and there will be Congressional committees on the content of popular country music.

I always find your thought provoking posts enlightening but I believe this post sounds a little racist.

Why don't you like white people?
I must tell all black people , that we are not benefitted by interracial marriages. From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks. The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to
watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's". Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter" , well like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages.
Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!

How about if we just live in sin? My kid is beautiful, isn't watered down at all. Kwanzaa breakfast looks like a meeting at the UN, and nobody seems to mind.

You wouldn't happen to stand on your front stoop ranting about blue eyed devils, would you?
I must tell all black people , that we are not benefitted by interracial marriages. From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks. The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to
watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's". Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter" , well like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages.
Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!

I beg to differ. Who's doing better, the blacks that are moving out to the suburbs and assimilating with whites or the blacks in the inner cities that are shooting each other and living off welfare?

I watched a PBS documentary on the LA riots and gangs last night. Part of the problem when blacks were lured to LA with jobs is that they were forced to live in black only areas. So jews, chinese, mexicans and arabs were able to assimilate with whites, but not blacks. And if you aren't with us, why would we invest in your communities? If you don't want anything to do with us, or if you are racist towards us, then you are no better than who we were in the past. We are slowly getting better. Are you?

Think about our grandparents. No way our parents would marry blacks. It was taboo. Then our parents were a little racist and we are less racist and our kids are even less racist. That's a good thing, stupid.

Our race relations get better and better the more blacks and whites live/marry/work together.

Blacks who only know blacks are more racist, just like whites who don't know blacks are usually the most racist. Its out of ignorance.

Now if the black community took pride in itself and created business' and jobs for themselves and they didn't need us, much like the Jewish people, then I could see that this is just black pride and this is just blacks wanting to preserve their race. Are you a black man or woman? How dare you guys who won't raise your own kids suggest that black women should stick with you when you won't stick by them. You are the reason your woman are leaving you.

But I don't think you have to worry about the black race going away. Just go into any black neighborhood in Detroit and you will realize that there is no risk of the black race dying out. I dated a black girl, and her 10 friends ridiculed her for dating outside of her race.

She didn't want to date the typical guys in her neighborhood. THey'd get her pregnant and then disappear, never to help raise or pay for the child they brought into this world.

So can you blame her for leaving the hood in search of a white guy who would treat her right?

There is no question that IN GENERAL, white men treat women much differently than black men do. We treat them better in most cases. We don't cheat as much. We won't go into prison. We don't have kids from a previous baby mamma.
I must tell all black people , that we are not benefitted by interracial marriages. From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks. The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to
watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's". Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter" , well like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages.
Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!

Spoken like a true racist.
I must tell all black people , that we are not benefitted by interracial marriages. From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks. The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to
watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's". Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter" , well like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages.
Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!

Spoken like a true racist.

Well, African Americans have thrived on their own, right?
I must tell all black people , that we are not benefitted by interracial marriages. From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks. The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to
watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's". Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter" , well like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages.
Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!

Spoken like a true racist.

Well, African Americans have thrived on their own, right?

umm yea riiiiight. hahahahaa

I always find your thought provoking posts enlightening but I believe this post sounds a little racist.

Why don't you like white people?

Oh he probably just doesn't understand us. I on the other hand know "white" people real
well and that is why I don't like many of them. Sucka's an Crackas an strawberries.

I always find your thought provoking posts enlightening but I believe this post sounds a little racist.

Why don't you like white people?

Oh he probably just doesn't understand us. I on the other hand know "white" people real
well and that is why I don't like many of them. Sucka's an Crackas an strawberries.

Maybe if you learned how to speak and write you would do better in this society.

And you got our white kids talking that way.

I always find your thought provoking posts enlightening but I believe this post sounds a little racist.

Why don't you like white people?

Oh he probably just doesn't understand us. I on the other hand know "white" people real
well and that is why I don't like many of them. Sucka's an Crackas an strawberries.

Maybe if you learned how to speak and write you would do better in this society.

And you got our white kids talking that way.

sarcasm...ya maroon.
Its not a matter of being a "black Racist" , its about letting blacks know ,we have nothing to gain, but
racial destruction , from interacial marriages.!,and a whole host of other problems with mixed race offspring.
Its not a matter of being a "black Racist" , its about letting blacks know ,we have nothing to gain, but
racial destruction , from interacial marriages.!,and a whole host of other problems with mixed race offspring.

Ya it's gonna suck when your big lips an noses an butts get diluted into the gene pool.

Better hang on to all those sports awards too so your great grand kids will know what super duper athletes ya'll were.
I must tell all black people , that we are not benefitted by interracial marriages. From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks. The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to
watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's". Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter" , well like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages.
Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!

I beg to differ. Who's doing better, the blacks that are moving out to the suburbs and assimilating with whites or the blacks in the inner cities that are shooting each other and living off welfare?

I watched a PBS documentary on the LA riots and gangs last night. Part of the problem when blacks were lured to LA with jobs is that they were forced to live in black only areas. So jews, chinese, mexicans and arabs were able to assimilate with whites, but not blacks. And if you aren't with us, why would we invest in your communities? If you don't want anything to do with us, or if you are racist towards us, then you are no better than who we were in the past. We are slowly getting better. Are you?

