Internet ID for Americans


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "STANFORD, Calif.--President Obama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a forthcoming cybersecurity effort to create an Internet ID for Americans, a White House official said here today.

2. "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said

3. ... privacy and civil-liberties groups that have raised concerns in the past over the dual roles of police and intelligence agencies.

4. The Obama administration is currently drafting what it's calling the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace,...

5. "We are not talking about a national ID card," Locke said at the Stanford event. "We are not talking about a government-controlled system.

6. ...reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorize a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities."

7. Details about the "trusted identity" project are remarkably scarce.

8. ...anonymity and pseudonymity will remain possible on the Internet..."
Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans - Tech Talk - CBS News

Ya' know, it this was anybody else but Obama...I might not trust 'em...

But, it's I know everything will be on the up and up!
Both sides of the political spectrum need to get their paws off of the internet. It is the single biggest factror in changing the world today, and should be left as free as possible.

Now, if only I could convince you of the same principle for everything outside of the enumerated powers!
Short of having a fingerprint or retina scan entry module, I don't see how this could really work, and then it could still be fudged.

You might be surprised what even John Q Public can find out even now, given a little homework-

What Is My IP Address? Lookup IP, Hide IP, Change IP, Trace IP and more...

There really is no anonymity on the web if someone wants to know.

The question that I would like to see on the table is the efforts by this administration to incarnate the "Big Brother" of 1984...

"The Obama administration has announced a program asking everyone to spy on their neighbors. The call for an army of spies was announced in a White House’s internet site blog:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected]Why is anybody surprised at Obama's attempts at intimidating any dissent? During the campaign it was one of his favorite tactics:

•When a group called the American Issues Project launched an ad talking about the Illinois Senator's unexplained links to terrorist Bill Ayers. Then-Senator Obama has responded with his own ad which is fine but that's only half the story. He sent a letter to the DOJ asking for an investigation then pressured stations not to run the ad threatening them with letters to their advertisers etc.
•Radio Host John Batchelor reported that Obama even hired a Richard Nixon style "Plumbers Unit" to keep the Ayers story under wraps.

•When Gianna Jessen, a young woman who was born alive after a botched Abortion made a commercial against the Senator's Abortion position, Obama attacked her PERSONALLY as a liar.

•And there was the incident in Missouri- "St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign," said Blunt in a statement released today. "What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment." The statement came after the law enforcement officials pledged to form a "truth squad" to halt ads that, among other things, claimed Obama was not a Christian or that he was not planning to cut taxes on Americans other than the wealthy.

•The Obama campaign also "threatening" letters to several news agencies in Pennsylvania and Ohio demanding they stop airing ads exposing Obama's gun stance, according to the National Rifle Association.

• Lee County Shereff Mike Scott referred to the Candidate Obama as Barack HUSSEIN Obama and that led to his being investigated for ethics violations.
•"Joe the Plumber" had the nerve to stand on his driveway, and ask the future POTUS ONE QUESTION, the liberal media went after him. Even worse, someone started using state and law-enforcement computer systems to try to gather personal dirt about Joe. Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and a $2,500 contributor to the Obama campaign, ordered the smear probe on Joe.

This President plays hardball, he will do what ever he needs to, even to the extent of trampling on free speech, to achieve the change in the core American systems and values that he seeks. The intimidation of health care protesters will continue and even accelerate. Only by standing up for our beliefs and our right to express them, will we be able to defeat this battle to socialize our health care system. "

YID With LID: Obama's Call to "Spy On Your Neighbor" Was Totally In Character
Well they are already doing this;
Seizures of web sites by ICE and the DOJ without the protection of the 14th Amendment requirements of Due Process are becoming almost commonplace.
So why not more?
They don't give a rats ass about our constitution.
I have noticed since last year, that you can get all kinds of ideology and info on the Democrats,when you goggle, but very few and far between ideology or information on the repubs.
What a coincidence eh?
Well they are already doing this;
Seizures of web sites by ICE and the DOJ without the protection of the 14th Amendment requirements of Due Process are becoming almost commonplace.
So why not more?
They don't give a rats ass about our constitution.
I have noticed since last year, that you can get all kinds of ideology and info on the Democrats,when you goggle, but very few and far between ideology or information on the repubs.
What a coincidence eh?

