Interfering with US Elections


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad. LOL

If not for Trump to threaten everything that is leftist or leftism, then a foriegn nation could have walked right up to speak loudly of who they might support as the next president of these United States of America, otherwise in which they might end up having to deal with in the aftermath.

Trump changed their minds on anything they might have wanted to afford Trump in an election or before the election, and it was all because they fear him bigly plain and simple..
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
first, no one said it was the first time

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.
My God, how delusional can you be?

"Comprehensive," "multi pronged"? Are you shitting me.

If the WORST CASE scenarios are true, some Russians obtained and published (thru Wikileaks) un-edited, accurate copies of some emails by key democrats. No deception was involved. Truthful information was made public.


If the WORST is to be believed, a few people in the Trump campaign heard that some Russian people had "dirt" on Hillry Clinton, and they has a meeting to see if it was true.


There is no credible evidence whatsoever that even a single vote was impacted by this HUGE campaign by Vlad PUtin.

Are you people really that delusional? Or just pretending?
Democrat Voters also believe that the Democratic Party doesn't gerrymander.
It's because they are brainwashed fanatics.
Folks talk about this election being about experience or change. It's really about action and pragmatic solutions, about jobs, about destroying terror
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
first, no one said it was the first time

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

Meanwhile the Kenyan told illegals to vote, told them when they vote they become Americans....haha
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?

There's been strategic international "election meddling" by MOST major countries since AT LEAST WW2...

Spies in the Media

Modern Americans could also be forgiven for thinking the 2016 election was the first time a foreign country made an organized attempt to affect a stateside political outcome. But in fact, we've spent decades swimming in false stories spread by governments from Moscow to London (and, for that matter, Washington). Journalists have frequently served as those governments' partners in their propaganda and espionage efforts—sometimes unwittingly and other times with full intent.

Bits and pieces of this reality have emerged via news reports, particularly some 1970s stories by John Crewdson in The New York Times and Carl Bernstein in Rolling Stone. Last year, just before Thanksgiving, the Louisville Courier-Journal had an unusual scoop: One of its own reporters in the mid-1960s had been a full-time CIA officer, hired by a newsroom boss with full knowledge that his new city desk inkslinger had a secret identity. But nobody has pried as many horrifying, hilarious details out of Washington journalism's secret cloak-and-dagger side as Steven T. Usdin in his new book, Bureau of Spies: The Secret Connections Between Espionage and Journalism in Washington (Prometheus Books).

It turns out American reporters spied for the CIA. They spied for the Soviets. And they spied for the British—boy, did they spy for the British, helping them nudge us into World War II, unseat an isolationist congressman, and riddle the U.S. media with fake news.

Other well-known names in American journalism flirted with the KGB, sometimes without even knowing it. The relationship between reporter and source is peculiar and multidimensional—each side is, to some extent, extracting information from the other—and when the source is a spy, it can be extremely difficult to figure out who is getting the better of the deal.
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
first, no one said it was the first time

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

Oh God not you also who was tricked into voting for Trump because of funny Russian memes..

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

the effect of those juvenile ads on FBook and other social media PALLS in comparison to the effect of the PROFESSIONAL Russian disinformation that was passed off in the Steele Dossier.. We're STILL arguing about all that today and THAT'S what Putin wanted in the 1st place..

. Nobody can remember those $1.50 Russian troll ads -- but the POS phony dossier is in the NEWS almost every day and on multiple threads per week on USMB..

And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

the effect of those juvenile ads on FBook and other social media PALLS in comparison to the effect of the PROFESSIONAL Russian disinformation that was passed off in the Steele Dossier.. We're STILL arguing about all that today and THAT'S what Putin wanted in the 1st place..

. Nobody can remember those $1.50 Russian troll ads -- but the POS phony dossier is in the NEWS almost every day and on multiple threads per week on USMB..

And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
FlaCal, the Russian Trolls, bots and ads, etc, on facebook alone, reached over 120 million people.... that ain't a small number... several hundred million on instagram and twitter as well...

so, I really do not know where you are coming from with this....?

Do you need links, on all that was done with those ads and disinformation forwarded, retweeted, liked, etc?
second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

the effect of those juvenile ads on FBook and other social media PALLS in comparison to the effect of the PROFESSIONAL Russian disinformation that was passed off in the Steele Dossier.. We're STILL arguing about all that today and THAT'S what Putin wanted in the 1st place..

. Nobody can remember those $1.50 Russian troll ads -- but the POS phony dossier is in the NEWS almost every day and on multiple threads per week on USMB..

And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
FlaCal, the Russian Trolls, bots and ads, etc, on facebook alone, reached over 120 million people.... that ain't a small number... several hundred million on instagram and twitter as well...

so, I really do not know where you are coming from with this....?

Do you need links, on all that was done with those ads and disinformation forwarded, retweeted, liked, etc?
And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
Was there a candidate and candidate's campaign that welcomed, sought out, and used the foreign nation's help?
FlaCal, the Russian Trolls, bots and ads, etc, on facebook alone, reached over 120 million people.... that ain't a small number... several hundred million on instagram and twitter as well...

Each of those ads had about 12 clicks on them.. The fact they were THERE is not that important.. Just like the "Women spends 3 years converting an old bus into a home" clickbait ad I'm looking at right now..