Think about our grandparents. No way our parents would marry blacks. It was taboo. Then our parents were a little racist and we are less racist and our kids are even less racist. That's a good thing, stupid.

Our race relations get better and better the more blacks and whites live/marry/work together.

Blacks who only know blacks are more racist, just like whites who don't know blacks are usually the most racist. Its out of ignorance.

Now if the black community took pride in itself and created business' and jobs for themselves and they didn't need us, much like the Jewish people, then I could see that this is just black pride and this is just blacks wanting to preserve their race. Are you a black man or woman? How dare you guys who won't raise your own kids suggest that black women should stick with you when you won't stick by them. You are the reason your woman are leaving you.

But I don't think you have to worry about the black race going away. Just go into any black neighborhood in Detroit and you will realize that there is no risk of the black race dying out. I dated a black girl, and her 10 friends ridiculed her for dating outside of her race.

She didn't want to date the typical guys in her neighborhood. THey'd get her pregnant and then disappear, never to help raise or pay for the child they brought into this world.

So can you blame her for leaving the hood in search of a white guy who would treat her right?

There is no question that IN GENERAL, white men treat women much differently than black men do. We treat them better in most cases. We don't cheat as much. We won't go into prison. We don't have kids from a previous baby mamma.

Dude, I thought you were above the bigotry. What is the difference between hard-working blacks in the ghetto and hard-working blacks in the 'burbs? Which black communities do take pride in their neighborhoods? And what percentage of black men don't raise their children? And as for the girl you dated, how many black men from "the hood" got her pregnant and left her? How many baby daddies did she have that didn't take care of their kids? What is the percentage of white men cheating as opposed to black men cheating? Do white men not go to prison? And white men only have kids from one woman?

I hope you have the decency to answer those questions so you can understand your own bigoted statements. When you see black men on TV, I promise you that they don't depict the majority of black men. I expect it from 52nd....
Its not a matter of being a "black Racist" , its about letting blacks know ,we have nothing to gain, but
racial destruction , from interacial marriages.!,and a whole host of other problems with mixed race offspring.

Ya it's gonna suck when your big lips an noses an butts get diluted into the gene pool.

Better hang on to all those sports awards too so your great grand kids will know what super duper athletes ya'll were.

Nah, we'll still have Angelina Jolie, Jews, chunky white women.
I must tell all black people , that we are not benefitted by interracial marriages. From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks. The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to
watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's". Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter" , well like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages.
Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!

I beg to differ. Who's doing better, the blacks that are moving out to the suburbs and assimilating with whites or the blacks in the inner cities that are shooting each other and living off welfare?

I watched a PBS documentary on the LA riots and gangs last night. Part of the problem when blacks were lured to LA with jobs is that they were forced to live in black only areas. So jews, chinese, mexicans and arabs were able to assimilate with whites, but not blacks. And if you aren't with us, why would we invest in your communities? If you don't want anything to do with us, or if you are racist towards us, then you are no better than who we were in the past. We are slowly getting better. Are you?

Think about our grandparents. No way our parents would marry blacks. It was taboo. Then our parents were a little racist and we are less racist and our kids are even less racist. That's a good thing, stupid.

Our race relations get better and better the more blacks and whites live/marry/work together.

Blacks who only know blacks are more racist, just like whites who don't know blacks are usually the most racist. Its out of ignorance.

Now if the black community took pride in itself and created business' and jobs for themselves and they didn't need us, much like the Jewish people, then I could see that this is just black pride and this is just blacks wanting to preserve their race. Are you a black man or woman? How dare you guys who won't raise your own kids suggest that black women should stick with you when you won't stick by them. You are the reason your woman are leaving you.

But I don't think you have to worry about the black race going away. Just go into any black neighborhood in Detroit and you will realize that there is no risk of the black race dying out. I dated a black girl, and her 10 friends ridiculed her for dating outside of her race.

She didn't want to date the typical guys in her neighborhood. THey'd get her pregnant and then disappear, never to help raise or pay for the child they brought into this world.

So can you blame her for leaving the hood in search of a white guy who would treat her right?

There is no question that IN GENERAL, white men treat women much differently than black men do. We treat them better in most cases. We don't cheat as much. We won't go into prison. We don't have kids from a previous baby mamma.

Dude, I thought you were above the bigotry. What is the difference between hard-working blacks in the ghetto and hard-working blacks in the 'burbs? Which black communities do take pride in their neighborhoods? And what percentage of black men don't raise their children? And as for the girl you dated, how many black men from "the hood" got her pregnant and left her? How many baby daddies did she have that didn't take care of their kids? What is the percentage of white men cheating as opposed to black men cheating? Do white men not go to prison? And white men only have kids from one woman?

I hope you have the decency to answer those questions so you can understand your own bigoted statements. When you see black men on TV, I promise you that they don't depict the majority of black men. I expect it from 52nd....