And more:

"Homeland Security Is Monitoring The Drudge Report, The New York Times."
Homeland Security Is Monitoring The Drudge Report, The New York Times - Technology - The Atlantic Wire
I am sick and tired of big sister looking over my freekin shoulder :mad:

Obama Administration Unveils Internet ID Plan | Fox News

Like I need an ID for this purpose :cuckoo:

'The "identity ecosystem" will create secure online IDs for Americans who elect to join the program, giving them a single credential -- such as a unique piece of software on a smart phone, a smart card, or a token that generates a one-time digital password -- which they can use to log on to a variety of websites.'

There is this.... ' for Americans who elect to join'

Like they are really going to let ya opt out....

Well they are already doing this;
Seizures of web sites by ICE and the DOJ without the protection of the 14th Amendment requirements of Due Process are becoming almost commonplace.
So why not more?
They don't give a rats ass about our constitution.
I have noticed since last year, that you can get all kinds of ideology and info on the Democrats,when you goggle, but very few and far between ideology or information on the repubs.
What a coincidence eh?

Thought it was only me who was thinking this ..... I dont trust them.
And more:

"Homeland Security Is Monitoring The Drudge Report, The New York Times."
Homeland Security Is Monitoring The Drudge Report, The New York Times - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

This pisses me off....... and why the f**k are the liberals, progressives, or whatever the Hell they are calling themselves these days are OK with this????
Because Obama can do no wrong.

Right, USMB lefties?

When they first came out with "Easy Pass" (I thought it was a stool softener) some friends saw it as a way for Big Brother to know just where you were...
...imagine how they are going to feel about the gov knowing exactly who was criticizing 'em.

This pisses me off....... and why the f**k are the liberals, progressives, or whatever the Hell they are calling themselves these days are OK with this????
Because Obama can do no wrong.

Right, USMB lefties?

When they first came out with "Easy Pass" (I thought it was a stool softener) some friends saw it as a way for Big Brother to know just where you were...
...imagine how they are going to feel about the gov knowing exactly who was criticizing 'em.
What happened to the Left in this country? Don't trust anyone over 30. ESPECIALLY don't trust the government.

Now a small portion of the Left is hard at work using the government to screw us all over...with the blessing of the rest.
India is issuing all citizens biometric IDs. Are we next?

The operation will be run by the Unique Identification Authority, a new government department created specifically for the task of assigning every living Indian an exclusive number and gathering and electronically storing their personal details.

It is hoped that the operation, which is expected to cost at least £3 billion, will fight corruption but it could also be used to identify illegal immigrants and tackle terrorism.

Nandan Nilekani, who is in charge of the operation, called it a "humongous, mind-boggling challenge."

"But we have the opportunity to give every Indian citizen, for the first time, a unique identity. We can transform the country," he told The Times.

At present Indian citizens can be issued with up to 20 proofs of identity, including birth certificates, driving licences and ration cards, although none is accepted universally.

A computer chip in each card will contain personal data and proof of identity, such as fingerprint or iris scans. Criminal records and credit histories may also be included.

Mr Nilekani, who left Infosys, the outsourcing giant that he co-founded, to take up his new job, wants the cards to be linked to a “ubiquitous online database” accessible from anywhere.

India to issue all 1.2 billion citizens with biometric ID cards - Telegraph

I wonder . . . is that a fundamental transformation?
This isn't news. Something along this line has been in the pipeline for years, as well as the numerous other schemes to restrict the internet like abolishing net neutrality, SOPA and PIPA. They'll get away with something like this eventually, under the guise of cracking down on illegal activities such as child pornography. They already nabbed wiretapping rights under the Bush administration.

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