I perused the summary of 100s of those juvenile ads, some calling for demonstrations that drew 2 or 3 clicks.. And pictures of Hillary as a witch are effective on FB as they are on USMB...

Again, the impact of PHONY Russian disinformation from the peddling and marketing and arguing over the STEELE DOSSIER is a million times more effective than that $10,000 total expenditure by trolls..

If 4 people click on "Join an Anti-Hillary Rally" ad -- how many people do you think it drew onto the streets.. How much NETWORK AIR time did it get?

There's no comparison.. Putin thanks Fusion GPS, the Hillary Campaign, the conspirators at the FBI, DNI Clapper for dressing it up as an "official" INTEL REPORTl, the majority of the American Media and Last but not LEAST -- YOU --- for keeping this propaganda operation alive...
And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
Was there a candidate and candidate's campaign that welcomed, sought out, and used the foreign nation's help?

There were MANY candidates smeared and pounded with Fake news by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE in order to keep adamant isolationists away from power prior to our entry into WW2... And the Soviet Union political interference campaign was in EVERY briefing I got with new clearances back in the 80s...

You miss the important point.. Russia or the Soviet Union never really CARED about candidates.. Their goal is to destroy confidence in our political system and have us fighting each in constant conflict.. They've meddled in Race Relations in the USA as well - hoping to start race wars...

So immediately AFTER the election, those sad little trolls with the tiny budgets started organizing Anti-Trump rallies.... Or do forget this part of this so you don't have to believe what I just told you???
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?

There's been strategic international "election meddling" by MOST major countries since AT LEAST WW2...

Spies in the Media

Modern Americans could also be forgiven for thinking the 2016 election was the first time a foreign country made an organized attempt to affect a stateside political outcome. But in fact, we've spent decades swimming in false stories spread by governments from Moscow to London (and, for that matter, Washington). Journalists have frequently served as those governments' partners in their propaganda and espionage efforts—sometimes unwittingly and other times with full intent.

Bits and pieces of this reality have emerged via news reports, particularly some 1970s stories by John Crewdson in The New York Times and Carl Bernstein in Rolling Stone. Last year, just before Thanksgiving, the Louisville Courier-Journal had an unusual scoop: One of its own reporters in the mid-1960s had been a full-time CIA officer, hired by a newsroom boss with full knowledge that his new city desk inkslinger had a secret identity. But nobody has pried as many horrifying, hilarious details out of Washington journalism's secret cloak-and-dagger side as Steven T. Usdin in his new book, Bureau of Spies: The Secret Connections Between Espionage and Journalism in Washington (Prometheus Books).

It turns out American reporters spied for the CIA. They spied for the Soviets. And they spied for the British—boy, did they spy for the British, helping them nudge us into World War II, unseat an isolationist congressman, and riddle the U.S. media with fake news.

Other well-known names in American journalism flirted with the KGB, sometimes without even knowing it. The relationship between reporter and source is peculiar and multidimensional—each side is, to some extent, extracting information from the other—and when the source is a spy, it can be extremely difficult to figure out who is getting the better of the deal.
just read your
interesting article, and not surprising to me!
And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
Was there a candidate and candidate's campaign that welcomed, sought out, and used the foreign nation's help?

There were MANY candidates smeared and pounded with Fake news by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE in order to keep adamant isolationists away from power prior to our entry into WW2... And the Soviet Union political interference campaign was in EVERY briefing I got with new clearances back in the 80s...

You miss the important point.. Russia or the Soviet Union never really CARED about candidates.. Their goal is to destroy confidence in our political system and have us fighting each in constant conflict.. They've meddled in Race Relations in the USA as well - hoping to start race wars...

So immediately AFTER the election, those sad little trolls with the tiny budgets started organizing Anti-Trump rallies.... Or do forget this part of this so you don't have to believe what I just told you???

- normally it is to sow distrust in our elections, but this time it was also to support the election of DJT too... putin said so, in Helsinki press conference.

-the IRA, the internet research agency, sometimes called the Russian troll farm had a budget of nearly $1.3 million a month, and over 300 workers

By September 2016, two months before the U.S. presidential election, the Internet Research Agency was working with an overall monthly budget that reached over $1.25 million. It employed hundreds of employees, a graphics department, a data analysis department, a search-engine optimization department, an IT department and a finance department, according to an indictment filed last year by Mueller's team.

FACT CHECK: Russian Interference Went Far Beyond 'Facebook Ads' Kushner Described

Oh, and just found the Russian instagram reach, was 176 million, on top of facebook reach mentioned.

Instagram takes spotlight in new Russian interference report
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
first, no one said it was the first time

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

Hillary Clinton.
And you have to presume that the internal Trump polling data, given to Kilimnik by Manafort, several times during the campaign was passed onward to the Russians, why else give it to Kilimnik?

Rick Gates, Manafort's assistant that has been singing like a Canary, also said they discussed specifically, the 3 Democratic states that Candidate Trump mysteriously won, internal Trump polling data with Kilimnik as well.

The only reason Manafort could not be charged with Conspiracy, is because the Special Counsel could not establish, what Kilimnik and the Russians did with the polling data without access to their computers and interrogations of the men at the ukraine/russia end.
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