This Bullshit about Blacks trying to move to the "White suburbs to assimilate with Whites"
is all part of the Brainwashing that a lot of misguded Blacks have allowed themselves to believe. There are all Black suburbs in Atlanta Georgia, with no White people!. So the argument that Blacks have to move next to White people in their suburbs is all false. fairy tale msiguded agenda. Blacks are not all killing each other in Black neighborhoods.Contrary to popular opinion.
This very idea that a unification on the basis of race will be the means by which society can or will develop along genuinely progressive lines is astonishingly backward. As if the lessons of modern history were written in an unrecognisable dialect. As if the lives and deaths of Martin Luthur King and Malcolm X were in vain.

The very notion that there is in nature such a thing as the 'pure race', which mustn't be diluted 'lest it lose its precious qualities' to the heathen outsiders that lurk in the neighbourhood yonder, where there be dragons and mermen, people of other races and things that go bump in the night is utterly fallacious.

There is little else but derision to offer when what I presume is an adult person exposes themselves with such a woefully painful set of primitive propositions on the World-Wide-Web, which scream out for an A - B - C guide to rudimentary logic, reason and ethical rectitude.

But in the interests of virtual race relations, let's go through the opening post line by line:

"I must tell all black people"
A leader steps forward! Someone to guide the huddled masses of African Americans to the promised land of racial purity!

"From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks."
I don't think so 52ndStreet. Isn't it the case that the slave owning fraternity and the state legislature outlawed interracial unions / marriages until as recently as 1967, when the final anti miscegenation laws were removed by the supreme court?

"The master used the "Brown" and "lighter to Yellow Skinned" blacks to watch the "Darker skinned, Field Negra's"."
If by light skinned blacks you refer to Interracials then you should know that a law was brought into practice known as hypodescent (the one drop rule) which assigned all interracials the subordinate status, nullifying their right to claim property etc. and designed to 'keep all things equal', that's to say maintain the divide between the races rather than encourage a hierarchy amongst the underclass in America's social dichotomy, even when distinction grew blurred under the old legal categorisation.

"Today , many Blacks are still "Brainwashed" ,into entering into these weird unions with Whites. The usual ploy used, is that "love is colorblind" or "Race doesn't matter""
Is there really any need 52ndStreet, to 'brainwash individuals into forming relationships with members of other racial groups? Isn't it enough that an attraction exists on a purely physical level, followed by the inevitable emotional and intellectual bonding which also occurs between same race couples? Does a man need first be brainwashed before he can appreciate the curves of a female physique or a woman before she is affected by a gentleman's dashing smile?

"like the book by Cornell West states, "Race Matters" , we as a Black people must stay clear of interracial mariages. Keep the "Black" in the Black Race.!!"

Ironically such a sentiment can only serve to bring about unease and division with the African American community given that most are in fact brown skinned and not 'black' in appearance. Are you unaware the term 'Black' is used as a political aggregate incorporating people of many distinct racial groups and skin complexions. To attempt a eugenical purge of those you deem 'not black enough' and therefore 'non beneficial' to the 'black race' would leave the existing aggregation a mere shadow of its former self numerically speaking.


Professor Robert Ritter, head of the Racial Hygiene Research Centre at the Reich Bureau for Health, collects racial data from soon to be exterminated Gypsies with the Help of the police (1938)
"From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks."
I don't think so 52ndStreet. Isn't it the case that the slave owning fraternity and the state legislature outlawed interracial unions / marriages until as recently as 1967, when the final anti miscegenation laws were removed by the supreme court?

Slave owners has neither desire nor need to marry their property before impregnating it.

Is there really any need 52ndStreet, to 'brainwash individuals into forming relationships with members of other racial groups? Isn't it enough that an attraction exists on a purely physical level, followed by the inevitable emotional and intellectual bonding which also occurs between same race couples? Does a man need first be brainwashed before he can appreciate the curves of a female physique or a woman before she is affected by a gentleman's dashing smile?

Quoted for truth. There is no race, there is only tribe-- and the man who questions my wife's honor or our childrens' place in our tribe on the basis of their skin had best be prepared to defend his own.
"From the days of slavery, race mixing was used as method to demoralize and destroy the pure racial stock Blacks."
I don't think so 52ndStreet. Isn't it the case that the slave owning fraternity and the state legislature outlawed interracial unions / marriages until as recently as 1967, when the final anti miscegenation laws were removed by the supreme court?

Slave owners has neither desire nor need to marry their property before impregnating it.

Is there really any need 52ndStreet, to 'brainwash individuals into forming relationships with members of other racial groups? Isn't it enough that an attraction exists on a purely physical level, followed by the inevitable emotional and intellectual bonding which also occurs between same race couples? Does a man need first be brainwashed before he can appreciate the curves of a female physique or a woman before she is affected by a gentleman's dashing smile?

Quoted for truth. There is no race, there is only tribe-- and the man who questions my wife's honor or our childrens' place in our tribe on the basis of their skin had best be prepared to defend his own.

Well Mr. Brainwashed Rat, there is such a thing as Race. And Race does matter.
As far as "impregnating Property", a lot of those slave masters were murdered by the
very black females that they raped during many a slave revolt. So , some blacks did not put up with the master impregnating the "Good Brown skin colored Girl", with out there being some serious consequences.

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